英语人>词典>汉英 : 注解 的英文翻译,例句
注解 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
annotation  ·  comment  ·  comments  ·  note  ·  commented  ·  commenting  ·  notes

explain with notes
更多网络例句与注解相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this article attempts to deconstruct from Lao Zi, on Lao Zi in Qing dynasty annotation ideological discussions and the work of the inductions, is committed are threefold: First, to explore on the meaning of the various annotation of Lao Zi, and unearth the annotator's implied intention.


Or see a line of code highlighted as comment (you forgot to insert a "*/").


It is a complex work to add annotation commands into Fangzheng gally proof files using Beida Fangzheng book edition software when we typesetting science and technology periodicals,because there are amany annotation items in BD typesetting language.


Annotation注解-----if corpora is said to be unannotated------it appears in its existing raw state of plain text,whereas annotated corpora has been enhanced with various type of linguistic information.


Annotations are to be recorded in the class file by the compiler and retained by the VM at run time, so they may be read reflectively.

编译后注解被存储在 class 文件中,且在运行时被JVM读取,因此可以通过反射动态获取注解提供的信息

The traditional image retrieval techniques, which are based on text description and keyword, have many limitations, such as overload, inaccurateness and subjectivity and so on, and they can no longer satisfy the demand.


But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers:' Pluff!


But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers: ' Pluff!


Between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river -- and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers: Pluff!

& (NETEM 2000, Passage 3, Paragraph 3)但是读到一句描写战斗的诗行的注解时,则令人有点心烦意乱,注解中说该诗描写了一名土耳其军官和一名保加利亚军官在一座桥上发生了搏斗,结果双双从桥上掉进河中——结果,诗把他们两人落水的声音和体重写在了一起:&扑通!

But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river -- and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers: Pluff!


更多网络解释与注解相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abattoir:中文解释:屠宰场 谐音谐意注解:挨剥堂

Abomb(原子弹)是"核爆米", | abattoir 中文解释:屠宰场 谐音谐意注解:挨剥堂 | brute中文解释:残忍的 谐音谐意注解: 不人道

Annotation Editor:注解编纂器

Anisotropic material 各向异性材料 | Annotation Editor 注解编纂器 | Annotation Preferences 注解设置

Annotation Preferences:注解设置

Annotation Editor 注解编纂器 | Annotation Preferences 注解设置 | ANSI Diameter Symbol ANSI直径符号


annotation 注解 | annotator 注解者 | annotinous 已生长一年的

cagey:中文解释:保密 谐音谐意注解:口紧

brute中文解释:残忍的 谐音谐意注解: 不人道 | cagey中文解释:保密 谐音谐意注解:口紧 | dove中文解释:主和派人物,鸽派 谐音谐意注解:谈和方

effeminate:中文解释:女人味的 谐音谐意注解: 一副美女态

dove中文解释:主和派人物,鸽派 谐音谐意注解:谈和方 | effeminate 中文解释:女人味的 谐音谐意注解: 一副美女态 | frown 中文解释:蹙眉表示不满 谐音谐意注解:愤神(色)

gyrate:中文解释:旋转,回旋 谐音谐意注解:转绕兜

frown 中文解释:蹙眉表示不满 谐音谐意注解:愤神(色) | gyrate 中文解释:旋转,回旋 谐音谐意注解:转绕兜 | incense 中文解释:香 谐音谐意注解香味)引深吸

pallid:中文解释;病态的 谐音谐意注解:病脸的

maid 中文解释:少女,女仆 谐音谐意注解:妹头 | pallid 中文解释;病态的 谐音谐意注解:病脸的 | ogre 中文解释:吃人的魔鬼 谐音谐意注解;恶鬼

code commenter:代码注解 代注解

code base 代码基底 代码基底 | code commenter 代码注解注解 | code components 代码组件 代码元件

annotated:有评注的, 有注解的

annotated preliminary list || 附说明的暂定项目表 | annotated || 有评注的, 有注解的 | annotation || 注解, 评注注解,注释