英语人>词典>汉英 : 测验 的英文翻译,例句
测验 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
exam  ·  tryout  ·  workout

更多网络例句与测验相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods Total of 164 patients with first-episode schizophrenia were evaluated before treatment, at the end of 12 weeks treatment and then annually till 5 years on 10 cognitive function tests, including Weschler adult intelligence scale, Weschler memory scale, grooved pegboard test, finger tapping test, motor function test, hand coordination test, trail making test A and B, Wisconsin card sort test, and verbal fluency test, together with BPRS, SANS and GAF. Results The scores on all cognitive function tests were not significantly related to total scores of BPRS, SANS and GAF before treatment.


Result:The grades of the abilities of mass motor and balance were positively correlated with the A reaction time,total reaction time of Stroop Test,and negatively correlated with the score of down-reciting in Wechsler Memory Scale.The standard score of lack of learning ability or mal-coordination was positively correlated with the D reaction time,total reaction time and the number of D errors and total errors in Stroop Test,and positively correlated with the standard grade in Ravin's Standard Progressive Matrices.The negative correlation was existed between the grade of touch excessive defense,emotionalinstability and the errors in C part and the reaction time in interference of word color in the Stroop Test.


Four research results in the research are provided on the basis of wholly absorbed attention behavior performance including eyes-gazing, concentration as well as completion of orders, attention-testing performance, and multiple attention-testing performance. The collected materials are analyzed throughvisual analyze and Tryon's C statistic. The results of this research are as follows: 1. Attention-training maintains and give rise to samples' attention behavior. 2. Attention-training makes samples' attention-testing performance better. 3. Attention-training has generalization effects on samples' self-instruction and strategies for monitoring and behavior. 4. Attention-training has different effects on samples of different genders.


In addition, patients who had current abuse and past dependence on alcohol or drugs were excluded. Cognitive functions were measured with neuropsychologi-cal, including understanding, similarity, digit span, digit sign, picture , picture remembrance, vision renew, reorganization, touch memory, and WCST (total number, total error number and persistent error number).


The best tests for separating cirrhotic patients from normal controls, after allowance for interdependence among all the tests by a discriminate function analysis, were Digit Symbol and Trailmaking test.


Polychotomously scored system is better than dichotom-ously scored system,because it makes fuller use of theinformation involved in the examinees response vectorto all test items.2,The assumpt on of dichotomizing polychotomously scoredtest data and the relevant test transferring method isreasonable,the two tests are equivalent.3,Dichotomously scored IRT models are avalable to polych-otomously scored tests if these tests satisfy the assump-tions of the models.


Furthermore, the effect of test delay was combined with the effect of association and the test context.


The study contains the following purposes:(1) exploring the test-structure of Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrics,(2) examining the process of solving APM,(3) investigating possible factors that affect the construct validity of APM,(4) developing New Figure Reasoning Test, using cognitive measurement approach test design model and computer technology,(5) contrasting APM and NFRT from the viewpoints of test designing and empirical analysis, and (6) developing an automatic item-generation and online testing system for NFRT.


Signalmen who have worked for more than one year and 70 new telegraph operators are subjected to Pattern Number Coding Ability Test, Ravens Progress Matrices, Memory Span Test, Distribution of Attention Test, Knocking Board Test, Choice Reaction Time Test, Action Speed Test, Action Stability Test, 16PF Test, Cornell Medical Index, SAS and SDS. hi the meanwhile their supervisors appraise the performance levels based on five grades from 5,4,3,2 and I .


22 Vs TD: 21 70 ? 5 09 p = 0 11 and ball skills subtest of M-ABC (Z =-2 256 p = 021) The correlations of the scores of two motor tests and their subtests were fair to good (r =- 264 ~- 645 ) Conclusion: Children with FAD present similar overall motor performance except of lower scores of fine motor precision and ball skills The correlations of scores of two motor tests are only fair to good Clinical Relevance: Clinical therapists should be cautious that children with FAD may have a comorbid motor problem especially the fine motor precision and ball skills Only fair to good correlations of scores of the two most commonly used clinical tests indicates that it should be cautious when choosing a motor test for certain purpose

能性构音障碍儿童: 59 60 ± 9 16;正常发展儿童: 64 93 ± 8 77 p = 026、精细动作精准分测验(?能性构音障碍儿童: 18 53 ± 4 22;正常发展儿童: 21 70 ± 5 09 p = 0 11)与Movement-ABC的球类技巧分测验(Z =-2 256 p = 021)的表现显著较正常发展儿童差。而两动作测验与其分测验之间分数的相关性仅有中等至良好的相关(r =- 264 ~- 645)。结论:?能性构音障碍儿童在整体动作表现与正常发展儿童类似,但在动作中之精准控制能力较一般儿童差。BOT-2与Movement-ABC两种动作测验与其分测验之间仅有中等到良好的相关,显示两动作测验在本质上仍有不同,并不能互相取代,因此在使用时应考虑受试者的特质与目的等因素,以期使用最合适之评估工具。

更多网络解释与测验相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ability Test:能力测验

能力测验(ability test)一类心理测验. 这类测验是测量一个人在某一任务上的所能完成作业的限度,如智力测验、记忆测验、成绩测验等均属能力测验. (龚雄先撰林传菇审)

general achievement test:一般成就测验 普通成就测验

general ability test 一般能力测验 | general achievement test 一般成就测验 普通成就测验 | general activity 一般活动

Army Alpha Test:陆军甲种测验

Army Alpha Examination 陆军甲种测验 军队甲种测验 | Army Alpha Test 陆军甲种测验 | Army Beta Test 陆军乙种测验

aptitude test:能力倾向测验

能力测验又分为一般能力测验(General Ability Test),特殊能力测验(Special Ability Test)、能力倾向测验(Aptitude Test). 一般能力测验主要是指通常所说的智力测验,如比奈一西蒙智力测验、斯坦福一比奈测验和韦克斯勒智力测验等都是全世界公认的优秀智力测验.

aptitude test:性向测验

是包括多个问题所构成的用来鉴别能力或性格差异的工具,测验是测量的手段和工具.测验有多种形式,教育上使用最多的是性向测验(aptitude test)和成就测验(achievement test).与测量一词比较,

mental test:心理测验

他于1890年首先提出了"心理测验"(mental test)这一术语,用以探查个人间的差异. 他所谓的心理测验不仅指智力测验,而且还包括自感觉敏锐度到解决难题的一切能力的测验,测定人的能力的广度和变异,并订出第一套标准化了的测验方法.

mental test of offenders:罪犯心理测验

mental test 心理测验 | mental test of offenders 罪犯心理测验 | mental test of police man 警察心理测验 警察心理测验

personality test:人格测验

韦克斯勒智力测验(Wechsler tesl)为美国韦克斯勒(D Wech-sler)人格测验(Personality test)以测量人的需要、动机、态度、性格等 为目的. 包括爱德华个性偏好测验(EPPs)、矢田部一吉尔福特(Y-G)性格 测验、卡特尔 16 种因素个性测验(16PF)、明尼苏达多相人格测验(MMPI)、 艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)、加州心理测验(CPI)、罗夏墨迹测

standardized test:标准化测验

标准化测验(Standardized Test)是具有规范的标准\各个环节按照系统的科学程序组织对误差做了严格控制的测验,是一个系统化、科学化、规范化的施测过程. 所谓"标准化"包括了测验全过程的标准化,即按照标准确定测验的目的和计划,项目的编制标准化,

Subjective test:主观性测验

.主观性测验(subjective test) 没有一个正确答案的测验. 在这种测验中,不同的教师可能会对同样的回答给出不同的分数. .总结性评估(summative assessment) 典型的期末测验的评估类型,指学生在某一领域学习的最后测验.