英语人>词典>汉英 : 添写 的英文翻译,例句
添写 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
insert  ·  inserting  ·  interpolation  ·  interpolations

更多网络例句与添写相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But to pursue brevity of speech, and to avoid nice declarations of things, is to be granted to him that maketh an abridgment.


During the years from 63-67 there was ample time to visit Crete and other places and write I Tim.


Chenyifei and market reaction is not significant diplomatic exchanges, and overseas Chinese town were released through the media this wind, and held its August 27 "launched Fino life style photography contest winning entries" published planted later, the same, careful person to be found, in addition to 170,000 did not disclose the privately with President Chen Yifei of communication, Mr Wong Tak Yuen wrote in his "The loft Chenyifei estate Museum Watch" in the word is not mentioned 50,000, and the author was Mr Wong Tak sources confirmed that Chen Yifei and indeed have spent exchanges overseas Chinese town Chenyifei high-profile launch events, and 170,000 have been high profile, seems to be lacking initiative, and become emotional, or 170,000 consider themselves artists to be loud brands Tim Kwong Choi added?


Interpolate or insert into a sentence or story, as of words.


It's got interpolation if you need it, but its real strength is its high true resolution.


Either way, Damon, who launched a go-ahead solo home run off Tigers starter Jeremy Bonderman, said the Yankees are as solid as they've been all season, and now they have these two guys at the other end of the locker room standing under blue name plates reading "Chamberlain" and "Ramirez."

X 即使不算这两位菜鸟在内,戴门--刚刚在面对老虎队先发投手邦得曼时敲出领先分数的阳春炮--说道洋基仍旧跟整季以来一样阵容坚强,而现在又添了两个好手,他们就站在储柜间的另一端蓝色名牌前,名牌上写著「张伯伦」和「拉米瑞兹」。

Written in the "Victoriandustrial", harpsichord-laden Gothic style of "Opheliac" but with a metal edge,"Laced / Unlaced" shows the evolution from child prodigy classical violinist to reigning queen of metal Gothic / Industrial violin, and beckons us ever deeper into EMILIE AUTUMN's strange world with a flick of her black-nail-polished fingers.

写于&Victoriandustrial&,其中满载着大键琴哥特风格的&Opheliac&更添一丝阴暗金属的风味。&Laced / Unlaced&向我们展示的是她从一个天才少年古典提琴手向一个哥特金属/工业提琴女王的蜕变,同时跟随着她那涂着黑色指甲油的手指在琴弦上的游动,我们也被深深吸引到EMILIE AUTUMN那神奇的世界中去。

Write text, add a vignette, or apply an artistic effect such as sepia, stained glass, or crayon drawing.


I am a social low-level people who are disabled, God Chuiai a wife, did ten small businesses, family harmony happy, life not always pan out, not much money, just enough life, my culture and of thought, education, music in which the children , netrose have my place, I am interested in literature, not put it down unable to extricate themselves do not read do not write unpleasant unpleasant, like in opium poisoning, this is my soul Harbor, spiritual sustenance; do not need people around them know that they do not love, In rural areas, there is no like-minded, the only clock I alone can say that I live unaffected, nothing I can not get upset, I could thoroughly understand.


Our reservation record shows that you want a double room. You also asked for a rollaway for your child.

Is that correct 我们的预订登记上写着,你要一个双人房间,你还要求为孩子添一张活动床,对吗?

更多网络解释与添写相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Interpolated Resolution:插入解析, 用特殊软件改良扫描器输出解析 (计算机用语)

interpolate 窜改; 插入 (动) | interpolated resolution 插入解析, 用特殊软件改良扫描器输出解析 (计算机用语) | interpolation 篡改; 插补; 添写 (名)


它允许以回写(writeback)预定(ordered),数据(data)三种方式记录日志,默认为预定. 并默认在日志添满1/4,或某一个日志记时器超时时提交日志. 4.数据库事务的四大特性是什么?请你简单举例对一个完全不懂数据库的人解释这四个特性.

Waterloo Bridge:魂断蓝桥

老天好像恐怕这次初到英国的中国客人不够凉爽,今天(7月25日)一大早,当中国团来到泰晤士河畔、"魂断蓝桥"(Waterloo Bridge)边上的"伦敦眼"摩天轮时,绵绵细雨竟似剧本写好一般悄然落下,更为鸟瞰伦敦、畅游泰晤士河添增了几分诗意.

Interpolations:撺改, 添写, 插补

Alphabetical 字母的 | Interpolations 撺改, 添写, 插补 | Representation 表示法, 表现, 陈述