英语人>词典>汉英 : 消防水龙带 的英文翻译,例句
消防水龙带 的英文翻译、例句


fire hose
更多网络例句与消防水龙带相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The long,long fire hose like a snake filled with water,was ready to put out the fire.


On the ladder was a fireman with a fire hose.


The new finds came so quickly that trying to make sense of them all was like trying to drink from a fire hose.


Is this the vertiginous drop into the well of a spiral staircase or the tendril twists of a fire-fighter's hose?


10 Examination of fire-protection apparatus are (according to "safe drawing")checked the quality, amount, arrangement and lay position of portable type foam fire extinguisher, CO2 fire extinguisher, every kind of fire extinguisher, fire hose boxes, fire axe, all kinds of fire fighting facilities and spare aeration equipment supply for firemen's breathing apparatus, and examine whether is easy to get and facility to use.


更多网络解释与消防水龙带相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fire hook:消防铁钩

fire hat 消防帽 | fire hook 消防铁钩 | fire hose coupling 消防水龙带接头

fire hose:消防水龙带

如果选择使用DataReader,就使用所谓的消防水龙带(fire hose)模式来检索数据,即只前向的只读光标. 这是从数据源中读取数据的最快方式,因为DataReader没有DataSet所需要的内存和处理开销. 但选择使用DataSet可以使数据源控件变得更强大,

fire hose reel:消防水龙带

消防栓在此 Fire Fauce Here | 消防水龙带 Fire Hose Reel | 消防梯 Fire Ladder

fire hose rack:消防软管架

fire hazard 火灾;火灾危险性 | fire hose rack 消防软管架 | fire hose 消防水龙带

fire hose coupling:消防水龙带接头

fine coupling 精细耦合 | fire hose coupling 消防水龙带接头 | fixed coupling 固定联轴节

fire hose nozzle:消防水龙带喷嘴

fire hose coupling 消防水龙带接头 | fire hose nozzle 消防水龙带喷嘴 | fire hose with inside-lined rubber 衬胶消防水龙带


firehosewithinsidelinedrubber衬胶消防水龙带 | firehouse消防车库 | firehydrant消防栓 消防水龙头 太平龙头

knitted fishing net:针织鱼网

knitted fire-hose 针织消防水龙带 | knitted fishing net 针织鱼网 | knitted fleece 起绒针织物


gas grid 气体供应网 | hosel 使用水龙带的消防人员 | public subsidy 公家[政府]补助

fire bucket shelp:消防桶架

hose locker 水龙带箱 | fire bucket shelp 消防桶架 | fire axe 消防斧架