英语人>词典>汉英 : 淡红色的 的英文翻译,例句
淡红色的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
damask  ·  damasked  ·  damasking  ·  damasks  ·  helvus

更多网络例句与淡红色的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With dark shies you will notice the reddish color of Arcturus.


Garnet is usually seen as a light red stone, but it is actually available in several colors.


This winter especially I sometimes observe reddish,"peachy" sky.


This is by the phosphor in the nature of chemicals contained in the set, for example, tungstic acid coated magnesium, fat, blue light, cadmium borate painted light red hair color.


After a while, there was no smoking again, I could hear rosy tongue of flame whirred in the narrow smoking path.


The lips of the cut had come together and were filled with new pink flesh.


Or'.''''.'reddish'.'' flowers, and long-stalked follicles.


A tropical American plant having large, thick, sword-shaped leaves that yield a coarse reddish fiber used in making rope and twine.


It was a manatee, and by the looks of the reddish-colored water and the way it was thrashing, it was in trouble.


In north and western Europe a great number of peoples have fair hair, blue eyes, and ruddy complexions.


更多网络解释与淡红色的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aggressive Inline:攻击性的线内

567 - Hamepane Tokyo Myumyu Hamepane 东京 Myumyu | 569 - Aggressive Inline 攻击性的线内 | 570 - Pinky And The Brain - The Master Plan 带淡红色的和脑 - 综合计划


blueviolet 紫罗兰色 | bluish 带蓝色的,浅蓝色 | blush 淡红色


它混合着石英的结晶体,云母的闪光,长石 (Feldspar) 的淡红色的和褐色的颗粒. 不知道多少年前,它在火山流液热烈熔解中形成,现在却又冷又硬,变成矽氖铝钾镁铁的寄生体. 一片褐红和粗棕色遮盖了一切,像印石上一片天然褐色山水纹缕那样原始,

Forever Young:天荒情未了

>和>(Forever Young)一样犯了一个人体冷冻电影中经常犯的错误. 那就是处于冷冻状态的主人公的皮肤和普通人一样是淡红色的. 每年到了奥斯卡颁奖典礼的时候,美国"金酸草梅奖"也会举办颁奖仪式,评选出当年最差的电影.


pomp /华丽/壮观/盛典/华丽的游行/虚饰/ | pompadour /束发之一种/往后梳的发型/淡红色/ | pompano /参鱼之一种/

pompano:鲣的一种 (名)

pompadour 束发之一种, 淡红色, 往后梳的发型 (名) | pompano 鲣的一种 (名) | Pompeii 庞培 (名)

rosiness:玫瑰色; 光明; 淡红色 (名)

rosin 用松香涂 (动) | rosiness 玫瑰色; 光明; 淡红色 (名) | rostellate 有小嘴的; 有小嘴状突起的 (形)

rose color,rosy,rosiness:玫瑰[红]色(淡红色)

略带紫色的 purplish,purply | 玫瑰[红]色(淡红色) rose color,rosy,rosiness | 米色(浅褐色) beige

Rallus aquaticus:秧鸡

数量虽不多而分布范围更广(伸展到非洲北部)的是水秧鸡(Rallus aquaticus),体细瘦而有淡红色的长嘴. 几个不能飞行的种类分布于离陆地的海岛上︰呆秧鸡(Atlantisia rogersi)仅见于南大西洋的特里斯坦-达库尼亚(Tristan da Cunha)群岛中的伊纳克塞瑟布尔(Inaccessible)岛;

rostellate:有小嘴的; 有小嘴状突起的 (形)

rosiness 玫瑰色; 光明; 淡红色 (名) | rostellate 有小嘴的; 有小嘴状突起的 (形) | rostellum 小嘴; 小嘴状突起 (名)