英语人>词典>汉英 : 游动孢子囊 的英文翻译,例句
游动孢子囊 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与游动孢子囊相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The pathogen causing lily blights was isolated from diseased lily with typical symptoms on basal stem. The pathogen was identified as Phytophthora nicotianae van Brede de Haan according to the characteristics of mycelium, chlamydospore, zoosporangium, oospore and the test of pathogenicity of the pathogen.

从具典型症状的新鲜百合疫病植株茎基部病组织中分离到百合疫霉菌,根据其病原菌菌丝的形态、菌落特征,厚垣孢子、游动孢子囊和卵孢子的形态和大小,以及病原菌致病性测定,该病原菌鉴定为烟草疫霉 Phytophthora nicotianae van Brede de Haan。

ZNQ-0317 is synthesized by China Agriculture University. In this research, the inhibitive range was determined, and the effect of ZNQ-0317 to mycelium growth, sporangium produce, the release of zoospores from sporangia and cystospore germination was determined. The mode of action and residual activity was determined on green house tests. The mechanism of action of ZNQ-0317 was simply discussed.


The temperature for pathogen sporangium to germinate and to release moving spore is 5~35oC,the optimum temperature is 10~20oC.Under suitable temperature, the sporangium germinate and release moving spore within 2 hours, water film is the essential for sporangi...


The results showed that the effective concentration (EC50) values of AAE against mycelium growth, zoospore release and cystospore germination were 1.91 mg/mL, 1.23 mg/mL and 1.04 mg/mL respectively.


The inhibitory effect of AAE against sporangia germination was 72.89% at the concentration 10.00 mg/mL.


Sensitivity experiments showed that mycelial growth of the pathogen was affected by azoxystrobin,with a mean EC50as 0.964 9 μg/mL,ranging from 0.142 8 μg/mL to 1.950 9 μg/mL,and sporangial formation was affected by the fungicide to a greater extent,with a mean EC50as 0.023 9 μg/mL,ranging from 0.001 0 μg/mL to 0.084 4 μg/mL.


It is hard for Phytophthora nicotianae to produce chlamydospores, zoosporangiums and oospores under normal culture conditions.


更多网络解释与游动孢子囊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

unilocular sporangium:单室孢子囊

孢子囊有单室的和多室的两种,单室孢子囊(unilocular sporangium)是一个细胞增大形成的,细胞核经减数分裂,形成 128 个具侧生双鞭毛的游动孢子;多室孢子囊(plurilocular sporangium)是由一个细胞经过多次分裂,形成一个细长的多细胞组织,

plurilocular sporangium:多室孢子囊

在网地藻属(Dictyota)的单室孢子囊中,形成4个静孢子;多室孢子囊(plurilocular sporangium)是由1个细胞经过多次分裂,形成1个细长的多细胞组织,每个小立方形细胞发育成1个侧生双鞭毛的游动孢子,此种孢子囊发生在二倍体的藻体上,形成孢子时不经过减数分裂,


红藻类的繁殖有营养繁殖、无性繁殖和有性生殖三种方式. 生殖过程中没有游动细胞. 无性繁殖由单孢子囊(monosporangium)产生单孢子(monospore),或由四分孢子囊(tetrasporangium)产生四分孢子(tetraspore). 有性生殖为卵配.


1.无性繁殖(asexual reproduction) 无性繁殖是指营养体不经过核配和减数分裂产生后代个体的繁殖. 它的基本特征是营养繁殖通常直接由菌丝分化产生无性孢子. 常见的无性孢子有三种类型:(1)游动孢子(zoospore):形成于游动孢子囊(zoosporangium)内. 游动孢子囊由菌丝或孢囊梗顶端膨大而成.


zoospermatic 精虫的 | zoosporangium 游动的孢子囊 | zoospore 游走孢子


游动精子 zoosperm | 游孢子囊 zoosporangium | 游动孢子;游胞子 zoospore;planospore;swarmspore

zoosporangium stem:游动孢子囊茎

zoosporangium 游动孢子囊 | zoosporangium stem 游动孢子囊茎 | zoospore 游动孢子

nested zoosporangium:叠生游动孢子囊

nest box 巢箱 | nested zoosporangium 叠生游动孢子囊 | net assimilation 净同化


(1)游动孢子(zoospore):形成于游动孢子囊(zoosporangium)内. 游动孢子囊由菌丝或孢囊梗顶端膨大而成. 游动孢子无细胞壁,具1-2根鞭毛,释放后能在水中游动. (3)分生孢子(conidium)产生于由菌丝分化而形成的分生泡子梗(conidiophore)上,


pressure conduit 水压管道 | zoosporocyst 游动孢子囊 | calamine violet [采矿]锌矿指示植物