英语人>词典>汉英 : 流逝 的英文翻译,例句
流逝 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
glide  ·  lapse  ·  lapsing  ·  glided  ·  glides  ·  lapses

run on · run out · wear away · flow away · roll by
更多网络例句与流逝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With respect to the company, disappear break those who mean company business to elapse, did not have business company to live hard, to the individual, place completely especially with the website for, the abandonment of Baidu, be just like let from penates 10 thousand be linked together go bankrupt at a draught breaking up one's family, street of be reduced to poverty, ah, there often is such abjection scene on telecine, the company can be done unexpectedly valence, the individual is short of have that capacity rarely.


As at Bethlehem and Gethsemane, the capitals of the pillars were Corinthian-classical in form, with acanthus leaves standing out fairly prominently. Above these were spiral scrolls centring an emblem of some kind, probably a cross, which has unfortunately disappeared in the course of time.


As time goes by the induction methods accrete layers of ritual and dogma that crowd out the theophanic aspect, and are adapted for other purposes.


Anyway, time passes, and the Trojan War is about to start led by our own Agamemnon.


In this aloneness, the sense of the passing of time had ceased.


With each passing day, I got angrier and angerier. I never received a reply from her.


Yesterday I went outside With my momma's mason jar Caught a lovely Butterfly When I woke up today And looked in on my fairy pet She had withered all away No more sighing in her breast I'm sorry for what I did I did what my body told me to I didn't mean to do you harm But everytime I pin down what I think I want it slips away - the ghost slips away I smell you on my hand for days I can't wash away your scent if I'm a dog then you're a bitch I guess you're as real as me maybe I can live with that maybe I need fantasy a life of chasing Butterfly I told you I would return When the robin makes his nest but I ain't never comin' back I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry


It is often sad that time elapses , But actually it does not .


It is often sad that time elapses, But actually it does not. Time stays put, we elapse.


It's often said that time elapses ,but actually it does not,time stays put ,we elapse.


更多网络解释与流逝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bein etzbeotai:时间的沙在我们的指缝间,流逝

Chol hazman shenashar 游荡在梦乡的边缘; | Bein etzbeotai 时间的沙在我们的指缝间,流逝. | Ze avar ze nigmar 现在,它离去了,

filthier and filthier by the minute:随着时间的流逝越来越脏

You do that, and this tank's gonna get...|我们那么做,这个... | filthier and filthier by the minute.|随着时间的流逝越来越脏 | Pretty soon, the dentist'll have to clean the tank...|用不了多长时间,那个牙医...


使痛苦(外界的) 轻松 疾病 租金 释放 高兴 皱纹,皱褶 lapse 是词根表示滑过,共同(col)的向一个 地方滑过就是坍塌(collapse ) .时间的流逝 (elapse)也是这个感觉.la


169. trial and error 试错法,试凑法 | 170. elapse 时间(流逝) | 171. enumerate 列举



The days fly by:光阴流逝

Of your time. 你宝贵的时光 | The days fly by, 光阴流逝 | Ere long you too 而你

Everybody does as time passes. You get married, you get into debt:随着时间流逝,每个人都会转变 你会结婚,负债

And in those years you become something... | Everybody does as time passes. You get married, you get into debt.|随着时间流逝,每个人都会转变 你会结婚,负债 | But you're never gonna be the same person you...

Time Lapse:时间流逝

BWL黑翼之巢 -- 克洛玛古斯(Chromaggus)时间流逝(Time Lapse)这个比较麻烦,出了的话需要至少2个坦克来保证BOSS的位置,副坦克要等时间流逝出了后及时跑出去拉住BOSS.其次所有职业都需要出来中这招,不然很容易OT,

with the passing/passage of time:随着时光的流逝

无论从哪一方面考虑:taking everything into consideration,they...... | 随着时光的流逝:with the passing/passage of time . | 我们随着时光流逝而长大:we grow older with the hours.

Timelapse Shard:時光流逝碎片 時光流逝裂片

Blessed Scale Girdle 神聖鱗片腰帶 祝福之鱗束腰 | Timelapse Shard 時光流逝碎片 時光流逝裂片 | Bindings of the Timewalker 時間行者護腕 時間行者束腕