英语人>词典>汉英 : 浮动 的英文翻译,例句
浮动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
float  ·  floated  ·  floatings  ·  relocatability

be unsteady · be unstable
更多网络例句与浮动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dlamp body is the floatable structure, horizontal distance ±20mm, vertical distance ±20mm.


Regarded taxi as the source of floating car data,aimed at the disequilibrium of distribution of FCD in road network,two indexes named detecting intensity and detecting rate were designed to analyze the distribution characteristics of FCD in different areas and traffic corridors by large sample analysis.


Front-end floating pneumatic power chuck, with combined functions of self-centering clamp and floating compensation clamp, is used for machining of pipe end.


"Live axles are classified according to the manner in which they are supported: semifloating, three-quarter-floating, and full-floating"


"Live axle s are classified according to the manner in which they are supported: semifloating, three-quarter-floating, and full-floating"


Planetary reducer selection of the overall design of the sun round the floating bodies are set, the sun wheel gear coupling with a single high-speed shaft connected to the realization of floating, the floating floating method is sensitive, simple structure, easy to manufacture, easy to install.


A floating displacement static analysis model of basic floating part of 2-stage star gear train was presented.


The influence of its main design parameters on the floating displacement is analyzed.These provide theoretical background for the design of the basic floating parts of the star gear train.The floating displacement of center gears does not change with the power change of the train,and increases with the increase of the rotational speed of the train...


A floating displacement static analysis model of basic floating part of 2-stage star gear train was presented.

摘 要:建立星型齿轮传动静力学系统基本浮动构件浮动位移分析的弹簧-质量模型;采用静力学分析的方法,考虑系统的误差、工况条件、构件的弹性变形等条件对系统浮动位移的影响;计算系统基本浮动构件浮动位移;分析系统主要设计参数对各构件浮动位移的影响,为星型齿轮传动系统浮动机构的设计提供依据。

A floating displacement analysis model of a two-stage star gear train′s dynamic system was established.The floating displacement of its basic parts was calculated.


更多网络解释与浮动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

flat-style buttons:浮动图标工具栏 浮动图示工具列

fit to page 符合页面 符合页面 | flat-style buttons 浮动图标工具栏 浮动图示工具列 | flat-style buttons 浮动图标工具栏 浮动图示工具列

dirty float:肮脏浮动

马来西亚的汇率制度是肮脏浮动(Dirty float)的汇率制. 肮脏浮动这一术语是用来与完全不受管制的由市场供求决定的浮动汇率制相区别. 当然,并没有完全的浮动汇率制,因为每个中央银行都会时不时地对货币市场进行干预.

dirty float:不纯浮动,干预浮动

direct write-off method直接注销法 | dirty float不纯浮动,干预浮动 | disability benefit伤残抚恤金

Free Float:自由浮动

浮动汇率分为自由浮动(Free Float)和管理浮动(Managed Float)两种. 自由浮动是指政府对外汇市场汇率的浮动不采取干预措施,汇率随市场供求变化自由涨落;而管理浮动是指政府对市场汇率进行不同形式、不同程度的干预,

independently floating:单独浮动

12,浮动汇率制的形式,根据分类标准的不同可分为不同的类型:1)按政府是否干预汇率 水平,可分为自由浮动(free floating)和有管理的浮动(managed floating).2)按浮动 汇率的组织形式,可分为单独浮动(independently floating)和联合浮动(亦称合

floating landing stage:浮动码头,登岸桥

floating cargo landing stage 货运浮动平台,货运浮动码头 | floating landing stage 浮动码头,登岸桥 | floating passenger landing stage 人行浮动平台,人行浮动码头

relocatable macro assembler:浮动宏汇编程序

relocatable loader 浮动装配程序,可浮动装入程序 | relocatable macro assembler 浮动宏汇编程序 | relocatable mode 浮动方式

relocatable symbolic address:浮动符号地址,可再定位符号地址

relocatable symbol 可浮动符号,浮动符号 | relocatable symbolic address 浮动符号地址,可再定位符号地址 | relocatable task set 可再定位任务组,浮动任务集

relocatable symbolic address:浮动符号地址,可再定位符号地址 (责任编辑:admin)

relocatable program loader 可浮动程序的装入程序,浮动输入程序 | relocatable symbol 可浮动符号,浮动符号 | relocatable symbolic address 浮动符号地址,可再定位符号地址 (责任编辑:admin)

floating machine shop:浮动机器修理厂浮动修理所

floating machine shop 浮动机器修理厂 | floating machine shop 浮动机器修理厂浮动修理所 | floating machine shop 浮动修理所