英语人>词典>汉英 : 洋派 的英文翻译,例句
洋派 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Two seaplane carrying Submarines, I-21, and I-29, were proceeding to reconnoitre both Suva and Sydney.


And Andy Pettitte went up and in on Red Sox slugger David Ortiz with a fastball.

而洋基投手 andy小派则对红袜的长打者David Ortiz 投出近身、高的快速球。

While many in Yankeeland were hoping to land a "true"# 1 in Santana earlier this winter, Andy Pettitte dismissed the idea that Wang was anything but an ace, calling him "a stud."


Exclaimed Signor Pastrini,--"utterly impossible; there was only one left on the fifth floor of the Doria Palace, and that has been let to a Russian prince for twenty sequins a day."


But in a new season when the Yankees can't be sure what they'll get from anyone in the rest of their starting rotation -- not the kids Phil Hughes and Ian Kennedy, not the old standbys such as Mike Mussina or Andy Pettitte, who could both be gone next year -- Wang needed to hang up the same sort of gloom-chasing outing against division rival Toronto Tuesday night that Johan Santana did Monday for the Mets.


Her use of metallic paints in her gold and silver canvasses hints at a fascination with Warhol, whereas her more direct canvasses in black and white reference the in-your-face impact of Raymond Pettibone or the conceptual billboard work of Yoko Ono.


He was 11-3 after the All-Star break and turned in the Yankees' most effective start of the postseason, pitching 6 1/3 scoreless innings in Game 2 of the AL Division Series against the Cleveland Indians in one of the grittier starts of his career.


Clemens' buddy Andy Pettitte, who just re-upped with the Yankees for 2008, also was fingered in Mitchell's report as a user of human growth hormone.


Pettitte, who was 15-9 with a 4.05 ERA in 2007, played the first nine years of his career with the Yankees, winning four World Series titles while becoming the all-time leader in postseason victories by a lefthander.

小派今年球季15胜9负,ERA 4.05。他生涯前9年为洋基效力,得到4枚世界大赛冠军戒指并成为在季后赛最多胜投的左投。

The potential return of Andy Pettitte, who isn't expected to make a decision on retirement for at least a couple more weeks, is also something to watch as the calendar turns to December.


更多网络解释与洋派相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


效仿美式药房(drugstore)的模式,不但替病人配药,并提供各种生活用品,还把汽水机器、冰激凌柜台搬进了药房. 虽然被同行们嘲讽为"不务正业",但这家最原始的"资生堂西药房"却是日本当时最洋派的地方.


exoticism 洋派 | exoticism 异国风味 | exotics 外来植物


exotic 舶来品 | exoticism 洋派 | exoticism 异国风味


exotic /傀/异国的/外来的/外来物/舶来品/ | exoticism /异国风味/洋派/ | exotics /外来植物/

Philadelphia Phillies:费城费城人

洋基总教练吉拉迪(Joe Giradi)透露,由於阵中王牌投手沙胖[size=3]美国职棒大联盟MLB季后赛,费城费城人(Philadelphia Phillies)今天以5比4击败科罗拉多洛矶(Color[size=3]纽约洋基昨天除靠著先发强投派提特(Andy Pettitte)的稳定表现之外,


路透纽约9日电) 美国职棒 大联盟( MLB )纽约 洋基 (Yankees)今天宣布,左投老将 派提特 (Andy...


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