英语人>词典>汉英 : 流胶现象 的英文翻译,例句
流胶现象 的英文翻译、例句


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In this paper, the bump patterns for flip-chip packages are discussed first, then an experiment is setup to study the dispensing phenomena for different bump patterns, and the CAE software is used to analyze and identify with experiment mutually. From these thorough comparisons and analytical analysis, the existence of channel could slow down the flow, the high density of bump could speed up the flow, and it could avoid the air trap by modified the bump and channel's arrangement on flip-chip package. Then flows in rectangular microchannels driven by capillary force and gravity are discussed; furthermore, the theoretical model of flow in microchannel driven by capillary force and gravity is formulated from the Navier-Stokes equations.

本文首先针对覆晶底部充填进行相关理论推导、实验与模拟,探讨不同凸块配置模型所造成的波前不平滑现象对底部充填流动的影响;即依据相关参数建立模型进行底部充填实验,同时以CAE(Computer-Aided Engineering)模流分析软体进行模拟,在完成理论探讨、实验与模拟分析之后,交叉比较理论、实验与模拟分析结果,归纳出影响底胶充填流动之因素,由结果显示在凸块密集度较高的区域,凸块可以帮助流动,但是在凸块区后方的沟槽区域则因为凸块区所提供之流量不足,所以会造成波前落后的现象,另外藉由修改凸块与沟槽配置的关系,可以有效的控制波前形状的变化情形,避免产生包风现象。

The pathological formation of patches of gum on certain plants, such as sugar cane and some fruit trees, resulting from attack by insects, microorganisms, or adverse weather conditions.


Brushing have not gummosis phenomenon, the product has a good decorative role.


Capillary phenomena was studied and discussed by the scholars about 200 years ago, but the progress was slow due to the limited equipments and manufacture precision of the microchannel.In recent years, because of the rapid development of MEMS and micromachining, many applications of the capillary flow is widely developing in some modern processes, such as underfilling of flip chip, flow in microfluidic chip or biochip, and a variety of other fields.

摘要 毛细现象大约在200年前便断断续续被欧美学者所研究讨论,但由於当时微细加工受到仪器设备和制造精度的限制,因此发展极为缓慢;近年来由於微机电系统与微细加工之精进,许多具有微流道的应用设备,陆续被制作问世,加上光学显微镜与影像撷取设备的普遍,对於研究此课题的推展极有助益;且随著微生医、覆晶底胶充填与微流体系统等领域之受到重视,毛细现象导致的充填问题、驱动原理及液体流动的控制,都变得相当的重要;本研究基於如此的动机与目的,进行微流道内液体之毛细流动现象及时间的探讨。

For vertical and inclined surface shape. No plastic flow phenomena.


更多网络解释与流胶现象相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

air bubble:气泡

称为 胶化时间或可流胶 时间 当此时段太长时会造成板中应有的胶流出太多, 不但厚度变薄浪 费成本而且造成铜箔 直接压到玻璃上使结构强度及抗化性不良 但此时间太短时则又无法 在赶完板藏气之前因黏 度太大无法流动而形成气泡 (air bubble) 现象 C.


gummosis 流胶病 | gummosis 流胶现象 | gummy 树胶的


gummite 脂铅铀矿 | gummosis 流胶病 | gummosis 流胶现象


gummite /脂铅铀矿/ | gummosis /流胶病/流胶现象/ | gummy /树胶的/粘的/


gummosis 流胶现象 | gummy 树胶的 | gummymucilaginousmucouspitchysticking 粘的


有树脂的 resiniferous | 流脂现象;流胶病 resinosis | 有树脂的; 产树脂的 resinous


gummingtest胶粘试验 | gummose树胶糖(动物胶的稀酸分解产物) | gummosis流胶现象


gummosis流胶现象 | gummosity胶粘性 | gummous胶粘的


树脂囊 resin sac; resin cyst | 有树脂的 resiniferous | 流脂现象;流胶病 resinosis