英语人>词典>汉英 : 淋巴结核 的英文翻译,例句
淋巴结核 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与淋巴结核相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Has the added lung and kidney, Yijing blood, cough and expelling wind and divergence swelling antispasmodic effectiveness, but also can cure scrofula, neuralgia, chronic arthritis, breast lumps.


Results The child gastritis and peptic ulcer were easily misdiagnosed as bowel ascarid,gastroenteritis,dyspepsia,even mesentery scrofula etc.

结果 小儿胃炎、消化性溃疡极易误诊为肠道蛔虫症、胃肠炎、消化不良甚至肠系膜淋巴结核等。

Objective To evaluate the research of needle aspirate cytology of lymph node in the diagnosis of the typing of tuberculous lymphadenitis and the function of the typing to improve the accurate rate in diagnosis.

王 颖1,王永才1,赵成艳1,李海东目的探讨淋巴结针吸细胞病对淋巴结核早期诊断的,提高淋巴结核诊断准确率。

Abstract] objective To study and improve the earlier diagnosis methods of adult mediastinal tuberculous lymphadenitis.

目的 探讨成人纵隔淋巴结核的诊断及鉴别诊断方法。

Objective To investigate the immune pathogenesis of lymphoid tuberculosis.

目的 探讨淋巴结核的免疫发病机制。

Methods X-ray and CT images of 32 patients with the adult-onset pul monary tuberculosis(22 cases of primary tuberculosis, 10 cases of mediastinal t uberculous lymphadenitis),which had been confirmed,were analysed retrospectivel y.

对资料完整并经临床确诊的 3 2例成人原发性肺结核(其中原发综合征 2 2例,胸内淋巴结核 1 0例)的胸片与 CT表现进行回顾分析。

The article describes the clinical application of the Radix ranunculi ternati capsules in treating pulmonary tuberculosis,crewels, tuberculosis of epididymis and axillary nodes reaction after inoculating Bacillus Calmette-Guerin in recent years and think deep study.


Scrofula is cured by the laying on of royal hands


Lymph node nuclear, also known as scrofula疬skin tuberculosis, said civil rats sores, is a cutaneous tuberculosis.


You can use in the treatment of cardiovascular Leech, cerebral thrombosis, rheumatic diseases, hypertension, myocardial infarction, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, amenorrhea abdominal pain, postpartum lochiometra, cirrhosis of the liver, lymph nodes, angina, eye diseases, nameless tumours, cervical lymph nodes of nuclear and other diseases.


更多网络解释与淋巴结核相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tuberculosis cutis:皮肤结核

皮肤结核(tuberculosis cutis)是由结核杆菌所致的慢性皮肤病. 主要由自身结核灶通过血行、淋巴系统或临近结核灶传布和皮肤粘膜轻微外伤感染而来. 组织病理变化以典型的结核结构为主. [诊断]包括:丘疹性坏死性结核疹、瘰疬性皮肤结核、疣状皮肤结核、寻常狼疮. 颜面粟粒性狼疮 颜面粟粒性狼疮(...

Tuberculous lymphogranuloma:结核淋巴肉芽肿

Tuberculous infiltration 结核浸润 | Tuberculous lymphogranuloma 结核淋巴肉芽肿 | Tuberculous lymphoma 结核淋巴瘤


scrivener 公证人 | scrod 幼鳕鱼 | scrofula 淋巴结核


scrobiculus /小窝/ | scrod /鳕鱼的幼鱼/ | scrofula /一种病/淋巴结核/瘰/


scrobe 触角窝 | scrofula 淋巴结核 | scrofulatuberculosisofglands 瘰


scrofula 淋巴结核 | scrofulous 堕落的 | scroll arrow 滚动箭头


scrofulidscrofulidescrofulodermscrofuloderma 皮肤瘰疬 | scrofulous 淋巴结核的 | scrollbar 滚动条


scrofuloderma /皮肤瘰疬/ | scrofulous /堕落的/淋巴结核的/ | scrollbar /滚动条/

scrofulous:堕落的; 淋巴结核的 (形)

scrofula 淋巴结核 (名) | scrofulous 堕落的; 淋巴结核的 (形) | scroll 卷轴, 名册, 卷形物 (名)

