英语人>词典>汉英 : 浸渍过的 的英文翻译,例句
浸渍过的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The raw materials used by the method are green chemicals dimethyl carbonate and p-nitrophenol, and the catalyst is NaY molecular sieve, activated aluminum oxide or activated carbon which is impregnated by alkali metals or alkaline-earth metal compounds.


As the impregnant, the insulating oil is provided with the following features, such as excellent dielectric performance, stable chemical performance, non-chlorine or chlorinated biphenyl, complete biodegradation, non-pollution, low condensation point, low viscosity, excellent performance under low temperature and absorption capacity for the gas which is produced by partial discharge, high fire point, excellent capability of over-voltage withstanding.


These carpets don't stain, they're impregnate d with a special chemical.


Experiments were carried out in Great Britain and American on the impregnation of wood with vegetable tars and extracts.


The experimental results show that the content of SiC in RBSC increases with carbon content while α-SiC is chosen as a filler. However, the residual carbon would appear in specimens when the carbon content exceeds 30% by weight. Using carbon felt, the reaction-formed SiC particles are small and uniform in size and distribution. However, when carbon felt is impregnated with phenol resin, the reaction-formed SiC is nonuniform in size and distribution. X-ray diffraction shows that the fabricated RBSC is composed of α-SiC,β-SiC, and free Si. The polytype of SiC is related to the reaction-heat during sintering.


The incorporation of La〓 in this way had little influence on the reducibility and adsorption properties.


The method for manufacturing the filter includes the steps of immersing a supporter in a suspension in which the powder of the fraipontite mineral and the powder of an inorganic substance as a binder are dispersed as the suspensoid, and drying the supporter impregnated with the suspensoid, thereby forming an inorganic material layer fixed to the surface of the supporter.


A series of SiW_(12)/AC catalysts with different silicotungstic acid loadings supported on acti- vated carbon which was treated with 10% HNO_3 solution were prepared by an impregnation method and the catalytic performance of SiW_(12)/AC for the synthesis of trioxane were investigated.

以10%硝酸溶液处理过的活性炭为载体,采用不同质量分数的硅钨酸SiW_(12溶液为浸渍液,制备了不同负载量的SiW_(12)/AC催化剂,考察了催化剂在合成三聚甲醛中的催化性能,并用XRD、FT-IR、NH_3- TPD、BET、TG-DSC等手段对SiW_(12)/AC催化剂晶粒大小、催化剂表面的酸量及酸强度、比表面积及热稳定性等微观特性进行了表征。

These carpets don't stain , they're impregnated with a special chemical.


High concentration and futher infiltrations would lead to a delamination of the films.


更多网络解释与浸渍过的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

corn starch:玉米淀粉

产品介绍: 玉米淀粉(Corn starch) 又称玉蜀黍淀粉. 俗名六谷粉. 白色微带淡黄色的粉末. 将玉米用0.3%亚硫酸浸渍后,通过破碎、过筛、沉淀、干燥、磨细等工序而...

untinned plate:黑铁皮

untainted 未污染的 | untinned plate 黑铁皮 | untreated 未处理过的;不处理的;未浸渍泡的


varnish 漆;清漆;光泽;上漆 | varnished 浸渍过的 | varnsingite 粗晶辉石钠长岩


varnished 浸渍过的 | varnsingite 粗晶辉石钠长岩 | VARS 变面积记录剖面

creosoted pole:用染酚油浸制过的杆

染酚油浸[渍]处理(木杆的) creosote treatment | 用染酚油浸制过的杆 creosoted pole | 染酚油浸渍 creosoting


用染酚油浸制过的杆 creosoted pole | 染酚油浸渍 creosoting | 甲酚,煤酚 cresol


rubberized tape 胶布绝缘带 | rubberized 用橡胶液浸渍过的 | rubberlike insulating compound 类橡胶绝缘复合物

rubberized tape:胶布绝缘带

rubberize 用橡胶液浸渍 | rubberized tape 胶布绝缘带 | rubberized 用橡胶液浸渍过的

I swinged my hair:我甩了甩头发

我要去寻找一条不寻常的人生之路 I am going to find a unique life style | 我甩了甩头发 I swinged my hair | 摸了把用汗浸渍过的脸 wiped away sweat from my face