英语人>词典>汉英 : 洋洋得意 的英文翻译,例句
洋洋得意 的英文翻译、例句


in alt · tread on air · walk on air
更多网络例句与洋洋得意相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The beadle drew himself up with great pride, and said,'I inwented it.


He knows of course their triumphant proclamation by the Bonapartist generals themselves.


They were all pumped up and excited then. Had this chippy attitude that seemed the residue of being embarrassed by the Boston Celtics in the Finals.


Lennie, who had been following the conversation back and forth with his eyes, smiled complacently at the compliment


Said Mrs Jennings exultingly.


The revel had lasted since four o'clock, and, at length...the frolicsome company had begun to pract... The revel had lasted since four o'clock, and, at length…the frolicsome company had begun to practi.

英语有哪些单词到过来写也行 man -- nam 全国制造商协会 revel 欢宴,纵酒狂欢,闹饮狂欢,作乐;洋洋得意非常爱好,着迷 revel in a book 十分爱好读书 lever 杆;杠杆,类似杠杆的物体手段;途径;。

Once viewed as a rising star among Democrats, Spitzer made his announcement in a grim-faced appearance at his New York headquarters, with wife at his side.


This was no longer the flaunting hussy who had jeered at them in the road, but a broken, frightened woman.


This was no longer the flaunt ing hussy who had jeered at them in the road, but a broken, frightened woman


This attitude combines a lack of class consciousness,a somewhat jaunty optimism and an inquisitiveness which in combination look to the European like


更多网络解释与洋洋得意相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

crow over:(由于敌人或对手的失败)洋洋得意; 向...夸耀胜利

crow about吹嘘, 夸耀 | crow over(由于敌人或对手的失败)洋洋得意; 向...夸耀胜利 | refrain v.intr. To hold oneself back; forbear: 忍耐,节制自制以避免;忍住:

crow over"=delight in the defeat or misfortune of a rival:(因对手的失利) 炫耀胜利;洋洋得意

I wish John would stop crowing about his examination r... | 4."crow over"=delight in the defeat or misfortune of a rival (因对手的失利) 炫耀胜利;洋洋得意 | Harold's crowing over beating George at golf....


jaundicedprejudicedtendencious 有偏见的 | jauntily 洋洋得意地 | javaite 爪哇熔融石


jaunt /远足/ | jauntily /快活地/活泼地/洋洋得意地/ | jauntiness /快活/活泼/得意洋洋/

perky:活泼 逍遥自在 洋洋得意

exterior 外部的 adj 外部 外面 | perky 活泼 逍遥自在 洋洋得意 | lime 青柠檬


#55 Tell 快点告诉我. | #56 Smug 暗自开心,洋洋得意. | #57 Callme 打电话给我.

don't get too cocky,humphrey. we still have your subpar acting to deal with:别洋洋得意 Humphrey 你那差劲的演技还是个问题

so i,you know,i think it,uh, i think ... | don't get too cocky,humphrey. we still have your subpar acting to deal with.|别洋洋得意 Humphrey 你那差劲的演技还是个问题 | let's meet back here in a half an ...

walk on air:洋洋得意

walk off 离开 | walk on air 洋洋得意 | walk on 继续行走

in alt:洋洋得意

in allusion to 针对 | in alt 洋洋得意 | in an almighty fix 处境糟透了

tread on air:洋洋得意

tread lightly 轻轻地走 | tread on air 洋洋得意 | tread on eggs 如履薄冰