英语人>词典>汉英 : 海滨地区 的英文翻译,例句
海滨地区 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
beachfront  ·  beachside

seaside region
更多网络例句与海滨地区相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is no point being stubborn just for the sake of it.——Aesop


The luxury housing build-up in that part of town is the result of the desirable beachfront properties.


But now, military officials say the area held by the Tamil Tigers has been reduced to just a few square kilometers of beachfront.


Any of various usually marine gastropods with low conical shells; found clinging to rocks in littoral areas.


Really, it was pitiful to see that lovely child leaning night and day over her map of Germany, pinning little flags upon it, and struggling to lay out a glorious campaign: Bazaine besieging Berlin, Froissart in Bavaria, MacMahon on the Baltic.


He resigned his secretaryship on the ostensible ground of health .


To the south of Zululand, along the coast, the British established the colony of Natal in the 1840s.


Other popular locations include the lush beachside of the Cote d'Azur and the French ski resort of Courchevel.

其它受欢迎的地区包括蓝色海岸(Cote d'Azur)迷人的海滨地区和法国滑雪胜地Courchevel。

Jaws, the story of a great white shark that terrorizes the coastal community of Amity , fits into the category.

Jaw 这部电影讲的是一只大噬人鲨控制了 Amity 海滨地区,也是属于这个类型。

An edible clam with thin oval-shaped shell found in coastal regions of the United States and Europe.


更多网络解释与海滨地区相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Baltic Sea:波罗的海

在乘火车返回华沙前,游览一下波罗的海(Baltic Sea)沿岸的海滨城市格但斯克(Gdansk). 1. 小波兰地区:包含了整个波兰东南部地区,范围一直从卢布林高地到斯洛文尼亚和乌克兰边境的喀尔巴阡山脉. 当然,这个地区最吸引人的地方当之无愧地属于波兰的老首都克拉科夫了.


beacher 浪涛 | beachfront 海滨地区 | beachhead 滩头阵地

beachfront:海滨地区 靠海滨的

beacher | 浪涛 | beachfront | 海滨地区 靠海滨的 | beachhead | 滩头阵地, 登陆场, 据点

beachside:海滨地区 靠海滨的

beachscape | 海滨景色 | beachside | 海滨地区 靠海滨的 | beachwear | 海滩装(包括游泳衣裤,短裤,浴衣等)


tsunami 海啸 | beachside 海滨地区 | tangled 紊乱的


在西南部的路易斯安那州 凯金音乐(Cajun)仍完全停留在当地. 它有自己俱乐部组成的圈子 自己的录音公司、商店、录音室和广播电台. 这种凯金人激越的音乐 是他们两个世纪前由讲法语的加拿大移居路易斯安时带到这片海滨沼泽地区的.


货币名称:迪尔汗(dirham). 阿布扎比海滨 世界上最昂贵的酒店>>> 盛产椰枣的阿联酋 外交:阿联酋奉行中立、不结盟的外交政策. 主张通过和平协商解决争端,维护世界和平,反对外来势力在海湾地区的争夺和扩张,强调海湾航道的通行自由必须得到保障.

seaside park:海岸公园

seashore park 海岸公园 | seaside park 海岸公园 | seaside region 海滨地区

seaside region:海滨地区

seaside park 海岸公园 | seaside region 海滨地区 | season 季节


beachside || 海滨地区 靠海滨的 | beachwear || 海滩装(包括游泳衣裤,短裤,浴衣等) | beachy || 象海滨的, 多沙砾的