英语人>词典>汉英 : 游泳足 的英文翻译,例句
游泳足 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

pedes natatorii · swimming foot
更多网络例句与游泳足相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Swimming biological spices is 108 kinds, including fish 89 kinds, accounting for the number of 82.41 % swimming species, shrimp 15 kinds, accounting for the number of 13.89%, rarely cephalopod, only 4 kinds, accounting for the number of 3.70%. They just appear in March, October and November in the southern waters through the evaluation.


The results showed that there were 131 species of necton belonging to 91 genus, 60 families, 16 orders in the waters, among them, fish 89, crustacean 34, cephalopoda 8. The necton mostly belonged to the fauna of Indian-Pacific.


The catch rates of necton presented seasonal variation obviously, being more in autumn16.91 kg.h-1) than in winter(10.82 kg.h-1). According to the catch rates, the fish were the most, followed by crustacean and cephalopoda in both seasons.

游泳生物渔获率呈现明显的季节变动,秋季渔获率(16.91 kg.h-1)高于冬季(10.82 kg.h-1)。2季调查渔获率鱼类最多,其后依次为甲壳类、头足类。

Minute free-swimming freshwater copepod having a large median eye and pear-shaped body and long antennae used in swimming; important in some food chains and as intermediate hosts of parasitic worms that affect man e.g.


Stiff hairs on the forelegs, and very broad front feet, help the bear swim.


This paper is mainly comprised of two components:preparation of models of rats suffering from deficiency of spleen Yang;comparison of the pharmacodynamics impacts of different Lizhong Pills formulations made up by dried ginger or its different components in Lizhong Pills to the different groups of the models.1 Establish the model of deficiency of spleen YANG induced by " cypsum fibrosum and anemarrhenae " with complex factors1.1 ObjectivesWith using heat-clearing and fire-purging drug cypsum fibrosum and anemarrhenae,insteading of the common usage of rhubarb and folium sennae,accompanied with irregular diet and overstrained,the model of deficiency of spleen-YANG is to be established,which is much close to the pathopoiesis theory of " frigidity and chilly damaging yang,irregular diet injuring qi,overstrain impairing the spleen" in TCM.1.2 MethodsModel rats is fully fed every other day,given the molding drug of cypsum fibrosum -anemarrhenae(concentration 4:1) with 3 different frequency,and arranged to swim everyday in 25℃water until exhausted(performing as spitting bubble 3 times continuously or sinking unable to float by itself).


Dinomastigota A phylum of the Protoctista containing mainly single-celled marine or freshwater algae that swim in a twirling mannerly by means of two UNDULIPODIA that lie at right angles to each other in two grooves within the organism ' s often stiffened by cellulose plates under the cell membrane.


Disease shrimp appendages become red ,especially the swimmeret is the most obvious.


In the experiment, Fenneropenaeus chinensis brooders infected by WSSV were exposed to different water temperatures and the mortalities were recorded over a period of 20 days.


In addition, it should be noted in swimming before the baby feed睡足, swimming is physical power, he is hungry will cry; Dai beach in the circle, we must note that some laps with long aging hard edge , your baby will cry uncomfortable wearing ring before hand to check all the inner ring; sometimes lap swimming wear well, because the baby will be uncomfortable而哭; temperature unsuitable he would cry.


更多网络解释与游泳足相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


背肢和腹肢内各有一起支撑作用的足刺(aciculum)背肢有一束刚毛,膜肢有2束刚毛. 刚毛有分节与不分节之分,形态各异. 疣足划动可游泳有运动功能. 疣足内密布微血管网,可进行气体交换. 比较原始的环节动物其排泄器官仍为原肾管,


这种腹足是肉质的,并不分节,可以伸缩,尖端平板状排列着,许多趾钩(crochet),附着于步行面. 最后(腹部第10节)的腹足特别粗壮而有力,形状亦与其他的不同,故称臀足(clasper)以资区别. 甲壳纲则每个体节原则上有1对腹足成为扁平、叶状、两叉型的游泳足,


二、海洋游泳生物(nekton) 该类群生物在水层中能克服水流阻力,自由游动,它们具有发达的运动器官,是海洋生物的一个重要生态类群. 这类生物是由鱼类、哺乳动物、头足类和甲壳动物的一些种类,以及爬行类组成的.

pectinate antenna:栉形触角

果胶酸钙 pectate calcium | 栉形触角 pectinate antenna | 游泳足 pedes natatorii

pedes natatorii:游泳足

栉形触角 pectinate antenna | 游泳足 pedes natatorii | 花梗 pedicel


所有磷虾均有五条游泳的足称为[[腹肢]](pleopod)或「游泳足」(swimmerets),与一般的淡水龙虾很相似. 成年的磷虾大多长约1至2公分,而一些磷虾的物种可长达6至15公分. 磷虾可被轻易从其他甲壳亚门动物中区别出来,

pleopod:(甲壳动物的)腹肢, 游泳足

buoyancy force 浮力 | pleopod (甲壳动物的)腹肢, 游泳足 | potato tube 马铃薯块茎


swimmer''s shoulder 游泳运动员肩 | swimmeret 游泳足 | swimming beach 游泳场,海滨游泳场


钩虾(gammarid)是端足目(Amphipoda)钩虾科(Gammaridae)甲壳动物. 为本目约80个科中最大的一科. 有时指钩虾属(Gammarus)而言. 具端足类的基本体型,体两侧扁平,胸部有7对步足(前两对通常较大),腹肢6对,前3对用於游泳,後3对用於在硬物上行动.


pleistophora sp. 新管小孢子虫 | pleopods 游泳肢;游足 | pleurosigma sp. 廉刀形矽藻