英语人>词典>汉英 : 浑厚 的英文翻译,例句
浑厚 的英文翻译、例句


simple and honest
更多网络例句与浑厚相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abrupt, a kind of simple and honest baritone waves to me.


The Chamber also famous Grand Organ, a total of 6,000 Genyin, knew her reputation. particularly suited to playing hymnals and stirring music.


The Chamber is also well-known large organ, a total of 6,000 tube Gen Yin, a loud sound immense, especially for the playing of solemn music and hymns.


Chamber also famous Grand Organ, a total of 6000 root note tube, sounding a loud sound, especially suited to playing hymns and stirring music.


His countrified compose resulted the cogent impact on the prevail of superb literature;he had learned using the allegory from Zhuang Zi, being good at debating from Meng Zi as well as the precising from Xun Zi, the full of flavor from Han Feizi.


The wine-making methods employed here are worthy of the Bordeaux region's best crus.


It is Mongolian most charact eristic tradition musical instrument, that with


As he had grown extremely fond of London, he cursed the flatness of exile


By forming the character with fluidness and uncertainty and in a haphazard and straightforwardly impressionistic way , the artist transformed concrete and specific meanings into imaginary and abstract images .


But the cultural abstract is static, expressed the history affairs and caky humanities and geographical desolate、evidence full of stains and spots,along with the density of vision enlarge and deepen obviously,clarty and embellish move to the condition and gaseity of profound and doughty.


更多网络解释与浑厚相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他演唱的>(Roseda)和>(Anita)声情并茂,浑厚中略带沙哑的歌喉,具有扣人心弦的穿透力,征服了整个巴黎城. 其唱盘顿时成抢手的畅销品.

at last:最后

不过,这些并没有詹姆斯那迷人的声音,她的声音浑厚有力,歌声里承载的是无限的辛酸和挣扎,例如揉合了蓝调和流行风格的>(At Last)和>(Tell Mama).

Thellos is a timeless song, baptism of blood and fire, bright red flashes:这是永恒的歌,血火洗礼,鲜红闪亮

这是不落的歌,雄健浑厚激越,凝聚气力; Thellos is n... | 这是永恒的歌,血火洗礼,鲜红闪亮. Thellos is a timeless song, baptism of blood and fire, bright red flashes. | 长歌一曲,蓝天下涌动挚爱的潮汐; A long...

Canaan:她嫁人了 韩语,清新沙哑的女声+男

19、Because of You 听前奏很像bsb的某一首歌,听下去就发现原来不一样的. 也不错啊 | 20、canaan--她嫁人了 韩语,清新沙哑的女声+男rap | 21、Davide Esposito - Un Italien A Paris 浑厚的泛西欧男声

rhetoric and declamation:擅长辞令夸夸其谈

polite and fashionable 温文尔雅循规蹈矩 | rhetoric and declamation擅长辞令夸夸其谈 | loud and strong笑声爽朗嗓音浑厚

Hovland Main Line:灰色线身,雄浑有力.平衡性极佳.质感较偏音乐性

Cardas Golden Power 优点:同上,虽没有上一款来得浑厚,但密度较高.中性自然. | Hovland Main Line 灰色线身,雄浑有力.平衡性极佳.质感较偏音乐性. | KimberKable PowerKord 纤细流畅.透明而又柔顺.形体感稍小.




Capitol为她推出的>(This Was My Way)专辑再度在加拿大造成轰动,其中的"雪鸟"(snowbird)透过安玛莉浑厚的低音唱出,更是风靡一时. ...

never had a dream come trues:浑厚的声音,美妙的感觉,,美梦会成真

10.nelly - dilema轻快中带着深情,美妙的声音,美妙的音乐. | 11.never had a dream come trues -浑厚的声音,美妙的感觉,,美梦会成真. | 12.Because Of You-Kelly Clarkson 天后声音唱开了你我的心扉,震撼.

The opera singer has a deep, booming, masculine voice:这位歌剧演唱家有一副深沉而又浑厚有力的嗓音

the masculine courage 男子汉的胆量 | The opera singer has a deep, booming, masculine voice. 这位歌剧演唱家有一副深沉而又浑厚有力的嗓音. | movable 可移动的, 变动的