英语人>词典>汉英 : 洗碗的人 的英文翻译,例句
洗碗的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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But you ought to see what a butterfingers he is out around the house. For instance, if I ask him to wash the dishes, he's sure to drop a dish or a cup.


I looked up. The fire escape was empty. A dish towel fluttered on an improvised clothesline; someone else would live there now, some other couple.


Then they both scudded to the kitchen, where they installed themselves at the table in an empty space between the dishcloths, which were spread out to dry, and the bowl still full of dishwater.


I had a nice mooncake festival here,i had a dinner in our dinning room with other four chinese.everyone cooked a meal for others,well,except a gey,he just finished his lesson before webegan cooking.so you can see that in my photo :that gey was reading a newspaper while the others were cooking,but he had to wash all the stuff after dinner,so we call him"xi wan gege洗碗哥哥)"hahaha.


Hanger-on; too lazy to wash the dishes; shiftless idle youth; slothful employees; the unemployed are not necessarily work-shy.


Faineant kings under whose rule the country languished; an indolent hanger-on; too lazy to wash the dishes; shiftless idle youth; slothful employees; the unemployed are not necessarily work-shy.


For those of us who can turn on the faucet confident that there will be steady stream of clean water for bathing, drinking, cooking, washing dishes, the thought that the world could go dry seems incomprehensible.


Tough on grease while being gentle on your hands and the earth. Everyone can pitch in on the dishes thanks to a safe, non-toxic formula.


No one can rally around a woman who must scrub floors and pots all day.


When they're on-site, modern conveniences like dishwashers and washing machines often require costly power-generation systems.


更多网络解释与洗碗的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dishtowel:干毛巾布; 干抹布 (名)

dishrag 洗碟用布; 抹布 (名) | dishtowel 干毛巾布; 干抹布 (名) | dishwasher 洗碗机, 洗碗的人 (名)


人类自身保护意识,就算那湖北佬把"您"(Nin)说成"宁",他本人也会自豪地甩甩手里大白菜上挂的水珠,再笑骂一句"超里妈咯个逼". 我们约定. 我做饭她洗碗. 凌晨两点半,隔壁的隔壁小两口开骂. 真吵,不过没人出来劝架. 吵着吵着动起了手,