英语人>词典>汉英 : 温驯的 的英文翻译,例句
温驯的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与温驯的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For when Philippe, with his snapping eyes and his wild ways, left Savannah forever, he took with him the glow that was in Ellen's heart and left for the bandy-legged little Irishman who married her only a gentle shell.


Since TAME boils at 86 C and the hexyl ethers have an even higher boiling point, the ether products can the separated from the light FCC gasoline reffinate in the reactor fractionator used in the TAME process.

因为温驯的煮沸在86 C 和己基的以太有更高的沸点,以太产品装于罐中被分离从光FCC 汽油reffinate 在反应器fractionator 被使用在温驯的过程。

Meat from such gentle beings that have been tortured since birth, that are nutritionally deficient through and through.


But the supervisor there makes mine look like a pussycat.


And your reindeer armies, are all going home


While I stood there pondering their curious tameness, the western mountains were darkening fast, and above them the sunst was stealing the last color from the land.


Nothing but a turd in the herd.


It is foolish to spur on a willing horse.


Not all chows are aggressive, not all cockers have a nervous tendency to bite and not all retrievers are gentle, but generalizations about breed temperament often hold true, at least to some extent.


The sunlight gives just about the right warmth, never too warm; the wind's breath is tame, more so because it is blown through those flowery mountain forests, it brings a distant fragrance, together with a slice of damp vapour air, caresses your face, softly engirds your waist, merely taking a simple breath is already an immense delight; the air is always so clear, no smoke of dwellings in any nearby valleys, not a shred of cloud in the faraway mountains, the totality of this beautiful sight is like a picture unfolding before your eyes, for you to enjoy and appreciate at leisure.


更多网络解释与温驯的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


division board 闸板 | docile 温驯的 | dominant 显性的

For fear of sth:唯恐

54) Obedient 驯服的,温驯的 | 55) For fear of sth 唯恐=for fear that | 56) Overlook 漏看、错过

intransigent - open to compromise:顽固的 - 妥协的

357. intractable 不温驯的 - ? | 358. intransigent - open to compromise 顽固的 - 妥协的 | 359. inveigle - request directly 诱拐 - 直接要求

lambkin:小羊; 乖乖; 好孩子 (名)

lambert 朗伯 (名) | lambkin 小羊; 乖乖; 好孩子 (名) | lamblike 小羊似的; 温驯的 (形)

perspicuous - dull:颖悟的 - 笨的

452. peripatetic - rooted 在周围走来走去的 - 固定的 | 453. perspicuous - dull 颖悟的 - 笨的 | 454. pertinacious - tractable 固执的 - 温驯的

pertinacious - tractable:固执的 - 温驯的

453. perspicuous - dull 颖悟的 - 笨的 | 454. pertinacious - tractable 固执的 - 温驯的 | 455. pervasive 弥漫的 - ?

Silent and resigned:沉默且温驯

think of me waking, 想想醒着的我 | silent and resigned. 沉默且温驯 | Imagine me, 想像我

Sleep in heavenly peace:天赐安眠

Holy Infant, so tender and mild, 多麼柔顺温驯的圣婴, | Sleep in heavenly peace, 天赐安眠, | Sleep in heavenly peace. 天赐安眠.

lamblike:小羊似的; 温驯的 (形)

lambkin 小羊; 乖乖; 好孩子 (名) | lamblike 小羊似的; 温驯的 (形) | Lamborghini 豪华意大利跑车牌子 (名)

Blown to bits these plastic people:雷鸣会把地下的温驯者

Underground?炸成碎片? | Blown to bits these plastic people 雷鸣会把地下的温驯者 | Underground?炸成碎片?