英语人>词典>汉英 : 淋巴组织的 的英文翻译,例句
淋巴组织的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与淋巴组织的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results: The numbers of Bombesin positive pulmonary cells, the lamina propria S-l00 protein, neuron-specific enolase positive nerve fibers, IgE positive cells, mast cells and IgE positive mast cells significantly increased in bronchiectasis. The changes of pulmonary endocrine cells, nerve fibers and IgE positive cells were more significantly in hyperplastic BALT areas. The S-100 and NSE were found in lymphoid tissue and BALT. A close contact was found between mast cells and the S-100 positive nerve fibers. An IgE positive outer zone was found on MC surface. Mast cells and IgE positive cells were seen in the bronchial epithelium and alveolar septa.


Of or relating to lymph or the lymphatic tissue where lymphocytes are formed.


Of,relating to,or resembling lymphatic glands or lymphoid tissue.


The distribution and histomorphology of the gut-associated lymphoid tissues of muscovy duck were studied by histological techniques.


Examination of the heart and associated blood vessels using x-rays following the injection of a radiopaque substance.


At the top is the capsule and just under that a subcapsular sinus where lymphatics enter that drain tissues peripheral to the node.


A chosen vessel 上帝所选的人 the weaker vessel 较弱的人(指女性 lymph node Any of the small, oval or round bodies, located along the lymphatic vessels, that supply lymphocytes to the bloodstream and remove bacteria and foreign particles from the lymph.

淋巴结任一种长于淋巴管内的小的、呈椭圆或圆形的组织,它为血液输送淋巴细胞并清除淋巴液中的细菌和外部成分Also called: lymph gland filter n。滤纸,过滤器,滤波器 vt。

The majority of S-100 +DCs, often with delicate and fewer processes, were located in interfollicular area in Peyer's patches.

DC广泛分布于淋巴组织和非淋巴组织中,是机体内目前已知的功能最强的抗原提呈细胞[2 ] 。

Compared with those in control group,the number of positive immunoreactivity cell in RSR and intestine increased and its intensity of immunoreactivity enhanced obviously after rabbit was infected with Pasteurella multocida.


True lymphoid tissue in the orbit is found in both the lacrimal glands and the subconjunctival tissue.


更多网络解释与淋巴组织的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adenoid tissue:淋巴组织

咽扁桃体是长在人的咽喉(是人体连接口腔,鼻腔与食道和喉咙的管道)靠后部位的生理组织,该生理组织称为淋巴组织(adenoid tissue). 扁桃体为咽部集结的淋巴组织. 一般所称的"扁桃体"为腭扁桃体,是咽部集结的淋巴组织中最大的一个.

lymphoid tissue:淋巴组织

淋巴组织(lymphoid tissue),又称免疫组织(immune tissue)是以网状组织为基础,网孔中充满大量的淋巴细胞和一些巨噬细胞、浆细胞等. 淋巴组织主要有两种形态.

lymphoid nodule:淋巴小结

2.淋巴小结 淋巴小结(lymphoid nodule)又称淋巴滤泡,是由B细胞密集而成的淋巴组织,边界清楚,呈椭圆形小体. 小结中央染色浅,细胞分裂相多,称生发中心(germinal center). 无生发中心的淋巴小结较小,称初级淋巴小结;有生发中心的淋巴小结称次级淋巴小结.


(一)淋巴肉瘤(lymphosarcoma)是淋巴组织的一种恶性肿瘤,见于多种家畜. 淋巴肉瘤发生自淋巴结或其他器官的淋巴滤泡,以后逐渐增生肿大,并且突破包膜,向周围组织浸润生长,在与邻近的淋巴组织的瘤灶彼此汇合之后,可形成体积较大的肿瘤.

high endothelial venule:高内皮微静脉

1、弥散淋巴组织(diffuse lymphoid tissue)无明确的界限,组织中除有一般的毛细淋巴管外,还常有毛细敌国管后微静脉,因内皮细胞吴柱状,又称高内皮微静脉(high endothelial venule),是淋巴细胞从血液进入淋巴组织的重要通道,抗原刺激可使弥散淋巴组织扩大,

adenoidal:腺状肿的, 腺状的

adenoid | 腺的, 淋巴组织的 | adenoidal | 腺状肿的, 腺状的 | adenoidectomy | 增殖腺切除术

lymphatism:淋巴体质; 淋巴腺毒血症 (名)

lymphatic 淋巴的, 淋巴性的, 输送淋巴的 (形) | lymphatism 淋巴体质; 淋巴腺毒血症 (名) | lymphatolysis 淋巴组织破坏; 淋巴组织溶解 (名)

lymphatolysis:淋巴组织破坏 淋巴组织溶解

lymphatolysin 淋巴组织溶素 | lymphatolysis 淋巴组织破坏 淋巴组织溶解 | lymphatolytic 溶解淋巴组织的


lymphatolysis 淋巴组织破坏 淋巴组织溶解 | lymphatolytic 溶解淋巴组织的 | lymphatome 淋巴组织切除器

Oth spec malig neop lymphoid h'poietic & related tissue:其他特指的淋巴、造血和有关组织的恶性肿瘤

新生儿其他低温调节障碍 Oth spec disturbances of tem... | 其他特指的淋巴、造血和有关组织的恶性肿瘤 Oth spec malig neop lymphoid h'poietic & related tissue | 皮肤粘蛋白沉积症 Oth spec noninfectiv disord l...