英语人>词典>汉英 : 海牛 的英文翻译,例句
海牛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cowfish  ·  manatee  ·  manatees

sea cow
更多网络例句与海牛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Roundbelly cowfish has two short horns in front of its eyes.


There are only five living species of sirenians, known collectively as "sea-cows," including the dugong and the manatees.


In 18th century peopel finded manatee's meat realy delicious so people kill thousands of manatee for food.


For instance, if you are going to draw a manatee, and you don't happen to have either a live manatee or model of a manatee on hand.


Manatees; dugongs; Stellar's sea cow.


Sea cow..

海牛 |大海牛

Any of various herbivorous aquatic mammals of the genus Trichechus, having paddlelike front flippers and a horizontally flattened tail and found in warm coastal waters of Florida, northern South America, West Africa, and the Caribbean.


Urf now begins his aquatic journey as the League's first Manatee champion, hoping one day he will have the opportunity to cross fish and spatula with chicken's foot and lamppost.


In his admiration and pursuit to become a weapons master like Jax, Urf has equipped himself with the two great symbols of his Manatee heritage as his weapons: a fish (to symbolize the bounty and providence of the sea) and spatula (to pay homage to his people's age-long pursuit for culinary mastery).


There are only five living species of sirenians, known collectively as "sea-cows," including the dugong and the manatees.


更多网络解释与海牛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


费雷罗也说,海牛(manatee)和海龟(sea turtles)最容易受严寒天气的影响. 喜欢在河流出海口生活的海牛会因为低温而死亡. 为此,佛州电力和照明公司在里维埃拉电厂的排水管附近便出现了近400头海牛.

sea cow:大海牛;海牛

谢德兰小型马 Shetland pony | 大海牛;海牛 sea cow | 苏格兰猎鹿狗 Scottish deerhound

Steller's Sea Cow:无齿海牛

无齿海牛(Steller's sea cow)是唯一一种生活在高纬度地区、白令海的冰水中的海牛. 体长6-9米,体重6400公斤(比其它同类几乎重10倍之多). 这种海中巨兽由于长期对水中生活的适应,产生了鲸或海豹般的体型,但从其体型看,与其叫海牛,不如叫海象更贴切,

Steller's Sea Cow:大海牛

儒艮科的另一物种大海牛(Steller's Sea Cow)曾存活至近代,但已在18世纪时被猎捕至灭绝. 型态特征 尾巴分岔的儒艮海牛目动物相当适应水中生活,它们有流线型的身体,没有后肢与背鳍,身上毛发稀疏,前肢呈桨状便于游泳. 儒艮与海牛的体型相似,

West Indian manatee:西印度海牛

现存有三种不同的海牛,西印度海牛(West Indian manatee)分布于加勒比海与南美洲东北部海岸,其位于佛罗里达的亚种是唯一分布于亚热带地区的海牛,但在寒冷季节里它们会移动至温暖海域.

Trichechus manatus:北美海牛

1.北美海牛(Trichechus manatus)又称加勒比海牛、西印度海牛、佛罗里达海牛,分布于加勒比海和墨西哥湾沿岸,有时可进入淡水水域. 2.美洲鳄(Crocodylus acutus )是较大型的鳄,可以长到6米以上,不过现在的平均身长是3.4米.


现代海牛目仅存两个科: 海牛科(Trichechidae)下有1属3种,即南美海牛(巴西海牛),分布在巴西亚马孙河和委内瑞拉奥里诺科河上游及中游,是淡水海牛;北美海牛,主要栖息在加勒比海沿岸,可到江湾中去吃水草;西非海牛,

Trichechus inunguis:亚马逊海牛

哺乳动物中的耐饥状元要数海牛(根据报道,2008年6月,在海南文昌发现了一只海牛的同门--儒艮,其尸体还被当作"怪鱼"),海牛中的亚马逊海牛(Trichechus inunguis)依靠其脂肪储备和超低的代谢率,可以在6个月的枯水季节里完全不进食.

Trichechus inunguis:亚马孙海牛

哺乳动物中的耐饥状元是海牛,(日前,海南文昌发现的一只海牛的同门---儒艮的尸体还被当作"怪鱼"被报道),海牛中的亚马孙海牛(Trichechus inunguis)依靠其脂肪储备和超低的代谢率,可以在6个月的枯水季节里完全不进食.

Trichechus senegalensis:亚马孙海牛 Trichechus inunguis 非洲海牛

海 牛 科Trichechidae | 亚马孙海牛 Trichechus inunguis 非洲海牛 Trichechus senegalensis | 美洲海牛 Trichechus manatus