英语人>词典>汉英 : 涟漪 的英文翻译,例句
涟漪 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dimple  ·  dimples  ·  lipper  ·  popple  ·  riffle  ·  rimple  ·  ripple  ·  dimpled  ·  poppled  ·  popples  ·  poppling  ·  riffled  ·  riffles  ·  rippled

更多网络例句与涟漪相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Certain strange habits: arriving at the hour when other people are taking their leave, keeping in the background when other people are displaying themselves, preserving on all occasions what may be designated as the wall-colored mantle, seeking the solitary walk, preferring the deserted street, avoiding any share in conversation, avoiding crowds and festivals, seeming at one's ease and living poorly, having one's key in one's pocket, and one's candle at the porter's lodge, however rich one may be, entering by the side door, ascending the private staircase,--all these insignificant singularities, fugitive folds on the surface, often proceed from a formidable foundation.


Flood in the days of Pan movie off ripples, in the past, the left is Barilla life and the memory will never disappear.


Like the playful billow of the sea.


I was not able to photograph the fish under water due to the constant ripples, but here are a few pics of the biotope and our attempts to catch the fish.


Thinking back to that winter's night of 60 years ago, it is not just that hurtling mass of steam and metal that comes to mind but what went before and came after: the fumbled lock, the pause at the stile to catch breath, the broken bootlace, all the circumstances leading up to that fatal conjunction of metal and flesh; and then the ripples spreading outward, the woman Eric didn't marry, the children he didn't have, the house where someone else is living.


One big boy can push the cockleshell back to the shore beacon which has just far away from the shore just with one by one cobblestone, what he has depended on is the correct point of fall and the patience.


Before I met you, my life was as quiet as the dead water, with no cripples.


Let's do something to make this world a better place, put a dent in the universe.


You are the poem, let me have the inspiration which expressed You are the song, sing my long Tibet's in heart note You are the picture, let me have the dream which spread wipes You are the clock, knock my tight lock heart door You are the wind raise ,ripples you are the rain moisten my withered heart door leaf you are the fire let me have the burning desire you are the flower split decide the opening you are the mountain solid arm let me in mine heart snuggle up to you are the prairie vast chest hug me, you are big shake the Tao sound are your palpitation rush ,you are the dubhe tow I to lead the way the direction ,you are the rainbow let see the seven colors of the spectrum ray, you were the sun I bathe in the light are demented, you are the moon warmly caress my delightful dreamland I to rush to you: Herds in your vast chest snuggles up to listen to your pulse in your solid arm to shake, you are my illusion reposes, you are my mind relay station you are my soul companion ,you are in my heart spouse.


You and all your gear become a partially translucent mass of rippling ectoplasm that generally conforms to your normal shape.


更多网络解释与涟漪相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


xWhirl(漩涡效果) | Amoeba(随机涟漪) | Blob(不规则气泡)

bellow type:涟漪管式

Beam 声束、光束 | bellow type 涟漪管式 | bend 弯管弯头 曲折



bellow expansion joint:涟漪收缩节

膨缩节 expansion joint | 涟漪收缩节 bellow expansion joint | 双波 single bellow

Someone tosses in a stream:石子所引起的涟漪

or the ripples from a pebble 又或是有谁接连的投掷 | someone tosses in a stream. 石子所引起的涟漪 | like a clock whose hands are sweeping 如同指针摆动着的钟表


涟漪 (Ripples)手机铃声免费下载 涟漪 (Ripples)铃声 到手机3.回复即可接收涟漪 (Ripples)铃声5.您还可能免费下载到赠送的涟漪 (Ripples)彩铃


ripple 波纹 | ripplet 小涟漪 | rippling 涟漪


ripplet 小涟漪 | rippling 涟漪 | ripply 起涟漪


rippling 涟漪 | ripply 起涟漪的 | riprap 乱石

ripply:起涟漪的; 涟漪声的; 波纹状的 (形)

ripping 撕的; 拆的; 劈的; 极好的, 绝妙的 (形) | ripply 起涟漪的; 涟漪声的; 波纹状的 (形) | ripsaw 粗齿锯 (名)