英语人>词典>汉英 : 海洋资源研究 的英文翻译,例句
海洋资源研究 的英文翻译、例句


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I find that in north fishing ground, Yellow Sea warm current has an important influence on the location of chub mackerel fishing ground.


The application of very large floating structures to the utilization of ocean space and exploitation of oc...


In this paper, a layout of designing of the integrative offing ocean monitoring and management system of Guangzhou and establishment of an ocean information platform characterized by quaternity has been presented. Based on the layout, an integrated application system, which has a core of the ocean monitoring and management system incorporating the ocean-air, the ocean surface and shore station, could be established.


In order to empolder ocean resources and instruct engineering construction, this thesis synthetically analyzed regional geology, terrain, deposit sediments, hydrology, and sediments of coral reefs, have systemically studied the mechanical characteristics of calcareous sand and coral reef through indoor tests. 1. Many factors including regional engineering geology environment, hydrodynamic environment, terrain, physiognomy have been studied to evaluate their influence to coral reef engineering. It's considered that atoll reefs and table reefs are suitable for engineering construction and the reef flat on atolls is most perfect.

为了开发海洋资源,指导珊瑚礁工程建设,本文综合分析了南沙群岛区域工程地质特征、珊瑚礁地形地貌、海洋水动力环境、沉积物特征等资料,从工程地质角度对珊瑚礁各地貌单元的工程适宜性进行了评价,对礁灰岩和钙质砂进行了室内试验分析,主要研究内容和结论如下: 1、分析了珊瑚礁的区域工程地质环境、海洋水动力条件、地形地貌特征、岩土体条件等因素对岛礁工程建设的影响,对珊瑚礁的礁体类型进行了划分,结论认为可干出的环礁和台礁比较适合各类工程建设,其中环礁的礁坪是理想的工程建设场所。

Thus, based on analysis and situsurvey in Zhoushan area, some proposals are put forward on utilization of marine resources in Zhoushan Archipelago:(1) The deep shoreline resources can be used to build international deepwater port for transferring raw materials such as metal ore, coal, and crude oil. Furthermore, they can be also built up as a process industry base relying on harbor for staple goods and a standby deepwater port for transporting goods of the Yangtze River Delta outward.(2) There is a great potential on the development of deepwater aquaculture and offshore fishing.(3) It is an appealing resort for marine tourism especially in holiday relaxation which supplies the gap of tourism in the Yangtze River Delta.


Thus, based on analysis and situ-survey in Zhoushan area, some proposals are put forward on utilization of marine resources in Zhoushan Archipelago:(1) The deep shoreline resources can be used to build international deep-water port for transferring raw materials such as metal ore, coal, and crude oil. Furthermore, they can be also built up as a process industry base relying on harbor for staple goods and a standby deep-water port for transporting goods of the Yangtze River Delta outward.(2) There is a great potential on the development of deep water aquaculture and offshore fishing.(3) It is an appealing resort for marine tourism especially in holiday relaxation which supplies the gap of tourism in the Yangtze River Delta.


To ensure the sustainable development of marine economy, it shall be tapped and utilized rationally, and to ensure the sustainable development of marine economy, the division of marine functional zonation research must be carried out.


On the basis of sea resources analysis, some argues of important scientific theory and technological assembly in the exploitation of oceanic resources are discussed in the paper, such as the technological assembly of deep-sea creature resources commercial applications, the study on the hydatogenesis of sea bottom, the study on the reaction between water and rocks, the discriminating and exploitation technology of natural hydrate and solid metallic deposits.


On the basis of sea resources analysis, some argues of important scientific theory and technological assembly in the exploitation of oceanic resources are discussed in the paper, such as the technological assembly of deepsea creature resources commercial applications, the study on the hydatogenesis of sea bottom, the study on the reaction between water and rocks, the discriminating and exploitation technology of natural hydrate and solid metallic deposits.


This dissertation circumfuses the above theme, researches the change of property right system of China's marine fisheries resources asset systematically, learns from the foreign advance experiences of property right system of marine fisheries resources asset, and attempts to develop the innovative model of property right system of China's marine fisheries resources.


更多网络解释与海洋资源研究相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ecotourism:生态 游

近20间,国内外兴起一股生态游(Ecotourism)之风,以石沪为主题的深游,去(2005年)正在澎湖吉贝一带推广,并受到许多游客的好评. 这项具有地方特色的资源,但能开创观光机,吸引国际观光客,同时也可兼具文化地景保存、海洋生态研究与海洋教育的效.


oceanography 海洋学 | oceanology 海洋资源研究 | Oceanus 海神

American Oceanology Association:美国海洋资源研究协会

2.Air Officer Administration 空管官员行政部门 | 3.American Oceanology Association 美国海洋资源研究协会 | 4.American Optometric Association 美国验光协会

marine pharmacognosy:海洋生药学

微生物转化及在植物中的异常合成,比较植物化学中有关化学成分作为分类学特征,一般代谢产物的次生变异,代谢物的积累,遗传学中的多倍体、化学种;在资源开发利用方面,重视海洋药物生物的研究,并有海洋生药学(Marine Pharmacognosy)这一分支,以及有关

marine ranching:海洋牧场

国内外标志(Tag or Mark)技术的种类陈正国.长江口中华鲟(Acoenser sineris Gray)幼鱼资源的保护对策的研究[J].现代渔业信息,1991,6(4):12-14.陆忠康. 1995.我国海洋牧场(Marine Ranching)开发研究的现状,面临的问题及其对策,现代渔业信息. 10(9):6-9


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