英语人>词典>汉英 : 流口水的 的英文翻译,例句
流口水的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
slobbery  ·  drooly

更多网络例句与流口水的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That baby is a dribbler ; he needs a bib.


I'm not gonna drool!


He told me of his latest adventures on a planet so cool it makes you drool.


Your baby is now 1 year old, is still in the stage of drooling, do not worry.


Add it up and, well, sorry to disappoint everyone waiting for the KG Sweepstakes.


His eyes bulged and his big mouth hung open and slavered.


I had the Monster Burger to go, and it drooled out of the bag and onto my foot all the way back to the motel.


And not to the millions of idiots who drooled over that news item about the magic cat.


Backpacker editors write: The backpacking universe is divided into two types: people who understand why we'd drool over a folding spork, and those who still cook with cast-iron camp skillets.


Paella-- the word rolls off your tongue as your mouth starts to water.


更多网络解释与流口水的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

it always ends up drivel:它总会停止流着口水的呓语

don't get sentimental, 不要变得那么多愁善感 | it always ends up drivel. 它总会停止流着口水的呓语 | One day, I am gonna grow wings, 有一天,我会长出翅膀


颈椎脊柱后弯的情形也偶然可见其他发现 音调呈现高音调与中等程度的多毛症也曾被报告过,约有25%的患者有心智迟缓的现象,肌肉强直的原因会导致流口水(drooling)与说话不清楚.

Drooling motherfuckers:流着口水的混蛋

Those doddering,|那群喝的东倒西歪 | Drooling motherfuckers.|流着口水的混蛋 | Hey, Dennis.|嘿 Dennis

When I found you, you were so slobbering drunk:当我找到你时 你还是一个流着口水的醉鬼

And remember this, never forget this...|记住这点 永远不要忘记这... | When I found you, you were so slobbering drunk...|当我找到你时 你还是一个流着口水的醉鬼... | you couldn't buy brandy!|你可买不起白兰...


slobber 垂涎 | slobbery 流口水的 | sloe 黑刺李


slobbering /垂涎/ | slobbery /流口水的/发牢骚/ | sloe /黑刺李/野生的李树之类/

slobbery:流口水的; 过于伤感的 (形)

slobber 流口水; 说感情用事的话; 流口水弄湿 (动) | slobbery 流口水的; 过于伤感的 (形) | sloe 黑刺李, 野李 (名)

And not to the millions of idiots who drooled over that news item about the magic cat:成千上万对魔法猫流口水的笨蛋也不肯信

Not to the patient.|病人不... | And not to the millions of idiots who drooled over that news item about the magic cat.|成千上万对魔法猫流口水的笨蛋也不肯信 | Why are you so obsessed with this?|你为什么总...

Mimics him drooling:(流口水的,可爱的)

80. Bra 胸罩 | 81. Mimics him drooling(流口水的,可爱的) over a woman's breasts. | 83. Storms off.狂怒咆哮

drooling vegetable that wets his pants:这东西不会让我变成 流口水 尿裤子的植物人吧

Cameron's should suffice... | This isn't gonna turn me into some,like, drooling vegetable that wets his pants,is it?|这东西不会让我变成 流口水 尿裤子的植物人吧? | Is there anything you can do about the...