英语人>词典>汉英 : 泥煤 的英文翻译,例句
泥煤 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
peat  ·  peats

peat coal
更多网络例句与泥煤相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Okefenokee is an Anglicization of an American Indian word meaning "trembling earth" and describes the soft, spongy peat moss that gives an unstable feel to the swamp's drier areas.


The samples used in the investigation include seven demineralized raw coals ranging from peat to anthracite in rank and three chars derived from two demineralized bituminous coals and one boghead coal, and their combustion characteristics are analyzed using TG-DSC techniques.


Freundlich adsorption exponent (0.6382, 0.6844) and common logarithm of adsorption index (1.6932, 1.7115) for peat and humin are almost equal. They indicate that humin may control the binding ability of Ni(superscript 2+) onto peat. The results show that humin can act as a potential material for permeable reactive barrier.

泥煤和胡敏素吸附镍Freundlich吸附指数(0.6382, 0.6844)和吸附系数常用对数值(1.6932, 1.7115)数值非常接近,表明胡敏素组分可能决定了泥煤的吸附能力,因此胡敏素将可作为有潜力的可渗透性屏障地质材料。

Wow! Smokey and peaty. This is supposed to be the most distinct one in the Islay category.


This type of soil includes anthracite, coal, lignite and peat.


The adsorption processes are spontaneous and irreversible. The adsorption of Lutetium onto peat is exothermic.


Parameter n of Freundlich isotherm equation greater than unity describes Lutetium adsorption on peat by Lutetium-peat 1:1complex and rapid adsorption on peat.


The adsorption of Lutetium on the peat is studied under static conditions. The adsorption ratio and adsorption rate for Lutetium onto peat are so high that the surface complex reaction reaches equilibrium. The adsorption of Lutetium is not pH and ion strength dependent. The kinetic process of adsorption can be described by the Elovich equation excellently among five kinds of classical kinetic models, and the adsorption isotherm fits both the Langmuir equation and Freundlich equation very well by means of regression analyses.

静态条件下泥煤对溶液中Lu(上标 3+)的吸附率较高,而且吸附速度较快,镥与泥煤能迅速发生表面络合反应达到平衡。pH值和离子强度对低浓度镥吸附动力学影响不大。5个经典动力学方程中Elovich方程能较优地描述泥煤吸附Lu(上标 3+)的过程。

Results indicate that most of the Chinese peat belong to the low moor type, with high humic acid content around 40 to 50%.


There are plenty of other organic alternatives on the market to choose from (in addition your own home-made household/ garden compost), while peat-free compost can be bought for almost exactly the same price as the habitat-destructive peat moss.


更多网络解释与泥煤相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

peat bog:泥煤沼

任务步骤 1 与 [魔法师尼克索]说话后,他会请你到[泥煤沼]( Peat Bog )杀五只[泥沼粘液怪]

boghead coal:泥煤

bofumustine 波呋氮芥 | boghead coal 泥煤 | bogie 矿车

peat moss:泥煤苔

产蛋的地方应该有混合着干草的沙,泥煤苔(peat moss)等,在上面盖上树叶,这样的布置对雌龟是非常有吸引力的. 一些小型的淡水龟喜欢把蛋产在植物丛中. 我们可以假设,食螺龟也具有相同的习性.

moss peat:苔藓泥煤

苔 moss | 苔藓泥煤 moss peat | 苔纹玛瑙 moss-agate


活性碳是将一些含碳素的物质如木屑(Wood)、椰子壳(Coconut)、泥煤(Peat)、褐煤(Lignite)及烟煤(Bituminous Coal)等,经过碳化及活性等处理而得之多孔性(孔隙体积0.3 cc/g~1.5 cc/g)且具有广大表面积(通常为800~1500 m2/g)之优良吸附剂.

peaty:泥煤似的, 多泥煤的

unprimitive 非原始的,发达的 | peaty 泥煤似的, 多泥煤的 | livre 里弗(古时的法国货币单位及其银币)


peatman 泥炭矿工 | peaty 多泥煤的 | peaty 泥煤似的


saprolite 腐泥土 | sapropel 腐泥煤 | sapropelic coal 腐泥煤

sapropelic coal:腐泥煤

sapropel 腐泥煤 | sapropelic coal 腐泥煤 | sapropelite 腐泥岩


泥煤 sapropelic coal | 腐泥煤 sapropelite | 腐泥煤 sapropel-peat