英语人>词典>汉英 : 流连忘返 的英文翻译,例句
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N particular with Ibadet Ramadani lending her voice to this venture; Needless to say that she has one of the most exciting, impressive, alluringly and hauntingly wonderful voices with attitude in modern music and with a radiating, charismatic presence that comes from somewhere else.

badet Ramadani借用她独特的嗓音带来这次冒险,"不用说,她有个最令人兴奋、印象深刻,诱人和常会浮现于脑海的美好嗓音,这嗓音伴随着现代音乐的态度,还有令人流连忘返的魅力。"

You will be addicted to these grand and beautiful sights.


Therapontigonus Miles could walk arm in arm with Vadeboncoeur the grenadier, Damasippus the second-hand dealer would be happy among bric-a-brac merchants, Vincennes could grasp Socrates in its fist as just as Agora could imprison Diderot, Grimod de la Reyniere discovered larded roast beef, as Curtillus invented roast hedgehog, we see the trapeze which figures in Plautus reappear under the vault of the Arc of l'Etoile, the sword-eater of Poecilus encountered by Apuleius is a sword-swallower on the PontNeuf, the nephew of Rameau and Curculio the parasite make a pair, Ergasilus could get himself presented to Cambaceres by d'Aigrefeuille; the four dandies of Rome: Alcesimarchus, Phoedromus, Diabolus, and Argyrippus, descend from Courtille in Labatut's posting-chaise; Aulus Gellius would halt no longer in front of Congrio than would Charles Nodier in front of Punchinello; Marto is not a tigress, but Pardalisca was not a dragon; Pantolabus the wag jeers in the Cafe Anglais at Nomentanus the fast liver, Hermogenus is a tenor in the Champs-Elysees, and round him, Thracius the beggar, clad like Bobeche, takes up a collection; the bore who stops you by the button of your coat in the Tuileries makes you repeat after a lapse of two thousand years Thesprion's apostrophe: Quis properantem me prehendit pallio?


Boxwood carvings from the five water-carved bed, dinosaur fossils, weaving, spinning car today ...... can not see anything, can be dazzling display of tourists in front of every antique, so that all the tourists away.


Here are a colorful and diverse, flower-shaped fullness, unique, beautiful, I am Liulianwangfan butterfly orchid, but she only bloom in the greenhouse, how can we do with the wind, frost, snow and rain Xiang Bo!


Triumph of direction, camerawork, art direction, and performances, all hauntingly beautiful.


On the Greek island of Santorini, a cluster of private homes rests along the 300-year-old cliffside ruins of an indigenous community.


An irregular poetic expression suggestive of the ancient Greek dithyramb.


No matter where you come from and in any kind of occasions, the world-class cuisine of Eclat International Hotel, Shanghai would satisfy your sensation of taste buds.


This city, located on the Elbe, has attracted many artists, architects, sculptors, poets and composers. Its unique charm make people to linger on without any thought of leaving.


更多网络解释与流连忘返相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


您可以去阿冈昆(Algonquin)把其光彩壮丽尽收眼底,阿冈昆是安省最古老、最著名的自然环境公园. 其数千个美丽的湖泊河流、高耸的悬崖、湖滨以及种类繁多的野生动植物,会使您流连忘返,这是宿营、划船、钓鱼、步行跋涉和蹬车游览的理想地点.



beautifully wrought:玲珑剔透

鳞次栉比 placed closely side by side | 玲珑剔透 beautifully wrought | 流连忘返 linger on and forget to return


这些身着高档时装的法国名流夫人们在展出的苗族百褶裙、瑶族妇女头饰和侗家女子刺绣(embroidery)等少数民族服饰前流连忘返、赞不绝口. 拉法兰夫人在留言簿上写到:"这些独一无二的美丽服饰包涵着生活的艺术和哲学的理念,


她静静坐落在旧金山南湾,和圣荷西(San Jose)、佛利蒙(Fremont)、圣塔克拉拉等地区一起构成了闻名世界的硅谷. 全球互联网界第一品牌雅虎(YAHOO)总部也坐落在这里. 2004年后,这里曾经是马云流连忘返的地方,这里曾令他满怀激情和憧憬.

linger on:流连忘返

鳞次栉比 row upon row of; packed with | 流连忘返 linger on | 绿水青山 green hills and clear waters



Western restaurant:西餐厅

介绍: 西餐厅(Western Restaurant) 具有意大利特色、法国风味的" 凯琴" 西餐厅,美食分呈,格调优雅,温馨浪漫,充满怡人气息,拥有异国风情,令人流连忘返. 英文名: Cajun Restaurant 餐位: 180位 营业时间: 6:30 ― 24:00

Rise and fall continuosly:此起彼伏

未雨绸缪: Repair the house before it rains; prepare for bad times before they arrive | 此起彼伏: Rise and fall continuosly | 流连忘返: Enjoy oneself so much as to forget about home

in the lap of luxury:让你在美妙的情爱气氛中流连忘返

in the lap of luxury 让你在美妙的情爱气氛中流连忘返 | baby just turn to me 宝贝快转到我这儿来 | you won't want for nothing boy 你不会想要更多