英语人>词典>汉英 : 渗流 的英文翻译,例句
渗流 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
seep  ·  seepage  ·  seeped  ·  seeping  ·  seeps

interstifial flow
更多网络例句与渗流相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the explore in water seepage mechanism of highway engineering, at the foundation of author's and other people's research, the author study the groundwater seepage and infiltration of rain and water with the groundwater dynamics, the rock mechanics ,the soil mechanics, the hydrologic geology, the engineering geology, the agrology.


Furthermore, as stresses in the stress field influence the value of seepage coefficient k, which will results in the change of seepage field in the end, while on the other hand, the seepage field also has an effect on the stress field because of seepage forces. Based on the coupling model of seepage field and stress field, a program by finite element method is developed in this paper. And the comparison of results of the program and criterion method with that of test shows that the test results are reasonable, which can be referred to analyze the causes of dangers, evaluate degree of safety of the body and foundation, and design and optimize the measures of seepage control.


The results show that the existing of fractures has influence on percolation flow characteristics of low permeability reservoir.


Seepage velocity smoothly change from a steady value to a new steady value, the ratio of the new steady value over the original steady value might increase hundreds of thousand times or even more, but it is always finite.(3)Water-inrush goes with the failure of rock strata, but seepage velocity can not increase unendingly, so seepage flow cant be unstable.


The model is used to count several engineering example.Comparing the 2D numerical results with electrical simulations,it is proved that the seepage model can count the seepage surface and the location of search results in dam well and truly.Comparing 3D results with 2D results at close section,the results are tally well except the difference of meshes and the interceptive position of section.So the model is credible and has upper practicality value.In the projects,the spending of account is increasing because of the bigger account field.


At many case of bank foundation, such as the case of upper strongness and lower weakness, strong permeable foundation of dyke, strong permeable foundation of dyke containing low penetrability soft intercalation and the dyke foundation by alternation of low and strong penetrability layer, the appropriate condition of various upright seepage prevention measure (whole cut-off wall, half cut-off wall and hanging cut-off wall) and the optimization of seepage prevention measure are analyzed.


At the super-low permeable reservior sandstone of Fu and Yang in Daqing Oilfield, many pore throats exist a lot in the types of compacted and restored flakes and curved lamellas while the pore volume of micropore and the thin, compacted and shrunken throat that contribute little to flow take large scale in the total pore space. Thereof high filtrational resistance is caused by much trouble including high content of reservoir shale, serious sensibility to pressure at waterflooding, remarkable effects of undersaturation and water blocks in micropore. A method with laboratory experiment, theoretical confirmation and field application included was adopted to analyze the non-linear flow characteristics, to reveal the deep mechanism of pinhole enveloping macropore and to provide a new technology of improving the development effect. The outcomes aquired are as follows: Multiple cores with different low and super-low permeability were selected to perform seepage experiments by gas, water and oil. Three fields of flow were observed in the reservoir at different low and super-low core permeability. They are pseudo- elastic flow, transition flow and plastic creep flow. So the concept that there was no correlation of rocky absolute permeability with fluid properties that pasted itself was broken up. Two-phase seepage of water displacing oil in uniform super-low permeability shows that the two-phase seepage zone is narrow.


In order to illustrate the phenomena occurred in the technological experiments, the infiltration dynamics of liquid aluminum into porous media was simulated in accordance with the laws of similitude. The results show that (1) the relation between the displacement of infiltration front and the advancing time is 〓;(2) the pressure of infiltration changes with time according to 〓;(3) the distribution of pressure in the direction of infiltration length is P=a〓+b〓L.(4) the change of temperature or viscosity of molten aluminum affects infiltration velocity in fillers of diameter in the range of 1. 5~5. 5mm very little, but this velocity in fillers of diameter 0.5mm is reduced with the decrease of AL temperature.


A new implicit pressure calculation method and relevant percolation rule are introduced taking account of the advantages of methods suggested by King, Sorbie and Stenby. Simulation methods for various boundary conditions (fixed pressure or fixed flow rate) and well pattern (line drive, five-spot pattern) are presented.


In this way, the simulation of actualseepage fields in complicated site and construction conditions were made in order tohave a deep view of the general rules of seepages in earth dam, and illuminate laws ofmain physical quantities.


更多网络解释与渗流相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sand boiling:渗透性和渗流砂沸

渗透性和渗流流网 flow net | 渗透性和渗流砂沸sand boiling | 渗透性和渗流渗流seepage

flowing soil:渗透性和渗流流土

渗透性和渗流流函数flow function | 渗透性和渗流流土flowing soil | 渗透性和渗流流网 flow net

potential function:渗透性和渗流势函数

渗透性和渗流渗透性permeability | 渗透性和渗流势函数potential function | 渗透性和渗流水力梯度hydraulic gradient


第十章渗流(seepage) 一,概述 渗流: 渗流:流体在孔隙介质中的流动称为渗流 孔隙介质:含有许多孔隙或裂隙的物质称为孔隙介质. 孔隙介质:含有许多孔隙或裂隙的物质称为孔隙介质. 地下水运动 : 在地面以下的土壤或岩石中的渗流又称为 地下水运动.

seepage force:渗流力

江岸崩塌滑坡 江西省江新洲 洲头北侧蹋岸 一,渗流力(Seepage force) 土颗粒对水流的阻力为 F = γ w hA 总渗透力为渗透水流作用在土颗粒 上的力,大小为 J = F = γ w hA 渗流作用于土骨架单位体积上的力(单位体积 渗流力)为 J γ w hA = γ wi ;

seepage velocity:渗透性和渗流渗流速度

渗透性和渗流渗流量seepage discharge | 渗透性和渗流渗流速度seepage velocity | 渗透性和渗流渗透力seepage force

seepage pressure:渗流压力

seepage loss 渗流损失 | seepage pressure 渗流压力 | seepage velocity 渗流速度

electroendosmotic flow marker:电渗流标记物

渗流 electroendosmotic flow | 电渗流标记物 electroendosmotic flow marker | 电渗流淌度 electroendosmotic mobility

electroosmotic flow:电渗流

至于渗流导电应该就是电渗流(electroosmotic flow)的意思吧,电渗流是指土壤表面双电层中带有与土壤表面电荷相反的水分子层在电场作用下将发生与土壤表面的滑动而向两极迁移的现象.

phreatic line:渗透性和渗流浸润线

渗透性和渗流管涌piping | 渗透性和渗流浸润线phreatic line | 渗透性和渗流临界水力梯度critical hydraulic gradient