英语人>词典>汉英 : 洒粉 的英文翻译,例句
洒粉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与洒粉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After some of; of the glove when some committing the crime commits the crime, be in spot aspersion, benzine, lime, 666 pink or sweep the floor wait for a method, destroy cotton of the bag on socks of coat of shoe of footmark; some, foot, or change the shoe that wears other, the article that makes pretending; when the finish after some cases commits the crime, be used even with this and incendiary destroy the site, this gives collect in the round mark obtains evidence and undertake examining working bringing very great difficulty.


I prefer to use baking soda and water, sprinkled inside the oven and left overnight.


If rugs cannot be removed, follow this procedure weekly: Apply benzyl benzoate moist powder or 3% tannic acid, then vacuum using a cleaner with an effective filtration system


To keep squirrels from eating your plants, sprinkle your plants with cayenne pepper.


Turn dough onto lightly floured surface and knead 10 times or until dough is smooth.


Now the company owns 5 production lines ( width 2 m, 2.5m and 3 m) and 6 different type carpet back rubberizing coating compound production lines imported from Europe ( such as single-side effervescence back rubberizing, full-immersion rubberizing, powder-spraying compound, PVC plastification heavy coating ).


Trim and devein prawns. Wash and wipe. Divide into halves lenghwise along the back. Arrange on plate with the tails at the centre. sprinkle with pepper and 1/3 tsp of mung bean flour. Pour 1 tbsp of water. Cover with microwave-safe plastic wrap.

虾剪去须及脚﹐抽去肠﹐洗净抹乾水﹐从背部切开边成二片﹐排在碟上﹐虾头向碟边﹐洒下少许胡椒粉﹐把 1/3茶匙生粉平均洒在虾上﹐淋下一汤匙水﹐盖上微波炉用保鲜纸﹐留一孔让蒸气排出。

Its main products have various types of modified landscape sprinkler, sanitation, municipal roads dedicated cars, all kinds of oil, chemical liquid truck, dump truck,á, bulk cement truck, powder material truck, concrete mixer coach cars, road obstacles cars, high-altitude operation truck, liquefied gas tankers, fire engines and live fish transport vehicles, asphalt distributor, vehicle transporters, such as lifting more than 30 varieties of models.


"Celebrants powder their faces for the Ganesh Chaturthi Festival in Mumbai, formerly called Bombay."


We'll need one pound of mascarpone cheese, a cup of heavy whipping cream, 1/2 cup granulated sugar, 3 tablespoons rum,~20 lady's fingers (a light, oblong Italian cookie with powdered sugar on one side), cocoa powder, a double shot (about 2 to 3 ounces) of espresso, 1/2 cup of prepared coffee, and shavings of unsweetened dark chocolate to top 1oz.


更多网络解释与洒粉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


意大利的"卡布奇诺"(Cappuccino)咖啡,是世上风味最独特的咖啡,大量奶泡的香甜和酥软令人垂涎. 真正上等的"卡布奇诺"是精选肯尼亚出产纯正咖啡豆用炭火焙烘而成的,在冲调时,顶部加上一层蒸汽打出的牛奶泡沫,再洒上一些巧克力粉或肉桂粉.

Well, I probably won't spill coffee grounds all over the kitchen floor:我大概不会把咖啡粉洒了一地

Okay, I'm going to make you some coffee.|我要替你煮咖... | Well, I probably won't spill coffee grounds all over the kitchen floor.|我大概不会把咖啡粉洒了一地 | Hi. I got you some coffee to..|嘿,咖啡来了...

Putting brick dust down'll keep harm away. - Mrs. Devereaux:在地上洒砖粉能够避邪

I've gone and read some hoodoo books, and they say...|我... | - Putting brick dust down'll keep harm away. - Mrs. Devereaux.|在地上洒砖粉能够避邪 | So I made a big circle of it around the whole house.|...

Stirring the pattern on the coffered ceiling:使天花板的图案也模糊不清

又把烟缕掷上镶板的房顶, Flung their smoke into the laquearia, | 使天花板的图案也模糊不清. Stirring the pattern on the coffered ceiling. | 大片海水浸过的木料洒上铜粉 Huge sea-wood fed with copper

Perilla Leaf:紫苏叶

在日本料理中,紫苏叶(Perilla Leaf)经常铺排搭配凉面或沙西米,扮演著色、香、味的角色. 在这道点心里,紫苏叶则是和奶油、糖粉、蛋与面粉水乳交融地和在一块,面团经过冰藏、再杆成片状,刻上叶脉,洒上芝麻再烘烤. 光嚼紫苏叶,有人觉得腥,


stick powder 炸药筒(爆破工程用的) | powdering 洒粉 | power 功率;动力;能力;幂,乘方

corn starch:粟粉

由于翻译问题,很多书把粟粉 (Corn Starch) 译成「玉米粉」,同时也把细粒状的粉黄色的玉米粉 (Corn Meal) 也译成「玉米粉」,,做成混乱,其实是不同的材料,Corn Meal 大多用来作杂粮口味的面包或洒在烤盘上,作为面团防沾之用.


bepelt 重投 | beplaster 覆满 | bepowder 洒粉


beplaster 覆满 | bepowder 洒粉 | bepraise 赞赏


bepowder 洒粉 | bepraise 赞赏 | bepuzzle 使困惑