英语人>词典>汉英 : 流动 的英文翻译,例句
流动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
flow  ·  flowage  ·  flows  ·  fluxion  ·  stream  ·  streams  ·  flowed  ·  streamed

going from place to place
更多网络例句与流动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to the understanding of the flow characteristics, a mechanism of formation of vortex streets has been proposed to be the absolute instability of the wake, and several methods of flow control have been developed and shown successful.


Correctional checking formula of melt flow ratio in injection molding was obtained by introducing a correction coefficient β which reflected the complexity degree of mold cavity. The results show that, the maximum flow ratio of 486 can be obtained when injection pressure ranges from 150 MPa to 160 MPa in Archimedes spiral mold for PP, while maximum flow ratio of 419 can be obtained when injection pressure ranges from 160 MPa to 170 MPa for PE. There is a local fluctuation phenomenon for flow ratio and corresponding injection rate in square spiral mold when injection pressure of 100, 120 and 150 MPa for PP and 130, 140 MPa for PE are reached respectively,and this phenomenon is more serious for good fluidity of melt. The average flow ratio in Archimedes spiral mold is 6% larger than that in square spiral mold for PP, and 4% for PE, the average flow ratio of PP is 19% bigger than PE in Archimedes spiral mold, and 15% in square spiral mold. The influence of the cavity profiles on the melt flow ratio is more significant for good fluidity of melt.

研究结果表明:在阿基米德螺旋线模具中,PP在注射压力为150~160 MPa时取得最大流动比485,PE在注射压力为160~170 MPa时取得最大流动比419;在方形螺旋线模具中,PP在注射压力为100,120和150 MPa,PE在注射压力为130和140 MPa时流动比及所对应的注射速率出现波动,且流动性好的熔体波动更为严重;PP在阿基米德螺旋线模具中的流动比均值较其在方形螺旋线模具中大6%,而PE大4%;在阿基米德螺旋线模具中流动比均值PP比PE的流动比均值大19%,而在方形螺旋线模具中PP的流动比均值比PE的大15%;流动性好的熔体受模具型腔轮廓特征影响大。

The most common ratio using current asset and current -liability data is the current ratio, which is


The characteristic and difference of flow in porous media between the pseudo-plastic fluids and the expansile fluids was described in detail. The experimental pressure drop measurements were made in a packed bed under a variety of conditions, and the variation of the friction factor with the Reynolds number was obtained. Corresponding to the flow resistance in a nonporous channel, the flow resistance in porous media can be divided into Darcy resistance and Forchheimer resistance as well. The experiment data was divided into Darcy regime, transitional regime and Forchheimer regime in accordance with the Reynolds number.


The main work and innovation of this dissertation are: 1. The network management domain-specific mobile agent system architecture and mobile agent model are proposed and described in details. The lifecycle of mobile agent is described by using state diagram. The layered security model is introduced. The mobility model is distinguished by the complete and partial one as well as the explicite mobility and implicite one. 2. Aimming at the complexity and heterogeneity of the network, the abstract network entity is presented and defined in details. The mobile agent is also classified and studied from the point of the mobile mechinisim along with the resposibility view. The NMBMA, which the main component is ANE, is put forward and described by using organizational, informationl, computational and implementary model. 3. The two architectures, NMBMA and Client/Server-based one, are compared and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. 4. The prototype based on the above NMBMA is designed and some examples are described in the prototype.


In this paper the importation of translations that the value orientation of personnel, organization and personnel employment orientation towards the mobile space changes focusing on concepts, organizations, systems, cultural, and social aspects of China's human impact on the flow of major issues, from the political, economic, cultural, market, environment etc., the promotion and protection of the rational flow of talents to deal with comments and suggestions, as follows: In politics, setting up the political sense of talent with the progress of time spirit, implementing roundly the strategy to strengthen nation by relying on talent, establishing quickly the system to manage talent and reforming the system of personnel; In economy,talent flow corresponding with economic construction, assorting talent's structure with economic structure, paying attention to the economic benefit from talent flow, quickening to construct the social welfare system of talent, founding the flexible system of employment and reducing the cost of talent flow; In culture, stressing on the functions of culture for talent flow, cultural model corresponding with the model of talent flow, sparking plug the excellent culture to facilitate talent flow and erecting the cultural system to motivate talent flow; In marketing, unifying the thinking to developing talent market, enhancing the construction of talent market and fastening the growth of service agency for talent; In surroundings, grasping the elements of talent surroundings, optimizing the circumstance of talent flow and building the condition to look after the security of talents.


The results show that the flow length of microfluid in micro channels that have different section shapes but the same length(50 mm) is in inverse proportion to sections RPA (RPA means the ratio of the section s perimeter to its area),and the smaller the RPA , the longer the flow length.

研究结果表明:微流体在截面形态不同,长度均为50 mm微流道中的流动长度与流道截面的比表面积(截面周长与截面面积的比值)呈反比关系,比表面积越小,流动长度越大;当微流道的比表面积较小时,熔体温度与注射压力对流动长度的影响较大;当比表面积较大时,熔体温度与注射压力对流动长度的影响较小,且不论比表面积如何变化,注射压力对流动长度的影响比熔体温度对流动长度的影响显著。

Any high Re number flow over bodies consists of three basic flows: the flow with convection-dominant in all spatial directions, the flow with convection-diffusion competition in all directions and the flow with convection-dominant in part directions and convection-diffusion competition in part directions, which is called the interacting shear flow; the features of the three basic flows are different; their simplest conservation equations, i.e. the Euler equations, Navier-Stokes equations and diffusion parabolized NS equations, have different mathematical characteristics; there is a great disparity in domains of the three basic flows and the domains of NS equations are very small. Therefore, adopting Euler-DPNS-NS equation system to analyze and compute high Re number flows over bodies is a logical approach. There exists a mutual examined-complemented relationship of this approach with the usual one of adopting only NS equations.


The simulation results of the cylinder-block model were given in the article, consistent with that of Middlemen"s. It was shown that the block part could improve the uniformity of the flow distribution. The analysis of the flow field of some materials with different power-law factor in the die designed by Mckelvey was close to that of Mckelvey"s. It was shown that the flow distribution was uniform in the die that can producesheets with 1200mm in width. During the analysis the flow channel was divided into several parts to get the details about the fluid flow in each area. A conclusion was drawn after analyzing the influence of the die pressure on the flow distribution, that the higher pressure is good for the output and bad for the uniformity of the distribution. Simulation of the die applying the cylindrical main runner showed the fact that when the cylinder replaced the cone the change of uniformity was trivial. The uniformity of the non-block flow channel was so poor that the block in the proper position of the die channel was necessary. The project of the die for the wider sheet was put forth, and the analysis of the fluid flow in the die was shown.


Models on three types of social mobility demonstrate the obvious differences of factors influencing residential mobility of persons with different types of social mobility. Persons of upward social mobility obtain more chances of residential mobility in any period of housing reform because of their higher social and economic status, no matter in planning system or market system. Persons of downward social mobility nearly do not enjoy any benefit in housing reform and housing market construction, and consequently have the lowest residential mobility rate. Persons of horizontal mobility only obtain more chances of residential mobility in the most radical period of housing reform.


更多网络解释与流动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

current assets:流动资产

11-12 流动资产(Current assets) 流动资产包括现金、短期投资、应收款项、存货、预付款项及其他流动资产等. 凡在正常经营过程中,於一年可变为现金,或在不影响业务之原则下,随时可变为现金或减少现金支出而具有流动性质之资产皆属之.


counter-boring 锪孔 | countercurrent 对向流动;迎面流动 | counterflow 对向流动;迎面流动


countercurrent 对向流动;迎面流动 | counterflow 对向流动;迎面流动 | counterweight 配重;平衡重

current asset:流动资产

资产分为流动资产(Current Asset)和长期资产(long-termassets). 流动资产,流动资产是指企业可以在一个营业周期内变现或者运用的资产,是企业资产中必不可少的组成部分. 流动资产包括现金及现金等价物、短期投资、应收帐款、应收票据、其他应收款、库存、预付款及其他资产;

floating capital:流动资本;流动资产

floating capital 流动资本 | floating capital 流动资本;流动资产 | flow of capital 资金流动

fluxion structure:流动构造;流动结构

流动对称 flow symmetry | 流动构造;流动结构 fluxion structure | 流动熔岩 fluent lava

one dimensional flow:一维流动;一元流动

non-viscous flow 非粘性流动 | one-dimensional flow 一维流动;一元流动 | parallel flow 平行流动

current ratio:流动比率

衡量企业是否有足够的能力支付短期负债,经常使用的指标是"流动比率"(current ratio),流动比率的定义为:流动比率=流动资产 流动负债. 流动比率显示企业利用流动资产偿付流动负债的能力,比率越高,表示流动负债受偿的可能性越高,

steady flow:定常流动

定常流动与非定常流动 根据流体流动过程以及流动过程中的流体的物理参数是否与时间相关,可将流动分为 定常流动(steady flow)与非定常流动(unsteady flow).

cytoplasmic streaming:胞质流动

另外,微丝与胞质流动(cytoplasmic streaming)有密切的关系. 在具有明显的胞质流动的细胞中,可以看到成束的微丝排列在流动带中,并与流动方向相平行,当用专门破坏微丝的药品--细胞松弛素处理后,胞质流动便停止. 如果把药物去掉,微丝可重新聚合,