英语人>词典>汉英 : 清脆地 的英文翻译,例句
清脆地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Once there was a dog who liked to grab and bite others without any reason.so,every hosts of he host thought it was such a troublemaker.therefore,his host encircled his neck with a bell in order to warn others his coming.the dog felt so proud of it that he walked around conceitedly and made the bell ring to show off satisfiedly.howerer,an elder dog came to him and said :stop attitudinizing ,my dear friend.you think the bell is an award for your contribution,don't you?


I hear a flamingo fluting in my ear.


Green turf sloped down to either edge, brown snaky tree-roots gleamed below the surface of the quiet water, while ahead of them the silvery shoulder and foamy tumble of a weir, arm-in-arm with a restless dripping mill-wheel, that held up in its turn a grey-gabled mill-house, filled the air with a soothing murmur of sound, dull and smothery, yet with little clear voices speaking up cheerfully out of it at intervals.


Among the tweedle of hundreds of birds, a group of supernatural wood-fairies appears, far and near, fixating you as if stealing the long forgotten secrets from your eyes.


Indeed, the snappily titled there Goes One of The Creeps That Hassled My Girlfriend?


TV drama suddenly hear a crisp tone is a difficult emotion to capture the tone and gently shake it up.


He spoke with an unusual clipped accent that sounded aristocratic to me, told me he wanted to be a writer, and regaled me with Kennedy tales.


The dog was very proud of the bell, and strutted about tingling it with immense satisfaction.


The clock told the hour with two bell strokes like two drops of glass.


The unveiling layers, the eyeful is the green CangCuiYuDi beauties of spring, everything XinYu impression, the bamboo after more forceful and graceful underfoot branches of the willows hang out soft and tender, and the golden horn in the branches birds play or buy out his voice, and the sound butterflies is probably tired, they stopped in white flowers, perhaps is strawberry and share it in ChenChen flowers silently, but busy bees buzzing in YingYing son, do they constantly about...


更多网络解释与清脆地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


适合夏天喝的酒总结起来有两个原则就是芳香(Aromatic)和酸(Acid). 这样的酒不论从香气还是口感上都会给人清新愉悦的感觉,另外一个要紧的是它们不会疯狂地掏空我的钱包大多数人在夏天本能的选择白葡萄酒. 白葡萄酒口味清脆,


心情再坏也能变得好起来,在外面走一走,贪婪地呼吸着这充满暖意温柔(Mild)的、混合着青草味清脆(Crisp)的空气让我整个人的身心都觉得舒畅无比. 沐浴在阳光里,走在绿油油的草地上,看着树梢上刚刚发出的绿芽,望着深蓝透明的天空,


心情再坏也能变得好起来,在外面走一走,贪婪地呼吸着这充满暖意温柔(Mild)的、混合着青草味清脆(Crisp)的空气让我整个人的身心都觉得舒畅无比. 沐浴在阳光里,走在绿油油的草地上,看着树梢上刚刚发出的绿芽,望着深蓝透明的天空,


smile 你非常愉快地微笑着. | smirk 你裂开大嘴呵呵地傻笑. | snap 你手指一弹,发出一声清脆的响声.


liquidize 液化 | liquidly 清脆地 | liquor 液体

liquidly:清脆地; 流畅地; 柔软地 (副)

liquidity ratio 流动比率 | liquidly 清脆地; 流畅地; 柔软地 (副) | liquor 浸水 (动)