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波动说 的英文翻译、例句


wave theory · undulatory theory
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This paper indicates,through talking about the historical process and debates of the establishment of light corpuscle theory and light fluctuation theory,that physical hypothesis plays a pioneering,bridging and promoting function.


In optics we have to decide in favour of the wave theory against the corpuscular theory of light.


We have seen that the corpuscular theory explains many of the observed facts. Is the wave theory also able to do this?


It still remains to be shown how the wave theory explains the refraction of light and the variety of colours. The corpuscular theory is capable of this, as we know.


We must again ask the questions which have already been answered by the corpuscular theory, to see whether the wave theory can do the answering just as well.


Until it is definitely proved by experiment that light may be bent, I do not see any reason for not believing in the corpuscular theory, which seems to me to be simpler, and therefore better, than the wave theory.


Thus we see that not only the corpuscular theory, but also the wave theory, leads to an explanation of refraction.


Descartes and Fermat were both proponents of a corpuscular theory; Huygens'believed in a wave theory.

笛卡尔和 Fermat 都是微粒子学说理论的支持者; Huygens 相信波动说

This was mostly true because during that time, the wave theory of light became the more accepted one.


The essential assumption of the wave theory of light is that different wave-lengths correspond to different colours.


更多网络解释与波动说相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


但是波动说巧妙地摆脱了这个难题:它假设了一种看不见 摸不着的介质来实现光的传播,这种介质有一个十分响亮而让人印象深刻的名字,叫做" 以太"(Aether).


好感和爱情也许只有一线之隔,混淆上不同的个体不同的概念,几乎无法说清道明. 后面尽量采用和靠拢社会上普遍认同的范围,避开概念边缘的波动以免大量歧义:在混沌的(Chaotic)概念中寻找秩序的(Lawful)明晰,本身就是愚蠢的.

Implied Volatility:引申波幅

又有历史波幅、引申波幅(IMPLIED VOLATILITY)之说. 历史波幅是根据相关资产的历史价格的变动计算出来. 显示相关资产在过去的波动及从而推断该相关资产将来的价格变化情况. 引伸波幅计算的是认股证价格的波幅. 是运用欧式期权理论价格模式(B-S MODEL,

indirect quotation:间接报价

间接货币:以美元为基准的,即是说一美元能兑换若干单位的本国货币,这种汇率与直接汇率的波动完全相反,当该种货币数字增大时,即表示该货币下跌,反之则表示上升,这种报价称之为间接报价(Indirect Quotation) 例如:1美元=1.2515/25瑞士法郎 1美元=107.35/45日圆 间接货币:日圆,


"他说,这种说法"误导了公众",实际上这种说法应该被能源"相互依赖"(interdependence)的说法代替. 他还表示,油价波动幅度过大对消费国和生产国来说都是有害的. 与此同时,荷兰皇家壳牌公司(Royal Dutch Shel)首席执行官彼得.沃瑟(Peter Voser)表示,


因照光而从金属表面脱离的电子可采用正极电压收集,收集所得的电子在电路回路中形成电流,称为光电流(photocurrent). 此实验证明了电磁波亦具有粒子性,说明了波同时具有波动与粒子的双重性,故被列为物理发展史上十大重要经典实验之一.


而且值得注意的是,他事实上利用偏振现象作为反对"波动说"的强有力证据,因为那时理解的波动说考虑的是纵向声波的那种波. 杨和菲涅耳的波为人所知要在一个世纪之后. 年);G.格林(1793-1841)将"势"(Potential)这个名词引入函数V(1828年).

Wave Theory:波动说

wave theory of light 光波理论 | wave theory 波动说 | wave 波

vitric fragment:玻屑

玻璃质|vitreous | 玻屑|vitric fragment | 波动说|undation theory

wave surface:波面,波陈面

wave spectroscopy 波谱学 | wave surface 波面,波陈面 | wave theory 波动说