英语人>词典>汉英 : 浪子 的英文翻译,例句
浪子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dissipator  ·  libertine  ·  Lothario  ·  rake  ·  rakehell  ·  stray  ·  vagabond  ·  waster  ·  wastrel  ·  prodigus  ·  raked  ·  rakes  ·  strayed  ·  straying  ·  vagabonded  ·  vagabonding  ·  vagabonds  ·  wastrels  ·  lovelace

更多网络例句与浪子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So, this is how the prodigal son felt, I tell myself, as we enter Danish airspace.


Have you never thought of marrying your prodigal son Anatole?


Autumn setting pegged the horizon, a rebel hearts miss Tim; Lonely Chang'e air time dance Antimasque anyone sit back; I Curative days I can form a thousand miles can also Chan.


Have a home that can't back while homeless,that is a dissipator.


Not married is the most prodigal, prodigal son is married to the most appropriate.


The prodigal son is not married, marriage is the most appropriate prodigal son.


The most unsuitable to marry is rakehell,but the most suitable to marry is also the rakehell.


Sometimes it's not the women to change a rakehell,but the women just appear when the rakehell want to change himself.


Rakehell is rounders forever.


So, it is not surprising that the type of seducer 'rake' is someone who offers women adventure and danger.


更多网络解释与浪子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beau Brummell:浪子回头

- 1954 - Rhapsody 狂想曲 | - 1954 - Beau Brummell 浪子回头 | - 1953 - The Girl Who Had Everything 玉女云裳

Bowery Boys:包瓦利街浪子

51.bozos :混球、四肢發達的草包--------------------------------... | 52.Bowery Boys :包瓦利街浪子---------------------------------- A 89/3/27 | 53.benefit of the doubt :罪疑從寬--------------------------...

And debauchee of dew:而且露水裡的浪子

Inebriate of Air -- am I -- 我-陶醉在空氣裡 | And Debauchee of Dew -- 而且露水裡的浪子 | Reeling -- thro endless summer days -- 從熔化晴空裡的小酒館

Deceiver:盜賊 浪子 黑暗盜賊 刺客

吟遊詩人 音樂家 抒情詩人 藝術大師 Maestro | 盜賊 浪子 黑暗盜賊 刺客 Deceiver | 巫醫 秘術者 巫醫導師 先知 Prophet

Hopelessly Devoted To You:无可救药爱上你 选自歌剧[火爆浪子]

02 Edelweiss 雪绒花 选自音乐剧[音乐之声] | 03 Hopelessly devoted to you 无可救药爱上你 选自歌剧[火爆浪子] | 04 You must love me 你一定要爱我 选自歌剧[艾薇塔]

Decendants of the dispossessed:丧家浪子,遗祸子孙

Mass graves remain unturned 墓碑没于荒草而未倒 | Decendants of the dispossessed 丧家浪子,遗祸子孙 | Return with bombs strapped to their chests胸前绑着炸药

dissipator:放荡者, 浪子

mark memory 标记存储器 | dissipator 放荡者, 浪子 | electrostrictive coupling 电致伸缩耦合

The Hustler:江湖浪子/桌球浪子

180. 非洲皇后/东非狂暴记/非洲女王号/非洲皇后号 The African Queen (1951) | 181. 江湖浪子/桌球浪子 The Hustler (1961) | 182. 龙城风云/黄牛惨案/无法无天 The Ox-Bow Incident (1943)


问:我认识的很多人都说,<<全职浪子>>(Swingers)是沃恩最棒的电影. 你看过<<全职浪子>>吗?


卡尔金共同主演过<<危险小天使>>(The Good Son)之后,伊利亚又参加了影片<<浪子保镖>>(North)的拍摄. 虽然<<浪子保镖>>的票房收入十分惨淡,但伊利亚的表现却受到人们的称赞,成为该片惟一一个亮点. 此后2年间,他在演艺方面表现平平.