- 词组短语
- explain profound theories in simple language · explain the profound in simple terms · were simple but profound. · with profundity and an easy-to-understand approach
- 更多网络例句与深入浅出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
With youthful enthusiasm, Alia presents math and physics in ways that make them easier for her students to understand.
Dad always read them vividly and lifelike. He would explain what I couldn't understand allusively in simple terms.
The purpose of this report is to give profound discussion in simple language on motion control of induction motors.
Taking discrete Fourier series and Fourier Transform of periodic sequence as an example,this paper expounds how to simplify those abstruse theory by using straightforward mathematical knowledge which students are well-informed.
Dr. Howitt's research focuses on public management and intergovernmental policy implementation, including crisis management/emergency preparedness and transportation policy. He has conducted research or consulted for public agencies at the federal, state, and local levels, as well as lecturing widely on these subjects.
As most young people, students in Singapore are easily impressible. So if Chinese language teachers are able to use personal experiences to explain the Chinese sayings, maxims, proverbs and idioms, our students can easily fathom their profound wisdom. This way, the teachers can also exert a gentle influence on the students, helping them to build up good and worthy character.
In plain terms, this means, if you subscribe to, or considering subscribing to a VoIP internet solution provider who operates on these industry standards ?
The book describes in simple terms the concept of reusable and realization of embedded development is a good book.
This had engendered among all those highly paid investment bankers and traders an insouciant indifference to risk. It was always going to end in tears.
This paper discussed the applicable area and computation method of long term equity investment, intelligibly explained the important and difficulty problems about long term equity investment. It is favorable for beginners to quickly master the new CAS, and helpful for accountants.
- 更多网络解释与深入浅出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
内容提要:本册主要是分析在英语表达"一致"(Agreement)问题上常犯的错误. 书中从日常生活的例子中引出问题,然后作深入浅出的分析,帮助读者提高表达能力. 内容提要:本册主要讲解英语冠词(Articles)的用法,帮助读者纠正在冠词使用上的常犯错误.
Organic Chemistry:有机化学
(4)>(organic chemistry) 莫里森.R.N主编,有中英两个版本,世图出版,哈佛经典教材. 描述生动,深入浅出,有兴趣且精力充沛者可看,其他人免了.
他对学生说:"有人说我是'疯子'(Crazy)教授,不是K教授. 有点对英国留学,我是有点crazy. 不过那是为了让你们学好数学". 他上课总是深入浅出,讲得很有条理. 加上激情四射,像是在表演,而不是讲课. 比起别的教授来,他布置更多的课外作业.
Differential Geometry:微分几何
他先用生动的言语介绍这个题目, 并深入浅出地讲解这个主题, 然后用数学方法推导了深刻的洛伦兹变换 (Lorentz Transformation) 的公式, 最后简单介绍了一门相对论密切相关的数学分支 ---- 微分几何 (Differential Geometry), 从而指出数学与
in fact:实际上
实际上(in fact),老师的作用就是帮助同学理解,即具备(be able to)让知识点深入浅出的能力,只有具备这种能力的老师才能算是不错的老师!
engineering fluid mechanics:工程流体力学
作者以专业而有系统的文字说明,深入浅出的引导方式让读者进入工程流体力学(Engineering Fluid Mechanics)的领域,配合日常生活所接触之现象,以向量图解说明介绍各种有关工程流体力学之原理及公式由来,再藉由每章后所附之习题练习,可让读者能有更深刻之体会及应用.
explain the profound in simple terms:深入浅出
深化改革 intensify reform | 深入浅出 explain the profound in simple terms | 深入实际 keep one's feet firmly on the ground
Machine Learning:机器学习
牛博士还介绍了Support Vecctor Model(SVM),同样是深入浅出、生动形象的介绍了来龙去脉. SVM的报告我也听过几个,这个是最清楚,最有趣味的报告. 我对核函数也有了一点点了解. 相信这些对于我今后进一步学习"机器学习"(Machine Learning)应该有非常大的帮助.
lorentz transformation:洛伦兹变换
他先用生动的言语介绍这个题目, 并深入浅出地讲解这个主题, 然后用数学方法推导了深刻的洛伦兹变换 (Lorentz Transformation) 的公式, 最后简单介绍了一门相对论密切相关的数学分支 ---- 微分几何 (Differential Geometry),
在中大集团的精心安排下,德国退休专家组织(SES)汽车能源项目张文芳博士对集团各产业,重点对新能源产业进行了考察. 张文芳博士旁征博引、深入浅出地讲解了她的学术报告<<电动车、混合动力车如今,中国重汽要借客车复兴了. 据悉,