英语人>词典>汉英 : 流产 的英文翻译,例句
流产 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abort  ·  abortion  ·  misbirth  ·  miscarriage  ·  miscarry  ·  aborts  ·  miscarried  ·  miscarries  ·  miscarrying  ·  misc.  ·  miscarriages  ·  amblosis

更多网络例句与流产相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To evaluate the efficacy of abortive medicine combined with on missed abortion.


To evaluate the specificity of the PCR, genomic DNA of Theileria annulata,Babesia bovis,Toxoplasma gondii,Leishmania donovani and standard strain of N. caninum were used as a template in the PCR. For determining the detection limit of amplification procedure, PCR was run on a dilution series of genomic DNA from N. caninum(1.562 5-200 ng/ml). Brain tissue samples of 32 aborted fetuses were detected by PCR-based assay, and 23 blood samples from mothers were tested by ELISA. Results The amplified DNA fragment (350 bp)had a high identity of 98% with the Nc-5 gene sequence of N.


Their bulls never fail to breed; their cows calve and do not miscarry .


It does not know that abortion will each give the endometrium caused by trauma, especially repeated abortion, the uterus will no doubt come to serious harm, and some may even hinder the normal after childbirth.


In order to investigate the effect of IFN-γon the expression of TNF-αin the hypothala- mus-pituitary-ovary axisof RU486-induced aborted SD rats, RU486 was used to establish the abortion model, then the aborted rats were administrated with different doses of IFN-γintraperitoneal injection, the method of immunohistochemical ultrasensitive SP was us- ed to study the variation of positive TNF-αcells in hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary and uterus in normal pregnant group A, aborted model group B and three different doses of IFN-γgroup C,D,E. The main goal of this research was to study whether the low dose of IFN-γcould have a protective function to pregnancy and the mechanism of its function so as to provide morph- ologic basis for the scientific using of IFN-γin the process of animal abortion control.

为探讨IFN-γ对流产大鼠下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴(hypothalamus-pituitary- ovary-axis,HPOA )TNF-α表达的影响,本试验用米非司酮(RU486)建立SD大鼠流产模型,通过腹腔注射不同剂量IFN-γ,采用超敏感免疫组织化学SP法(链霉素抗生物素—过氧化物酶法),观察了孕13天(d13)SD大鼠正常妊娠A组、流产模型B组、不同剂量IFN-γC、D、E组下丘脑、垂体、卵巢、子宫TNF-α的表达变化,探讨低剂量IFN-γ对妊娠是否有保护作用及其作用机制,期望能为在妊娠过程中如何科学应用IFN-γ防止动物流产提供形态学依据。

Hydrosalpinx is detrimental to the outcome of IVF-ET and may cause the increase of abortion,appropriate procedure should be adopted to deal with the problem before the IVF-ET and may improve the outcome of IVF-ET and may decrease the abortion rate.Compared with the salpingectomy,the proximal tubal ligation with distal tubal salingostomy may be a better option in this situation and it may cause less interference to the ovarian function.


And abortion rate,efflux time of gestation sac,time of colporrhagia and returning menstruation, adverse reactions were examined.results the abortion rate,efflux time of gestation sac,time of colporrhagia and returning menstruation in three groups didn't have significant difference.but adverse reactions in them were shown significant difference.the complete abortion rate of pregnancy women less than 6 weeks was higher than that of 6~8 weeks.conclusion shorter course of treatment,minor response were shown.group a possesses advantages of short time,exact effect and little side effect,especially in less than 6 weeks duration of pregnancy.


The lower pregnancy rate was found in Group C,the highest abortion rate and ectopic pregnancy rate were found in Group C was 21.15% and 7.69% repectively,and was statistially different from that in control group (P.05).Conclusion Hydrosalpinx is detrimental to the outcome of IVF-ET and may cause the increase of abortion,appropriate procedure should be adopted to deal with the problem before the IVF-ET and may improve the outcome of IVF-ET and may decrease the abortion rate.


Methods The patients were devided into three groups: abortion using parametrium nerve block anesthesia group, traditional abortion group and medical abortion group with 80 cases in each group.


Results All 23 post-traumatic abortions were early abortions. Their traumata were mild and external only. Vagina bleeding and abortion occurred shortly after trauma.

结果 23例外伤后流产法医学鉴定例均为早期流产,体表损伤轻微,伤后短时间内出现阴道流血,并在较短时间内流产

更多网络解释与流产相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


如果非故意终止妊娠发生在妊娠前4个月,则称为流产(abortion);4个月以后者,则通常称为杭州新城医院专家:"流产"(abortion) 即可指非故意终止早期妊娠,也可指故意终止早期妊娠.

habitual abortion:习惯性流产

需要妇产科医生做进一步的检查和治疗. 一次自然流产对于下一次成功地足月顺产,并无不良影响. 但是发生两次自然流产,应该警惕"习惯性流产"(habitual abortion)和"子宫颈内口松弛症"(incompetent cervix),需要妇产科医生做进一步的检查和治疗

habitual abortion:惯性流产

(6)习惯性流产(habitual abortion) 连续流产超过3次者称习惯性流产. (7)感染性流产(septic abortion) 除流产症状外,伴有发热、腹痛、白细胞增高、宫体压痛或伴盆腔腹膜炎、败血症等. [鉴别诊断] (1)异位妊娠:患者有下腹突然剧痛,甚至发生休克,

habitual abortion:习惯流产

septic abortion 感染流产 | habitual abortion 习惯流产 | cervical incompetence 宫颈机能不全

late abortion:晚期流产

流产发生在妊娠12周以前者为早期流产(early abortion),流产发生在妊娠12周至不足28周终止者为晚期流产(late abortion). 流产分为自然流产(spontaneous abortion流产(abortion)为妇科常见疾病,是指妊娠不足28周、胎儿体重不足1000g而终止妊娠.

inevitable abortion:难免流产

2,难免流产(inevitable abortion) 是先兆流产的继续,妊娠难以持续,有流产的临床过程,阴道出血时间较长,出血量较多,而且有血块排出,阵发性下腹痛,或有羊水流出.

inevitable abortion:二、难免流产

一、先兆流产 Threatened Abortion 48 | 二、难免流产 Inevitable Abortion 48 | 三、稽留流产 Missed Abortion 48

recurrent miscarriage:习惯性流产

mscarriage--patent tretament自然流产 | recurrent miscarriage: 习惯性流产 | late miscarriage晚期流产

septic abortion:流产感染

3.流产感染(septic abortion) 流产过程中,若阴道流血时间长,有组织残留于宫腔内或非法堕胎等,有可能引起官腔感染,严重时感染可扩展到盆腔、腹腔甚至全身,并发盆腔炎、腹膜炎、败血症及感染性休克等,称流产感染.

septic abortion:感染流产

missed abortion 稽留流产 | septic abortion 感染流产 | habitual abortion 习惯流产