英语人>词典>汉英 : 淋巴结病 的英文翻译,例句
淋巴结病 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Aka: sinus histiocytosis with massive adenopathy (due to infiltrates of histiocytes and lymphoplasmacytic cells, CD1a-, a marker for histiocytosis X-, is absent).


These include: encephalitis, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, febrile and afebrile convulsions, seizures, ataxia, ocular palsies, anaphylaxis, angioneurotic edema, bronchial spasms, panniculitis, vasculitis, atypical measles, thrombocytopenia, lymphadenopathy, leukocytosis, pneumonitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme, urticaria, deafness, otitis media, retinitis, optic neuritis, rash, fever, dizziness, headache, and death.

这些疾病包括:脑炎,亚急性硬化全脑炎,Guillain-barre综合症,发热以及无热的抽搐,惊厥,非典型麻疹,血小板减少,淋巴结病,白细胞增多,肺炎, Stevens-Johnson综合症,红斑,风疹,耳聋,耳炎,视网膜炎,视神经炎,皮疹,发烧,头昏眼花,头痛以及死亡。

Lymphadenopathy is usually present at multiplesites in these patients and may also be found in the retroperitoneum,thorax, neck, axilla, or inguinal regions.


Invasion by malignant cells can cause either regional lymphadenopathy, as in patients with head and neck tumors, or generalized lymphadenopathy, as in patients with disseminated carcinomatosis.


Local mesenteric lymphadenopathyis also often present in cases of mesenteric panniculitis ( Figs 18,19). These findings are nonspecific, and the differentialdiagnosis includes carcinomatosis, lymphoma, carcinoid tumor,and desmoid tumor.


Localinflammatory causes resulting in mesenteric lymphadenopathyinclude but are not limited to appendicitis (9), diverticulitis,cholecystitis, and pancreatitis.


As with lymph nodes elsewhere, infection may result in mesentericlymphadenopathy. The infection may be local or systemic.


A recently recognized viral cause of lymphadenopathy is a systemic infection causing severe immunologic deficiencies in the host.


Generalized lymphadenopathy also can occur in patients with such chronic dermatologic disorders as eczema.


Lymphadenopathy inpatients with connective tissue diseases does not tend to cavitate,and as a result, these nodes are of uniform soft-tissue attenuationand demonstrate homogeneous enhancement following intravenouscontrast material administration.


更多网络解释与淋巴结病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



tropical bubo:热带性腹股沟淋巴结炎

trophotropism 超营养性 | tropical bubo 热带性腹股沟淋巴结炎 | tropical diarrhea 粪圆线虫病

lymph node:淋巴结

患有慢性疲劳综合症的患者总是觉得很累,还会有其他不同的综合症状,例如喉咙痛、淋巴结(lymph node)痛、头痛、身体疼痛和注意力不能集中. 慢性疲劳综合症的病因目前尚未清楚,有些研究者认为这种病是因免疫系统对感染发生异常反应而引起的.


关键词: 猫抓病(Cat-scratch;disease);淋巴结炎(Lymphadenitis)猫抓病(cat scratch disease)是一种动物源性传染病. 对本病的认识距今只有40多年的历史[1]. 目前已明确病原体是汉森巴尔通体(Bartonella henselae),其为纤细、多形态的棒状小杆菌,



angio-immunoblastic lymphadenopathy:血管免疫母细胞淋巴结病

伯基特淋巴瘤 Burkitt lymphoma | 血管免疫母细胞淋巴结病 angio-immunoblastic lymphadenopathy | 恶性组织细胞病 malignant histocytosis

angio-immunoblastic lymphadenopathy:血管免疫母细胞性淋巴结病

11.American Israeli Lighthouse 美国以色列灯塔 | 12.angio immunoblastic lymphadenopathy 血管免疫母细胞性淋巴结病 | 13.angioimmunoblastic lymphoma 血管免疫母细胞性淋巴瘤

mediastinal lymphadenopathy:纵隔淋巴结病

mechanical ventilation 机械通气 | mediastinal lymphadenopathy 纵隔淋巴结病 | mediastinal mass 纵隔肿块

general lymphadenopathy:全身淋巴结病

general lower derivate 一般下导数 | general lymphadenopathy 全身淋巴结病 | general machining cell 普通加工室

Kaposi sarcoma:卡波济肉瘤

1981年 卡波济肉瘤(kaposi' sarcoma)死亡率高,而且发病率呈快速上升趋势1983年,法国巴斯德研究所的Montagnier等首先从一例淋巴瘤患者的淋巴结中分离出一种病毒,被称为淋巴结病相关病毒(LAV)1984年初,