英语人>词典>汉英 : 浅薄的 的英文翻译,例句
浅薄的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dilettante  ·  flimsy  ·  injudicious  ·  trumpery  ·  unreflecting  ·  dilettantish  ·  dilettantist  ·  injudicial  ·  dilettantes  ·  flimsier  ·  flimsies  ·  trumperies  ·  shallowest

更多网络例句与浅薄的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alec know that she was promiscuous and superficial.


So why should I attempt to mutate into something I do not feel comfortable with just because a few ignorants fascists cannot broaden their narrow minds!?!


It is many alleged nation network swims instead making the old standard that promotes ethical culture tradition, traffic them wantonly that is dilettante cannot again dilettante bag is worn ethical culture appearance, the net that is full of very yellow very violent kernel however swims, but these game return at least is conduct propaganda merely, unapt still bold-faced to go infiltrating education is encircled, do to wrapping around the wolf of sheepskin, go pretending to be educational game, will cheat the parent, come prevail on adolescent indulges, will lend this him hype, come be ignorant of is worn conscience makes money.


It is shallow comical performance, not so highclass as humor.


The series revolves around vapid blonde and aspiring model, Deb Dobson (played by Brooke D'Orsay in the pilot and in flashbacks), who is killed in a car crash.

Deb 是个艳冠群芳但是学识浅薄的美人,梦想自己有一天能成为超级模特。

The technology is not excellent also nevertheless, can be very dilettante opinion only.


Likelihood I am little to SEO knowledge, old bird people do not laugh at the person with my dilettante knowledge!


American Youth - Young Americans are often criticized for their superficiality of interests, egocentrism and lack of cultural sophistication....


But I know every inch of his wafer-thin soul.


Generally speaking, my reflection of life may be inanition. But it tells me: I love Life and more.


更多网络解释与浅薄的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


19、pithy :adj.有髓的, 精练的 | 20、dilettante :浅薄的人;半瓶醋, | 22、harbinger :n.先驱, 预兆

dilettante:半吊子, 浅薄的涉猎者

infantile 孩子气的 | aestheticism 审美感 | dilettante 半吊子, 浅薄的涉猎者

flattish:略平的; 稍浅薄的; 稍单调的 (形)

flattery 谄媚; 巴结; 阿谀 (名) | flattish 略平的; 稍浅薄的; 稍单调的 (形) | flattop 航空母舰; 平顶的屋子 (名)


injudicial /不照法律形式的/欠思考的/不聪明的/浅薄的/ | injudicious /欠思考的/不聪明的/浅薄的/ | injudiciously /不智地/

jejune:(指思想、著作等)浅薄的, 幼稚的, 枯燥无味的

irony 具有讽刺意味的事, 嘲弄 | jejune (指思想、著作等)浅薄的, 幼稚的, 枯燥无味的 | kinetic 动力的, 由运动引起的, 活跃的; 有力的


lowbrow 教养浅薄的 | lowbrow 教养浅薄的人 | lowcost 低费用


lingering 拖延的,依依不舍的 | smattering 略知,浅薄的知识 | persevering 坚忍不拔的

tenuous: a.1:稀薄的,脆弱的 2.浅薄的,空洞的

tendon n.腱,筋 | tenuous a.1.稀薄的,脆弱的 2.浅薄的,空洞的 | tenure n.1.(物品)占有 2(职位)任期

unreflecting:不反射的, 不反省的, 无思虑的, 浅薄的

tin sheet 锡板, 锡片 | unreflecting 不反射的, 不反省的, 无思虑的, 浅薄的 | Irwin 欧文(姓氏, 男子名)


injectron /高压开关管/ | injudicial /不照法律形式的/欠思考的/不聪明的/浅薄的/ | injudicious /欠思考的/不聪明的/浅薄的/