英语人>词典>汉英 : 浸渍酸 的英文翻译,例句
浸渍酸 的英文翻译、例句


dipping acid
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The present invention adopts the technical proposal of adopting ZSM-5 mesoporous molecular sieve raw powder with a silicon-aluminum mol ratio SiO2Al2O3 of 20 to 1000 and a weight percentage of 20 to 100 percent as well as at least one caking agent selected from SiO2, clay and Al2O3 to extrude, tablet or spray into shape; then treating for 1 to 8 hours by 0.1 to 3 mol/l of at least one ammonium liquor from ammonium nitrate, ammonium chloride or ammonium sulphate or 0.1 to 8.5 mol/l of at least one acid liquor from muriatic acid, nitric acid, vitriol or acetic acid under a temperature of 20 to 90 DEG C; then using steam to treat for 2 to 15 hours under the temperature condition of 400 to 700 DEG C; using a liquor of 0.1 to 3mol/l selected from at least one of oxalic acid, citric acid or maleic acid under a temperature condition of 20 to 90 DEG C to dip for 2 to 5 hours to obtain the modified molecular sieve catalyst, thus better solving the problems.


The Scandia doped tungsten powders were made by both liquid-solid doping method and liquid-liquid doping method on the basis of previous researches. The study shows that on the basis of improving pressing and sintering process, we can obtain sub-micron porous bodies with proper porosities.


The results show that the dissoluble tungstate can be impregnated into the pores of C/C composite materials....


The method comprises the steps of dipping and mixing the mipor asphaltic base globular active carbon prepared by the traditional method with an inorganic metal salt solution by a certain ration; heating under an inert atmosphere to 600 to 1200 DEG C at a temperature increasing rate of 1 to 20 DEG C/min for the secondary carbonization; using acid to wash off the remaining metal inside the carbonized material, so as to obtain the asphaltic base globular active carbon with a high mesoporous rate and narrow distribution of mesoporous spertures.


The structural and photocatalytic properties of TiO〓 as well as surface acidity were greatly improved by sulfation. SO〓〓/TiO〓 solid superacid with Hammett constant Ho less than -12.14 was prepared by treating the TiO〓 with 1.0mol. L〓 sulfuric acid solution and then calcining at 450℃ for 3h. When compared to unmodified TiO〓, the SO〓〓/TiO〓 superacid catalyst exhibited higher anatase content, smaller crystal size, higher specific surface area, centralized pore size distribution, and the blue-shifted band edge of uv-vis adsorption spectra. Furthermore, the SO〓〓/TiO〓 superacid also showed excellent reaction activity and stability for CH〓Br photocatalytic decomposition even under the moist reaction conditions. The apparent quantum efficiency of SO〓〓/TiO〓 was 10 times of that of TiO〓 catalyst for the photocatalytic degradation of bromomethane. Therefore, the SO〓〓/TiO〓 superacid catalyst is promising for practical application in environmental remediation.It was found that both L and B acid sites exist on SO〓〓/TiO〓 photocatalyst while only L acid sites on TiO〓 photocatalyst. On the basis of experimental results, the synergistic model of superacidic centers was proposed for SO〓〓/TiO〓 photocatalyst to explain the photocatalytic behavior and the mechanism of superacidifing effects, assuming that the adjacent L and B acid sites induced by SO〓〓 comprise cooperatively the superacidic center on superacid photocatalyst. The group cooperation of the superacidic center could strengthen the surface acidity, increase surface acid sites and the adsorbtion of O〓, promote separation of photogenerated electron-hole pair, enhance the interfacial transfer of charges and reversibility of water adsorption. Consequently the excellent photocatalytic activity, reaction stability and resistibility to humidity of SO〓〓/TiO〓 superacid photocatalyst may attributed to the group cooperated effect of the superacidic center on the photocatalyst.


The apparent quantum efficiency of SO〓〓/TiO〓 was 10 times of that of TiO〓 catalyst for the photocatalytic degradation of bromomethane. Therefore, the SO〓〓/TiO〓 superacid catalyst is promising for practical application in environmental remediation.It was found that both L and B acid sites exist on SO〓〓/TiO〓 photocatalyst while only L acid sites on TiO〓 photocatalyst. On the basis of experimental results, the synergistic model of superacidic centers was proposed for SO〓〓/TiO〓 photocatalyst to explain the photocatalytic behavior and the mechanism of superacidifing effects, assuming that the adjacent L and B acid sites induced by SO〓〓 comprise cooperatively the superacidic center on superacid photocatalyst. The group cooperation of the superacidic center could strengthen the surface acidity, increase surface acid sites and the adsorbtion of O〓, promote separation of photogenerated electron-hole pair, enhance the interfacial transfer of charges and reversibility of water adsorption. Consequently the excellent photocatalytic activity, reaction stability and resistibility to humidity of SO〓〓/TiO〓 superacid photocatalyst may attributed to the group cooperated effect of the superacidic center on the photocatalyst.


A series of SiW_(12)/AC catalysts with different silicotungstic acid loadings supported on acti- vated carbon which was treated with 10% HNO_3 solution were prepared by an impregnation method and the catalytic performance of SiW_(12)/AC for the synthesis of trioxane were investigated.

以10%硝酸溶液处理过的活性炭为载体,采用不同质量分数的硅钨酸SiW_(12溶液为浸渍液,制备了不同负载量的SiW_(12)/AC催化剂,考察了催化剂在合成三聚甲醛中的催化性能,并用XRD、FT-IR、NH_3- TPD、BET、TG-DSC等手段对SiW_(12)/AC催化剂晶粒大小、催化剂表面的酸量及酸强度、比表面积及热稳定性等微观特性进行了表征。

The effects of technologic parameters, including concen- tration and temperature of ADP solution and galvanizing time on rising time of anodic oxide films are discussed. 2. After dipped in amino trimethylene phosphonic acid solution, anodic oxide films are annealed in pipe stove.

将化成箔在氨基三甲叉膦酸溶液中浸渍,取出烘干后再进行热处理,研究了 ATMP 溶液浓度、浸渍温度和热处理温度对氧化膜升压时间、比容、耐电压的影响,找到其最佳耐水合处理工艺;采用FT-IR对水合作用后的 ATMP 处理氧化膜和未经耐水合处理氧化膜进行了分析。

Using the method of macerating, ZrOCl_2 loading on D418 was produced. Influence including time of macerating, pH, and temperature on the amount of load was studied. The proper conditions show that, room temperature is appropriate, the suitable pH is equal to 5, and time of macerating is 16 hours.


The content of impregnated Ba, Ca aluminates in the bodies can meet the requirement of the conventional impregnated cathode.


更多网络解释与浸渍酸相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



picklock wool:次优级绵羊毛(英国用语)

酸浸,浸渍 pickling | 次优级绵羊毛(英国用语) picklock wool | 拆痕,拆档(织疵) pick-out mark

Impregnated rag paper:浸渍毛纸

"Impregnated glass or acetate cloth 酸纤维布",,,,,,,1.2 | "Impregnated rag paper 浸渍毛纸",,,,,,,1.3 | "Polyester 玛拉胶带",,,,,,,2


acitrin 阿齐特林 | ackey 硝硫混合酸浸渍液 | aclantate 阿克兰酯


Ackermann effect | 阿克曼效应(蒸发传热机理) | Ackey | 硝(酸)硫(酸)混合酸浸渍液 | ackey | 西非黄金海岸用银元, 电镀用的硝酸硫酸混合液

ackey:西非黄金海岸用银元, 电镀用的硝酸硫酸混合液

Ackey | 硝(酸)硫(酸)混合酸浸渍液 | ackey | 西非黄金海岸用银元, 电镀用的硝酸硫酸混合液 | acknowIedged | 公认的,得到普遍承认的, 被普遍认可的


"手选台","picking table" | "酸洗液","pickler" | "浸渍酸洗","pickling"

dip pipe:洗涤管

dip pickling 浸渍酸洗 | dip pipe 洗涤管 | dip pole 地磁极

dipping acid:酸浸

dipping || 浸(人),泡,倾斜,偏斜,浸除 | dipping acid || 酸浸 | dipping coil || 浸渍线圈

acid dipping:酸浸

acid dip 酸浸渍 | acid dipping 酸浸 | acid dissoluble cement 酸溶性水泥