英语人>词典>汉英 : 测定...的时间 的英文翻译,例句
测定...的时间 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与测定...的时间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A method for AAS determination of Palladium in Aluminum oxide matrixs by microwave digestion was reported in this paper.

报道了微波消解- AAS 法测定氧化铝为载体的钯催化剂中钯的新方法,试验了微波消解溶样条件(溶解试剂、压力、时间和功率等),研究了测定介质的影响,通过在样品测定液中加入铝基体至铝浓度为4 mg/mL,消除了铝对钯测定的干扰。

In the test range homogenizing speed and time and the centrifuge time all had small effect to the results.


The method of series rate is used to study the linear growth order of ammonium paratungstate crystal.


In this research, the activities of CWDE were measured by saccharifying according to the theory that red-brown amino compounds were produced when 3, 5-dinitro salicylic acid and aldehyde were heated together. And the testing conditions were made clear. The activity of Cx should be tested with optimal temperature of 50℃, optimal pH of 4.8, incubation time of 30 min, and optimal substrate of 0.6% CMC-Na. Due to the heat-libality, Cx should be sterilized more than 10 min. The testing conditions of the activity ofβ-G were almost the same with Cx except the substrate of 0.5% salicin and the sterilization time of more than 15 min.


Cassini gathered information showing that Saturn's day is ten hours, forty-five minutes and forty-five seconds long. But that is about six minutes longer than information recorded by the spacecrafts Voyager One and Voyager two in nineteen eighty and nineteen eighty-one.


The method of series rate is used to study the linear growth order of ammonium paratungstate crystal.


Accumulation of the coat protein and MP of the three viruses in planta was compared, and all the three viruses accumulated with similar levels in testing period.


This paper introduced a single antioxidant extraction system--5% sulphosalicylic acid which could extract and assay ASA/DHA and GSH/GSSG simultaneously. Through analysis of kinetic curve of DTNB-GR recycling, the suitable time parameter was selected for the measurement GSH/GSSG. This system made the extraction of antioxidant quick and easy, and enhanced the accuracy, reproducibility and comparability for the antioxidant measurement through it compared to original method of extraction and measurement.

文章介绍了在一个单一提取系统—— 5 %磺基水杨酸中同时提取并测定了抗氧化剂 ASA/DHA和 GSH/GSSG,通过 DTNB— GR循环的动力学分析固定了 GSH/GSSG测定的最佳时间参数;通过与原提取和测定方法的比较,此法对于测定抗氧化剂有很好的准确性、重复性和可比性,使抗氧化剂的提取和测定变得简便快速。

Every group rats were divided into two parts with the same rats. At last the rats were redivided ,then them were killed and their brains were excluded after one hour.4 hours or one week.Results PO2 and cerebral blood flow of E-selectin 2mg/kg group were higher than that of saline and lower than that of l0mg/kggroup(p.01).The volume of cerebral infarct and blood speed of E-selectin 2mg/kg group was smaller than that of saline and larger than that of l0mg/kg group(p.01).At the same time PCh.speeds.flows and the volume of infarct were related with the time (p.01).Conclusion E-selectin can effectively increase PC2 and rCBF after ischemia and reperfusion .reducing infarct volumes and speeds of blood at the same time . Artificial synthetic E-selectin can effectively reduce the reperfusion injury following cerebral ischemia.

结果 生理盐水组,2mg/kg组,10mg/kg组PO_2值依次提高(p<0.01),脑皮质血流量依次提高(p<0.01);脑血流速度依次减低;脑梗死体积依次减少(p<0.01);同时在测定的时间段里PO_2和脑组织血流量值与时间成正相关(p<0.01);脑梗死体积和脑组织血流速度值与时间成正相关(p<0.01)。E一选择素在脑缺血再灌注损伤中表达的实验研究中文摘要结论E一选择素能增加脑缺血再灌注损伤的脑组织氧饱和度,脑血流量,减低脑血流速度;减少脑损伤体积;从而保护了脑缺血再灌注损伤的脑组织。

Meanwhile or 24 h later, 316 mg.l-1 sod was added to the culture to act for 24 h, and then, the intracellular reactive oxygen species, apoptosis ratio and expressions of mutant p53 and c-fos protein of hela cells were determined. results the production of ros and the apoptosis of hella cells increased as the action of ddp and adm continued within 24 h, but vp-16 failed to produce such effects.


更多网络解释与测定...的时间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absolute time:绝对时间

在约翰.哈里森(John Harrison)最终完善了在海上保持精确时间的记程仪之前,测定经度只能靠测量绝对时间(absolute time)来完成,而欧洲人在后来的3个半世纪中也未能实现.

time constant:时间常数

1.2牙龈血流量、血流速度和血浓度的测定 在测定时,先将测定患者牙龈吹干,用LDF-3型激光多普勒血流仪(由天津南开大学研制生产)测定各组的GBF、BCV和BC,所用仪器各参数分别为:时间常数(time constant)0.22s,频率选择(frequency selection)12kHz,

doubling time:倍增时间

异位妊娠血HCG水平低、倍增时间(Doubling Time)延长约为3-8天,平均7天. 但HCG水平较低或倍增时间延长还见于先兆流产或难免流产. 要注意血HCG的半衰期为37小时,所以,测定的血HCG结果反映的并不是取血当日的滋养叶细胞的活性. 此外,


参阅"荧光"(fluorescence)条. 磷光若在撤去激发辐射后的一个易于观察到 的时间间隔里,所吸收的辐射能以比吸收辐射较长 的波长重新发射出来,那么这种发射光叫做磷光. 用 磷光计测定的持续时间一般从约. .001秒到几秒不 等,

Gaussian distribution:分布

正态分布(Gaussian distribution) 当一质控物用同一方法在不同的时间重复多次测定,当测定数据足够多时,如以横轴表示测定值,纵轴表示在大量测定中相应测定值的个数,则可得到一个两头低,中间高,中为所有测定值的均值,左右对称的"钟形"曲线,


hentriacontyl 二十一基 | hepcat 测定脉冲间最大与最小时间间隔的仪器 | HEPDEX 高能质子探测试验

magnetic inclination:磁倾角

由此研究可以得到三项重要发现:根据岩石中存磁性方向的测定可以决定这个岩石造成时地球磁极排列的方向和纬度的位置,这是由岩石中古地磁的磁偏角(Magnetic Declina-tion)和磁倾角(Magnetic Inclination)以及磁场的强度来测定的.由古地磁研究所测得若干大陆在不同地质时间的磁极位置,

mallard duck:野鸭

试验测定了10%溴虫腈悬浮剂对野鸭(Mallard duck)慢性繁殖的影响.溴虫腈试验浓度(有效成分)分别设计为0(对照)、0.5、1.0、2.0 mg/kg饲料.结果表明:溴虫腈对野鸭蛋产起始时间有一定影响,随着处理剂量的提高,初产蛋的时间略向后移;

reaction time:反应时间

1.反应时间(Reaction Time) 指仪器的一个分析周期中,试剂和样品混合最末一点测定读数时间. 它对终点法尤其重要,是终点法的瓶颈. 有的仪器多个反应时间可选L如Hl-TACHI 7170),须预先选定. 多数仪器10分钟左右,这对试剂提出了较高要求.

clotting time:凝血时间

(1) 血凝法:残留的因子Xa+底物血浆形成纤维蛋白血凝块,凝血时间(clotting time)直接与血浆中的肝素或LMWH呈正比. 使用口服抗凝药物必须以国际标准化比值(INR)监测. 众所周知,凝血酶原时间(PT)测定使用的凝血活酶的来源和促凝活性(商品试剂与WHO试剂的敏感性比值叫做国际敏感指数,