英语人>词典>汉英 : 活埋 的英文翻译,例句
活埋 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

bury alive
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Even those who should abjure their errors were condemned, if men, to die by the sword; if women, to be buried alive.


I was buried in an avalanche.


Very usually he is saved from premature interment solely by the knowledge of his friends that he has been previously subject to catalepsy , by the consequent suspicion excited, and, above all, by the non-appearance of decay.


He said there was a cave-in at the new shelter and that Jack was buried alive.


Director Rodrigo Cortes buried Ryan Reynolds alive with his latest film, Buried , which is set to make its debut at Sundance, and to prove it we've got the new festival one-sheet for you!

导演Rodrigo Cortes在他的最新电影活埋中活生生地埋了RR。这是被设置为该电影在圣丹斯电影节的初次亮相中出现的场景。

Hundreds of Confucian scholars would not comply with the edict, and were buried alive.


She told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation: In pursuit of fortune and glory Jones ignores international treaties, treats human remains as weapons and destroys archaeological sites in a bid to escape from potential entombment.


Mankind's history up to now helps a culture by torture Jun method to often see not fresh, like the Xing of fire Fen, commit by poison of Xing, behead, cut a waist, bury alive, boil Lao, car crack, Ling2 Chi2, disorderly the stick kill, execute by shooting, exterminate whole family, five horse cent corpses, dig to the prisoner's large intestine to bind while also having Sung Dynasty Bad is at the horsetail up, whip son a ring the horse drive fast and the prisoner immediately draws last breath an etc.


Chinese inventively to the improbity Mud Si wood's collective pit kill to bury alive a technique, be the important guerdon that they should get.


It may be burial alive, or death by fire, or by drowning, or by impalement, or fifty other death s


更多网络解释与活埋相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Cask Of Amontillado:一桶白葡萄酒

他的大部分作品都贯穿着生与死这个主题,尤为典型的是被活埋的经历或走出坟墓后变成吸血鬼的情节,>(The Premature Burial)、>(Ligeia)、>(The Cask of Amontillado)和>(The Fall of the House of

stay at home:呆家里

Be buried alive 被活埋 bury v. 埋葬 | stay at home 呆家里 | go out with 出去了/ 与某人交往

bubonic plague:淋巴腺鼠疫

例如:1347-1351年间,淋巴腺鼠疫(Bubonic Plague)曾杀死了七千五百万人;1971年,旋风在东巴基斯坦曾夺去了至少二十万人的生命,并使一百万人无家可归;1908年意大利南部大地震,活埋了八万五千人;1846年爱尔兰全国的马铃薯(薯仔)由于染上枯萎病而失收,


动作/惊悚类预告片有三款:>(Jonah Hex)、>(Piranha 3D)、>(Buried). >的乔什.布洛林在>失利后,自然想继续构筑票房号召力,但当梅根.福克斯再一次像骆驼顶着驼峰一样挺着巨胸登场时,

bury alive:活埋

burn 烧伤 | bury alive 活埋 | bursting wound 爆炸创

general hospital:综合医院

大地震后活埋废墟6天才奇迹获救的女婴被送到海地太子港(Port-au-Prince)"综合医院"(General Hospital)救治时,护士们情不自禁的用力鼓掌,为她庆幸. 野战医院的以色列医师阿萨(Amit Assa)说,布拉姆兹获救时已濒临死亡,还好及时急救回来,


tachophobia:速度恐懼症 | taphephobia:活埋恐懼症 | tapinophobia:被傳染恐懼症


条虫恐怖 Taeniophobia | 活埋恐怖 Taphephobia | 男性癔病,男性协识脱离 Tarassis

Taphephobia: Fear of being buried alive:害怕被活埋

Seplophobia: Fear of decaying matter 害怕腐烂的东西 | Taphephobia: Fear of being buried alive 害怕被活埋 | Thanatophobia: Fear of death or dying 害怕死亡或死亡即将降临的时刻

Taphephobia Taphophobia- Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries:公墓、活埋恐惧症

Taeniophobia or Teniophobia- Fear of tapeworms.绦虫恐惧症 | Taphephobia Taphophobia- Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries.公墓、活埋恐惧症 | Tapinophobia- Fear of being contagious.不确定恐惧症