英语人>词典>汉英 : 波兰人 的英文翻译,例句
波兰人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Polack  ·  polish  ·  polishes  ·  Pole

更多网络例句与波兰人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An American will say"I'm Polish"or"I'm Italian" because his great-grandparents were born in Poland or Italy.


For scarcely any nation has suffered since 1939 as Poland, carved up by the Hitler-Stalin nonaggression pact, transformed by the Nazis into the epicenter of their program to annihilate European Jewry, land of Auschwitz and Majdanek, killing field for millions of Christian Poles and millions of Polish Jews, brave home to the Warsaw Uprising, Soviet pawn, lonely Solidarity-led leader of post-Yalta Europe's fight for freedom, a place where, as one of its great poets, Wislawa Szymborska, wrote,"History counts its skeletons in round numbers"— 20,000 of them at Katyn.


Tens and thousands of Poles rounded up by Russian tanks and machine guns were taken as prisoners,as is shown in Andrzej's film,some of the prisoned Polish officers perspicaciously realized that Russia had not endorsed the Geneva Pact,which stipulates that humanitarian treatment should be accorded to POWs,while others still harbors a gleam of hope of being released,however,all of them didn't expect that out there in the black forests in Katyn,with the roaring of bulldozers,a mass grave for them was ghastly opening its bottomless mouth......

如同著名的波兰导演 Andrzej Wajda 在他最新力作 Katyn 中所表现的---两批逃亡的人在一座桥上惊慌的奔逃,但是他们又能逃到哪里呢?成百上千的波兰人被苏军坦克和机枪包围而成为俘虏。有些被俘的波兰军官敏锐的意识到,苏联没有在规定不准虐待战俘的日内瓦条约上签字,而其他人仍对被释放抱有一线希望。

When my father came to America from Poland, he came to Scranton, where there were already many other Poles living.


Watchmakers, taxi drivers, tailors and barbers were known derogatively as "prywaciarze" or privateers, but they had money and in a cash-poor economy they were, as Mr Mlodkowski puts it,"financial gods".


The Polish people can attribute their rapid rise out of obscurity to the Drang nach Osten of the Holy Roman Empire, which saw the Kaiser searching for allies to help crush the Polabian Slavs.


Canadians can campaign for Québec libre. Americans can support separatists in Puerto Rico, Vermont, Texas, California, Hawaii, Guam, and Alaska. Brits can work for a free Wales, and Scotland for the Scots. French can help free Tahitians, New Caledonians, Corsicans, and the Basques. Spaniards can also back the Basques, or the Catalonians. Italians can help Sicilian separatists or the Northern League. Danes can free the Faeroe Islands. Poles can back Cashubians. Japanese can help Okinawan separatists, and Filipinos can help the Moros. Thai can promote Patanni independence; Indonesians can promote Acehnese independence. New Zealanders can leave the islands to the Maori; Australians can vacate Papua. Sri Lankans can help Tamil separatists; Indians can help Sikh separatists.


Iraq explains why 51% of Poles opposed the missile-defence plan in one recent survey, says Radek Sikorski, an Atlanticist Pole who recently lost his job as defence minister amid a row over how exactly to negotiate with the United States over missile defences.


Iraq explains why 51% of Poles opposed the missile-defence plan in one recent survey, says Radek Sikorski, an Atlanticist Pole who recently lost his job as defence minister amid a row over how exactly to negotiate with the United States over missile


The Dutch in Nieuw Amsterdam viewed the English arrivistes with suspicion;the English mistrusted the Germans, who refused to hire the Irish, who discriminated against the Russians and Poles, who won't live next to the Vietnamese,and so on.


更多网络解释与波兰人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


大约在公元10世纪左右,通过喜好航海的荷兰人,波兰人开始认识茶叶. 但是,由于饮茶有明显的治疗某种疾病的效果,波兰人把"茶"同草药联系在一起. 于是出现了与草药(herb)相联系的"茶"字(herbata),既不接近于英文的"tea",也与俄语中的"chaj"相去甚远.

Lech Kaczynski:莱赫.卡钦斯基

波兰总统莱赫 卡钦斯基(Lech Kaczynski)比图斯克更加坦率地表达了自己对苏联的看法. 他将苏联军队杀害逾2万名波兰军官,与纳粹对犹太人的大屠杀相提并论. 他表示: 犹太人被害,是因为他们是犹太人;波兰军官被害,是因为他们是波兰人.

Polack:<美俚><贬> 波兰人, 波兰血统的家伙

compensating digits [信]补偿数字 | Polack 波兰人, 波兰血统的家伙 | let in 放进, 允许...进入, 嵌入


俄罗斯人辱称:Boris, Tartar, Vut, Vodka-Pisser | 波兰人辱称:Polack | 东欧人/乌克兰人辱称:Babuska


poky 慢吞吞 | Polack 波兰人 | Poland 波兰


Pokhara /博克拉/ | Polack /波兰人/波兰血统的家伙/ | Poland /波兰/


班图人..........lu-suzi | 印度人............pud | 波兰人..........pierdzenic


svvizera,svvizero瑞士,瑞士人 | polonia,polacco波兰,波兰人/语 | irlanda,irlandese爱尔兰,爱尔兰人/语


以谋联络维也纳于中的大多数捷克小商;他们想靠了这点为根掠宗教的反犹太主我于是憎恨着维也给的人种的驳杂. 我更憎恨着捷克人、波兰人、匈牙利人、罗沙泥亚人(Ruthenians)塞尔维亚人(Serbs)克罗特人

Polack:<美俚><贬> 波兰人, 波兰血统的家伙

compensating digits [信]补偿数字 | Polack <美俚><贬> 波兰人, 波兰血统的家伙 | let in 放进, 允许...进入, 嵌入