- 更多网络例句与活组织镜检查相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Methods 370 cases diagnosed as ASCUS through Thinprep Cytologic Test were undertaken vaginoscopy and cervical biopsy.
Lens checks fiber bronchus bronchus of fiber of all patient classics all is checked before lens examination phlegmy look for 1~3 of the bacili that fight acid second, outside dividing positive of 2 phlegmy bacterium, electronegative; is in Yu Wei fiber bronchus lens is orthoptic next observation tracheal, bronchus reach each lung paragraph, bronchus mucous membrane, live via taking check, brush check to do pathology cytology examination and bacteriological examination; with the film inside bronchus unusual organize via pathology change for tuberculosis or n/med tuberculosis of the film inside diagnostic bronchus of positive of smear of n/med tuberculosis bacterium.
The collection of 1.2 specimens the method uses tailor-made palace neck canal to brush outside palace neck mouth and palace neck canal rotate 5 weeks, collect fall off inside the pyxis that the cell washs his Cheng Youbao to put liquid, apply Xin Baishi 2000 full automatic after production opportunity has production, artificial cling to family name coloring, optical microscope issues observation, use TBS to report means reports.
Bronchoscopic results showed exudative lesions in 38% of the cases,granulomatous lesions in 9%,cicatricial lesions in 26%, ulcerative lesions in 17%, and normal-like demonstrations in 11%. Positive results were found in 8 out of 50 by sputum acid-fast staining, 73 out of 86 by bronchoscopic brushing smears, and 17 out of 56 by bronchial biopsies.
Using the SLC-2000B colposcope that was maded in the DIGENE company to examine and make biossy in the doubtful sites.
In the percutaneous pleural needle biopsy group, 67 patients were conformed to have histological changes of tuberculous pleuritis and the detection rate was 51.54%.
Objective: For enhancement of the detecting rate of uterocervical disease in early. Method: We examine uterocervical smear of 1347cases with the system of computer cell test.98 cases of positive are taken biopsy with vagnoscopy.
After consented and investigated using questionnaire (including risk factors of cervical cancer, knowledge of cancers), eligible women were examined by VIA and VILI and women who had ab...
Abnormal pleurae were biopsied in sight of thoracoscopy and compared with blind needle biopsy for pleurae.
Results The positive rates of detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis were13%,19%,22%,15% and 76% respectively by pathologic examination, brushing smear, sputum smear, culture after bronchoscopy and NPCR methods. Significant differences were found between NPCR and the other 4 methods (all Ps<0.01). No positive result for Mycobacterium tuberculosis was found in 43 controls by NPCR.
结果 67例支气管内膜结核活检组织病理检查、刷检涂片、支气管镜检&激惹&后痰涂片、镜检术后痰培养及NPCR检测阳性率分别为13%、19%、22%、15%和76%,后者与前四者相比差异有非常显著性(P均<0.01)。43例支气管肺癌患者结核分支杆菌DNA的NPCR无一例阳性。
- 更多网络解释与活组织镜检查相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
needle biopsy:针刺活检
血管内膜和外层纤维组织亦出现增生;有的小动脉内皮细胞肿胀、突向管腔致使血管腔变窄甚至阻塞. 关节镜(arthroscope)及针刺活检(needle biopsy)的应用已日广泛.关节镜对诊断及治疗均有价值,针刺活检是一种操作简单、创伤小的检查方法.
endoscope adapter:内窥镜转接器
endoscope 内视镜=>内視鏡 | endoscope adapter 内窥镜转接器 | endoscopic biopsy 经内窥镜活组织检查,经内窥镜活组织检查
研究表明,病变的组织能向腹腔分泌胎盘蛋白14和糖链蛋白125,深层浸润病灶能向血液分泌这些物质. 肠道和泌尿道的病变还可通过肠镜( enteroscope)、膀胱镜( cyst-scope)、输尿管镜( ureteroscope)等进行活组织检查以及造影等帮助诊断.
2.腹腔镜检查(peritoneoscopy)这是一种创伤性检查,故学者们认为,它并不是肝硬化的一种必需检查,只有在少数疑难病例,才考虑进行此项检查. 在直视下,可见肝脏表面结节,肝脏边缘锐利不规则,色泽灰白,包膜增厚皱缩,同时还可在直视下直接穿刺取肝活组织学检查.