英语人>词典>汉英 : 渊源人 的英文翻译,例句
渊源人 的英文翻译、例句


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The anthropomorphism of Greek mythology, of which the source is perhaps the Near East, was brought to perfection by the Greeks because of their rationalism, humanism, aesthetic taste and their secularized religion.


The legend usually involves a grateful Chinese mandarin whose son was rescued from drowning by one of Lord Grey's men, although this blend of tea was first made from fermented black Indian and "Ceylonese" teas.Green tae is much more popular in China than black.


The social crisis, the violence and terror of Fascism and Stalinism, the technical rationality and human's disassimilation, the current thought and the transformation of philosophy paradigm, those constitute social background of Camus' Existentialism.


Economy determines ethic only in the final analysis and if we make economy as the ethical starting-point it will inevitably get rid of the humanity nature of ethics and make the subject free of moral responsibility and bring about economical conciliarism. Although convention has same origins as ethics in etymon, content and function, it's difficult for it to qualify as the ethical starting-point for it lacks the spiritual essence that ethics has. Religious love-knot of ethics is just an artificial ultimate hypothesis of the rationality of value, but the religion's nature of inversion of man and God make it unable to be the ethical starting-point.


Economy determines ethic only in the final analysis and if we make economy as the ethical starting-point it will inevitably get rid of the humanity nature of ethics ethic and make the subject free of moral responsibility and bring about economical conciliarism. Although convention has the same origins as ethics ethic in etymon, content and function, it ' s difficult for it to qualify be qualified as the ethical starting-point for it lacks the spiritual essence that ethics ethic has. Religious love-knot of ethics ethic is just an artificial ultimate hypothesis of the rationality of value, but and the religion ' s nature of inversion of man and God make it unable to be the ethical starting-point.


The last chapter of the dissertation deals specifically with linguistic ideas of Confucius, to be detailed, his ideas about teaching, the world, customs, literature, and language, and his own speech. Confucius' ideas of benevolence, reticence, rightfulness,"gaudiness of language should be avoided","poems are necessary for speech","ideas should be expressed in words, and words should be rhetorical"are theoretically discussed. It is revealed that linguistic ideas of Confucius and Zhou culture are related.


In the New Testament, the Gospel According to Saint John gives a central place to logos; the biblical author describes the Logos as God, the Creative Word, who took on flesh in the man Jesus Christ. Many have traced John's conception to Greek origins - perhaps through the intermediacy of eclectic texts like the writings of Philo of Alexandria.


The same as Chinese porcelain or the integration of the Japanese people and their sado, whisky is the tradition of the Scots! Whisky has been known as the "Water of Life" in Scotland, for it has become an indispensable part in the people's lives.


17Th century, the European immigrates when the new continent inputs North America, and had found the broad development space in the North America mainland, thereupon, puritanism culture then disassimilation for US'S Caucasian culture This kind of culture played the vital role in the America nationality forming process, the American mainstream values origin has all been possible to go upstream to North America colonizes a time series world the puritanism belief Based on the puritanism culture, the American while successfully has created new continent, constructed constructs uniquely its has filled the vitality the American culture, in which is seeping 创业者 going all out, optimistic was upward and the attenion actual effect spirit, this was "the American spirit".


Believed by most to be descendants of the original Indo-Aryan invaders mixed with the later Sakae and Kushans, the Jats have been amongst the oldest of the natives to Sindh.


更多网络解释与渊源人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


严格而论,任公与杨度这套从历史渊源以证满汉同为中国的说词,其实都是把现代国家观念强加之于传统的皇朝体制,其不足餍服人心,抑且贻人"时代错乱" (anachronism)之讥,固所不免.


美国和英语并非唯一发出公开邀请的国家和语言. 而乐于接受这种邀请的人很多,尤其是当他们事实上不需要因此而否认其渊源时. 在19世纪大半时期,"同化"(assimilation)绝不是一个坏字眼,它是许多人想要做到的一件事,尤其是那些想要加入中产阶级的人.


11)所说的法律的四个渊源--即立法、判例、衡平(equity)和习俗--来说,除立法外,衡平法显然也主要诉诸于人的理性推理和道德心(conscience). 由于判例法的发展像哈耶克(1973,p. 88)所说的那样在某些方面是一种单行道,


Aiel这个词在古代语中是奉献(dedicate)的意思. 在遥远的传说之纪元里,艾尔人是作为艾斯.瑟岱伊和绿人一族的助手,全心致力于自然作物的生长耕种中. 那时的艾尔人,生性平和,所居之处如同绿人的花园一样生机勃勃. 正是有这层和艾斯.瑟岱伊的渊源,


首先,从片名,也即主角所属种族命名的渊源,来自胜东震那国(China)熟习到不放在眼中的友邻国--天竺(india)的语言和神话;人设,甚至剧情,不仅有天竺神话,还让人连想起全球知名游戏系列>中的暗夜精灵(Night Elf);


值得一提的是琼斯的父亲伊沃(Ivor)和叔叔布林(Bryn)都曾是威尔士的国脚,可谓家学渊源. 这名勇敢的威尔士人有着出众的速度、技巧以及头球能力--这就是为什么1962年尤文图斯会对其开出100,000英镑的天价(相当于今天的千万级交易).


它认为法律是以渊源为基础的法律以及那些被以渊源为基础的法律识别(recognise)为有效的标准. 那些主张自己有权力颁布规则的人的支持是一条规则成为法律的先决条件. 因此,"法律对权威的主张"表面上看来与包容论是一致的.


太阳在天蝎座时,武仙座(Hercules)升起,该星座古希腊人称为鹿(stag),古罗马人把它与赫拉克勒斯联系起来. 而其附近又有天箭座(Sagitta),箭头正对着武仙座的那头鹿. 传说该箭乃阿尔忒弥斯所有. 实际上整个天蝎座星区都与猎神有很大渊源.


首先,从片名,也即主角所属种族命名的渊源,来自胜东震那国(China)熟习到不放在眼中的友邻国--天竺(india)的语言和神话;人设,甚至剧情,不仅有天竺神话,还让人连想起全球知名游戏系列<<魔兽>>中的暗夜精灵(Night Elf);


阿班提斯现在使用的方式,并不像很多人所想那样,渊源于模仿阿拉伯人(Arabians)或迈西亚人(Mysians) . 只是这些人都是黩武好战的民族,经常实施近身搏斗,比起其他所有的民族更习惯于一对一的白刃战,