英语人>词典>汉英 : 洗碗 的英文翻译,例句
洗碗 的英文翻译、例句


wash the dishes
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Do the dishes with a dishcloth.


If you need a few minutes to do dishes, you can set her up next to you with a dishpan filled with soapy water and coins.


Convenience and healthy:the product has the double funtions of the bowl cloth and the detergent.


I had a nice mooncake festival here,i had a dinner in our dinning room with other four chinese.everyone cooked a meal for others,well,except a gey,he just finished his lesson before webegan cooking.so you can see that in my photo :that gey was reading a newspaper while the others were cooking,but he had to wash all the stuff after dinner,so we call him"xi wan gege洗碗哥哥)"hahaha.


When we walk and drive, we don't think business and just do it intently.


Last night, we had someone coming over to look at the smoke detector.


You use the dishwasher as a dish rack.


You use the dishwasher as a dish rack.


You use the dishwasher as a dish rack.


I suggest we divide up our job: one of us does the cooking and wash-up and the other to fetch the bike, wash and grease it.


更多网络解释与洗碗相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a dishcloth:洗碗布

桌布 a tablecloth | 洗碗布 a dishcloth | 洗碗机 a dishwasher

dishpan hands:(因燒飯、洗碗等所致)粗糙的手

13.deodorant n. 除臭劑;體香劑 | 14.dishpan hands (因燒飯、洗碗等所致)粗糙的手 | dishpan n. 洗碗盤用的盆子


dishwash 洗碗盘 | dishwasher 洗碗机 | dishwater 洗碟的水


(X)8 酒吧的杯子很多,为了节省时间,经常将使用后的杯子,送往餐厅的洗碗机(Dishwasher)一起清洗. (X)21 雪克杯(Shaker)清洗完后,须重新组合放置於阴凉乾燥的地方. (X)22 洗清高飞球杯(High Ball)要使用清洁剂和菜瓜布清洗,

a dishwasher:洗碗机

洗碗布 a dishcloth | 洗碗机 a dishwasher | 原始人 primitive people


Those people wait all year, and you want to give them this dishwater.|人们等了一年,你就给他们这种洗碗水(难喝的汤)吗 | Dishwater?|洗碗水? | Dishwater.|洗碗

Those people wait all year, and you want to give them this dishwater:人们等了一年,你就给他们这种洗碗水(难喝的汤)吗

I save your soup!|我救了你的汤 | Those people wait all year, and you want to give them this dishwater.|人们等了一年,你就给他们这种洗碗水(难喝的汤)吗 | Dishwater?|洗碗水?

scullery:洗碗槽 碗碟洗涤室

sculler 双桨轻划艇 | scullery 洗碗槽;碗碟洗涤室 | sculling boat 摇橹船

scullery basin:洗碗槽

scullery 碗碟洗涤装置 | scullery basin 洗碗槽 | sculp 片裂板岩

You use the dishwasher as a dish rack:你把洗碗机当碗橱 (我家没洗碗机不过看到过很多家都这么干)

32.you have stuff in the freezer since the beginnin... | 33.you use the dishwasher as a dish rack. 你把洗碗机当碗橱 (我家没洗碗机不过看到过很多家都这么干) | 34.you have never used your dishwasher. 你从...