英语人>词典>汉英 : 浸渍槽 的英文翻译,例句
浸渍槽 的英文翻译、例句


dipping tank
更多网络例句与浸渍槽相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The nickel bath process makes it possible to impregnate all internal and external surfaces of the actuator.


The bath in the dipping sink (4) has no pure water with dissolving components preferably.


Main function of RH preheating burner is to bake vacuum tank and impregnation pipe.


A manufacturing method for a polarized light film is following: processing the material film (1) of the polyvinyl alcohol resin through the expanding sink (3) as a procedure, processing the material in the dipping sink (4) as a procedure, the dyeing procedure for the dyeing process in the dyeing sink (5) and continuous procedure for the boric acid process in the boric acid sink (6); and processing the single shaft extending for the polarized light film (9) in one procedure at least of the dyeing sink (5) and the boric acid sink (6), the invention processes the polyvinyl alcohol resin film in the direction of the mechanism in the dipping sink (4), which reaches the extending multiplying power above 1.0 fold and below 1.05 folds.


更多网络解释与浸渍槽相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


154 涂层(Coating)在布的一面或两面涂布一层涂料溶液,再经烘干和交联固化的工艺. 155 涂布胶料(Padding)将织物通过胶槽或通过带有胶料的两个挤压辊间而实现浸渍或涂布胶料. 156 浸渍(Dippping)这是将布浸入加工溶液如粘合剂、染料、柔顺剂或防水剂等的一种后整理工艺.

come out against:出来反对 反抗

fluoglass (聚四氟乙烯浸渍)玻璃纤维织布流槽, 斜槽 | come out against 出来反对 反抗 | account classification 帐户(科目)分类

dipping needle:俯射磁针

俯射头灯 dipping head light | 俯射磁针 dipping needle | 浸渍槽 dipping tank

immersion system:浸渍装置

immersion objective 浸液物镜 | immersion system 浸渍装置 | immersion trough 浸槽

maceration tank:浸渍槽

maceration extract 浸渍液 | maceration tank 浸渍槽 | MacGREGOR 麦基嘉


"浸,泡,浸液","steep" | "浸渍器,浸汁槽","steeper" | "浸渍","steeping"

immersion trough:浸槽

immersion system 浸渍装置 | immersion trough 浸槽 | immittance system 声阻/导抗系统

dip pipe level gauge:浸管液面计

"dipping tank","浸渍槽" | "dip pipe level gauge","浸管液面计" | "dip tube","倾斜管"

dipping tank:浸渍槽

俯射磁针 dipping needle | 浸渍槽 dipping tank | 火门挡板 dire door damper

hot-and-cold open-tank treatment:热冷槽处理

hot-alkylation ==> 热烷基化 | hot-and-cold open-tank treatment ==> 热冷槽处理 | hot-and-cold steeping ==> (木材防腐)热冷槽浸渍