英语人>词典>汉英 : 浓缩管 的英文翻译,例句
浓缩管 的英文翻译、例句


evaporating pipe
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The structure properties of tube reactor for production of DAP by means of concentration AP slurry with secondary ammoniation are investigated on experimental equipment.


The bacteriostatic effects, action mechanisms and antimicrobial spectrum of the strains were tested. After 5 days of culture, a bacteriostatic belt of 6.9-9.67 mm in width was observed on the culture plate, and the inhibitory activity maintained for 10 d. Prefiltration fermentation of the strains P1 and P5 could significantly inhibit conidial germination of the pathogen, with inhibitive rate ranging from 97.51% to 98.12%. The action might be realized by inducing hyphal deformity, bioplasm concentration, conidial germination inhibition and distorting germ tubes of conidia.

通过对其抑菌效果、机制和抗真菌谱进行测定,结果表明,P1、P5和葡萄灰霉病菌对峙培养5 d后,均产生明显的抑菌带,抑菌带宽度为6.90~9.67 mm,培养10 d后,仍然保持稳定的抑菌效果;P1、P5的发酵原液对葡萄灰霉病菌孢子萌发具有显著的抑制作用,抑制率为97.51%~98.12%;P1、P5对病菌的作用机制表现为使病菌菌丝畸形、原生质浓缩、菌丝断裂、抑制病菌分生孢子的萌发、导致孢子芽管扭曲。

In addition, spermiogenesis includes chromatin condensation, migration of the cytoplasm and mitochondria to the caudal pole of the nucleus, formation of a moderate axial nuclear fossa containing the proximal centriole and part of the distal centriole and presence of a short cytoplasmic canal separating mitochondria from the flagellum.


The device includes concentration tank,condensator,gas-liquid separator,cooler and liquid receiving barrel.The concentrator tank is of clip sleeve structure.The condensator is of line pipe type and the cooler is of tray pipe type.


The device includes concentration tank,condensator,gas-liquid separator,coolerliquid receiving barrel.The concentrator tank is of clip sleeve structure.The condensator is of line pipe typethe cooler is of tray pipe type.


We also have observed some organs pathological changes of juvenile Jian Carp, such as pancreas acinous gland and zymogen granules of acinous gland cell disappearing, intercellular substance hyperplasia and inflammatory cells soakage, hepatatrophia, liver cell granular or vacuolar degeneration and necrosis, karyolysis or pyknosis, glycogen granules decreasing, metanephros atrophy, metanephric canaliculus epithelium granular or vacuolar degeneration and necrosis, mitochondrion swelling and mitochondrion cristae disappearing, karyolysis, distal convolutal tubule microvilli desquamating, spleen marrow cell degeneration and necrosis, intercellular substance of spleen hyperplasia, spleen atresia, blood corpuscle disappearing.


Results In the medium and high dose F0 groups, it was observed that the atrophy and incrassation of seminiferous tubule, decrease of spermatogenesis, hyperplasia of interstitial tissue, especially in high dose groups spermatozoon abnormality and nucleolus concentration in the rats testis after DU ingestion for 14 months. The changes became more severe with the prolongation of DU ingestion. Such changes occurred in filial rats (F1) after DC ingestion for 5 months. In the medium and high dose F0 groups, it was observed that a little atrophy of kidney glomerulus, hyperplasia of interstitial tissue after DC ingestion for 14 months, and kidney glomerulus fibrosis happened after DC ingestion for 20 months, such changes occurred in filial rats (F1) after DC ingestion for 5 months In the medium and high dose F0 groups, splenic germinal center and periarterial lymphatic sheaths were hyperplasia , companies with lymphopoiesis after DC ingestion for 7 months, splenic white pulp became more small and sparse after DC ingestion for 20 months.

结果 F0代的中、高剂量组大鼠摄入贫铀14个月后可见雄性的精曲小管萎缩,管壁增厚呈空虚网状,生精细胞层次减少,间质细胞增生,但仍见有精子生成;高剂量组可见到精子呈异型性改变,细胞核浓缩深染,且随着摄入时间延长改变愈趋明显;F1代大鼠摄入贫铀5个月后就有上述改变且更为严重。F0代中、高剂量组大鼠摄入贫铀14个月后肾小球轻度萎缩,间质增生明显,20个月时肾小球萎缩纤维化;F1代大鼠摄入贫铀5个月后就有上述改变。F0代中、高剂量组摄入贫铀7个月时脾脏生发中心和淋巴鞘增生,淋巴母细胞增生活跃,20个月时脾小体减少,生发中心稀疏;F1代大鼠摄入贫铀早期和晚期有类似改变。F0和F1代高剂量组摄入贫铀早期肝脏有炎症细胞浸润,晚期骨髓有核细胞减少,脂肪细胞增加。

According to the result showed at 280nm and at 490nm,in the comparison of whether protein absorption top and sugar quantity top overlapped,glycoproteins would be detected preparatorily,and as a result,tubes in two distinct areas had glycoproteins by this method. Proteins were precipitated with trichloroaceticacid and with cold acetone,and glycoprotein was determined from SDS-gel.


The former formed a kind of KR cyst, while the later formed a kind of NKR cyst. All the kinetosomes, ciliary shafts and microtubules were resorbed in the former, meanwhile, the cell lost most water and cell volume decreased distinctly. In the later, only part of kinetosomes and part of microtubules were resorbed. Cell lost water slightly and volume decreased slightly.


The main products: large acid-base tank, stainless steel fermentation tank, concentrated liquor cans, seeds, cans, nitrogen tank, condensate, water, automatic air pressure to water tanks, Jinqi cans, vacuum furnace, distillation columns, vacuum tower, the reactor , Condenser, deaerator, air filters, buffers, water collection and bellows heat exchanger, U-tube heat exchanger, such as titanium tetrachloride heater.


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water diuresis:水利尿

4.物理的水利尿(water diuresis)治疗法下视丘所分泌的血管加压素(vasopressin)促使肾脏集尿管渗透压增加,使水份得进入肾锥体的高张组织间隙内,达到将水份滞留在体内的目的,同时使尿液浓缩,不会太大地流失水份.


肾单位(nephron)是肾脏的基本结构和功能单位,由肾小球和其下属的近端肾小管、髓袢、远端肾小管组成. 其中肾小球的结构和功能最复杂,通过毛细血管袢的过滤形成原尿,原尿流经肾小管时,通过吸收和浓缩,将原尿改造为终尿.

renal function:肾功能

1.肾功能(renal function)测定 包括血尿素氮,肌酐,肌酐清除率. 同时应特别注意肾小管功能的检测如稀释浓缩试验、密切观察尿比重和尿渗透压变化,必要时可测血、尿β微球蛋白及NAG酶,这将有利于感染的定位. 2.B型超声波(B-mode ultrasonography)检查 可准确测量肾脏大小,


(4)精子细胞:精子细胞(spermatid)位近管腔,直径约8μm,核圆,染色质致密. 精子细胞是单倍体,细胞不再分裂,它经过复杂的变化,由圆形逐渐分化转变为蝌蚪形的精子,这个过程称精子形成(spermiogenesis). 精子形成的主要变化是:①细胞核染色质极度浓缩,


thick walled pipe 厚管 | thickener 浓缩机 | thickening 浓缩


沈积性肺炎 hypostatic pneumonia | 浓缩不足尿,极淡尿 hyposthenuria | 肾小管性浓缩不足尿 hyposthenuria,tubular


浓缩不足尿,极淡尿 hyposthenuria | 肾小管性浓缩不足尿 hyposthenuria,tubular | 交感神经兴奋过弱 hyposympathicotonus

microcombustion tube analysis method:燃烧管微量分析法

microconcentrator 微型浓缩器 | microcombustion tube analysis method 燃烧管微量分析法 | microcombustion method 微量燃烧法


multitraythickener 多层浓缩机 | multitube 多管的 | multitubecircuit 多管电路