英语人>词典>汉英 : 液压发动机 的英文翻译,例句
液压发动机 的英文翻译、例句


hydraulic motor · hydro-motor
更多网络例句与液压发动机相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The traction characteristics of fully hydraulic single drum compactor are related to its engine, hydraulic system and mechanical system.


Engine, hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor, hose, connector, electric control part and more adopt American, German, Finnic, Italian famous product with superior performance and reliable quality.


However, it can be combined with hydraulic engines to produce impressive power where power density doesn't matter.


The design presented here is a hydraulic unit that converts thrust force of the rocket motor to hydraulic pressure, which may be displayed with the use of a standard pressure gauge.


Because of their low prices for high-quality production technology and hydraulic lifters are very familiar with the manufacturing process, it is intended to start their own company manufacturing automobile engine hydraulic tappet, we will be in accordance with the requirements of TS/16949 manufacturing out to meet the requirements products available to you, I do not know your company is willing to cooperate with us.


A mixed digit electronic hydromechanical control system was designed for an integrated liquid fuel ramjet engine. The control plan, the operating principle and the operating mode of the control system were introduced.

引 言2 0世纪后期,发动机控制系统由液压机械式向数字式电子控制发展,对发挥发动机的潜能、提高发动机性能和可靠性有着显著的优势。

We have incorporated a hydraulically actuated lashing device that either lashes the inner of the lifter to the outer body or detaches the body from the internals of the lifter,thereby not translating the motion from the cam onto the pushrod,"said Nandu Srinivasan,Manager of Advanced Engineering for Engine Air Management Operations at Eaton Corp."

我们已经合并了这种液压驱动装置,即可以使挺柱内部零件和外体紧固,也可以使外体和内部零件分开,当松开时就不会将运动从凸轮传递给出推杆,Nandu Srinivasan,伊顿公司的发动机进气管理工程部门的经理说:&当推杆上受到液压时,它会分开外体,由于没有互相锁定,推杆基本上是在凸轮上,上升下降,就像伸缩望远镜杆一样。&

As for hydraulic excavator routine three lever power models,pump engine match principles and realization methods are expounded,then the characteristics of load sense system are analyzed,and the conflict between load sense control and pump engine match is clarified.


"Such a machine distinguished from an electric, spring-driven, or hydraulic motor by its use of a fuel."


Such a machine distinguished from an electric, spring-driven, or hydraulic motor by its use of a fuel.


更多网络解释与液压发动机相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


供应 E140 液压挖掘机(excavator)E140 液压挖掘机(excavator) 整机融合国内外多种机型的技术特点,性能优越,工作效率高;引进里卡多技术生产的LR6108发动机,油耗低,性价比好;液压系统主要元件和密封件均采用全球知名品牌原装产品,

hydro-electric motor:水力发动机

hydraulic-powered wiper motor 液压式风窗刮水器的液力驱动器 | hydro-electric motor 水力发动机 | hydro-motor jig 流体传动跳汰机

MTU EngineeringGER:安特优发动机工程(苏州)有限公司

威格士液压(苏州)有限公司Vickers Hydraulics SystemUSA | 安特优发动机工程(苏州)有限公司MTU EngineeringGER | 凯联航空发动机(苏州)有限公司Allied Signal CATIC Engine USA

outboard motor:外置马达,外装电动机,舷外发动机,舷外挂机,操舟机

oscillatory motor 摆动式液压马达 | outboard motor 外置马达; 外装电动机; 舷外发动机; 舷外挂机; 操舟机 | outdoor motor 室外型电动机; 户外型电动机; 露天电动机

Hydraulic power brake:液压动力制动

Hydraulic motor 液力马达,液压发动机 | Hydraulic power brake 液压动力制动 | Hydraulic press 液压机,水压机

engine-driven hydraulic pump:发动机推动的液压泵

engine-driven generator 发动机推动的发电机 | engine-driven hydraulic pump 发动机推动的液压泵 | engine-out 发动机停车

engine-driven fuel pump:发动机驱动燃料泵

engine-driven bale loader ==> 发动机驱动的装草捆机 | engine-driven fuel pump ==> 发动机驱动燃料泵 | engine-driven hydraulic pump ==> 机动液压泵

propeller jet:螺旋桨式喷气发动机

propeller hydraulic cylinder 推进器液压缸 | propeller jet 螺旋桨式喷气发动机 | propeller mixer 螺旋桨式混合器

hydraulic pumping engine:水力泵发动机

hydraulic pump 液压泵 | hydraulic pumping engine 水力泵发动机 | hydraulic punching and shearing machine 水力冲剪机

fluid pressure motor:液压电动机

fluid power motor 液压发动机 | fluid pressure motor 液压电动机 | fluid servo-motor 液压伺服马达