英语人>词典>汉英 : 泡碱 的英文翻译,例句
泡碱 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
natron  ·  natronite

更多网络例句与泡碱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective:To establish the methods for the determination of gallic acid and berberine hydrochloride in Fukang vaginal effervescent tablets .


Since its inception 96 years, with a strong engineering and technical strength and excellent quality management, to become well-known enterprises, Dongguan City, in the various regions of the country enjoys a high reputation, the company introduced advanced foreign technology mass production of the wholesale carved sludge, cloud art card carving sludge, color sludge, rubber mud, clay, Fimo clay, anti cement, mold clay, sculpture work, oven, press mud machine, Fimo design and production, AB water, PU resin, unsaturated resin, a variety of silicone oil, the Japanese Shin-Etsu KF-96, 2-methyl silicone oil , Emulsified silicone oil , Silica gel, silicone, food defoamer, students with rubber mud, palm clay, color clay, carved clay, epoxy AB glue, green red gum, Crystal, head knot soil, Fimo clay, plastic raw materials button , water-soluble silicone oil, silicone oil emulsion, Shin-Etsu potassium-based high-temperature silicone oil and all kinds of silicone oil, Poly water, accelerator, light powder, hardening agent, caustic soda, caustic soda, titanium dioxide, bar-mode band, skim gauze, Wen Zhangbu, trimming needles, repair embryo gun oil, gun repair embryo, glass fibers, fiber cloth, hot sol, paint extinction powder, oil dry cleaners, petroleum jelly, ceramic mold release agent, green red gum, potassium soap, silicon oil, silicone, mold rubber, silicone Recycling of waste silicone resin, ceramic ...


Who spoke of an mineral that when mixed with natron produced a 'fiery poison'.


The priests wave around more incense and put natron cleansing salt and resin on the floor.


The next step was to remove the deceased person's inner organs. A slit was cut into the left side of the body so that the embalmers could remove the intestines, the liver, the stomach and the lungs. Each of these organs was embalmed using natron, which served to dry out the organs and discourage bacteria from decaying the tissues.


Found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, an alabaster container with finely carved stoppers carried the pharaoh's internal organs, preserved with natron, into the afterlife.


Foam equipment used for sea slug and water quality should be clean, not contaminated with oil, alkali and other debris easily contaminated, because sea cucumbers case of oil and alkali could easily lead to rot.


And the leaf succulence of Salsola implicata and Suaeda linifolia changes drastically, strong drought resistance is indicated, but that of Halocnemum strobilaceum and Kalidium foliatum is not


Soil available N was positively correlated with spore density of Salvia miltiorrhiza and Dioscorea opposite, and hyphal and total percent colonization of Adenophora borealis, while negatively correlated with arbuscular colonization of Aster tataricus; Soil available P exhibited a positive correlation with arbuscular colonization of Salvia miltiorrhiza and vesicular colonization of Dioscorea opposite, while a negative correlation with spore density of Platycodon grandiflorus and vesicular colonization of Atractylodes macrocephala; Spore density of Bupleurum Chinense had a positive affection with soil organic matter; Soil pH was negatively correlated with hyphal and total colonization of Adenophora borealis and spore density of Bupleurum chinense, while positively correlated with spore density of Adenophora borealis.


The experimental results show that: lithium is scatteredly precipitated as natural lithium carbonate in the whole evaporation process, and the highest content of natural lithium carbonate in solid phase is 2.0%, so it is difficult to get the mixed salt with high-grade lithium carbonate; boron is precipitated as borax in the whole evaporation process, and borax is precipitated in large quantity with the highest content of 15.64% in solid phase until the brine is extremely concentrated (CWR≥97.9%) and intergrows closely with typical cold-phase natron; potassium is precipitated as sylvite and aphthitalite in the whole evaporation process with a content from 9.49% to 34.44%.


更多网络解释与泡碱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


所有这些方法都基于这一物理特性,即突变和野生型DNA链间错配或未配对碱基所产生的泡状结构(bubble)或突起(bulge),然而,这种区分间有很多重叠. 环出异源双链技术(Heteroduples of loops) 未配对的多个碱基或环 未知或已知的缺失或插入 琼脂糖或丙烯胺 Nagamine等1989年额外加入对照DNA分子(Control DNA)以确保在样品为纯合子

natron calk:碱石灰

natron 氧化钠,泡碱,含水苏打 | natron calk 碱石灰 | natural abrasive 天然磨料

Effervescent tablets:泡腾片

泡腾片(effervescent tablets)是指置于水中,可因产生二氧化碳而快速崩解的片剂,应含遇水发生反应而产生二氧化碳的辅料,常用碱金属的碳酸酸盐或碳酸氢盐,并与酒石酸或枸橼酸合用,枸橼酸应用较广泛,碱与酸的比例可由化学反应式求出,但枸橼酸应稍过量,


耐盐水试验无异状在 5%食盐 (NaCI)中泡 1个月耐酸试验无异状在 5%盐酸 (HCI)中泡 24小时耐碱试验无异状在 10%氢氧化钠 ( NaOH)中泡 24小时耐甲醇试验稍软化甲醇 (Methanol)中泡 24小时耐乙醇试验稍软化乙醇 (Ethanol)中泡 24小

natrium lead:钠铅合金

natrium 钠 Na(11) | natrium lead 钠铅合金 (Na 2% ) | natron 氧化钠,泡碱,含水苏打

natrolite tinguaite:钠沸霓霞脉岩

钠沸响岩 natrolite phonolite | 钠沸霓霞脉岩 natrolite tinguaite | 泡碱 natron



natron lake:泡碱湖,高碱湖

natriuretic hormone 钠尿激素 | natron lake 泡碱湖,高碱湖 | Natta catalyst 纳塔催化剂

soap bubble leak detection:皂泡探漏

a cake [cube] of soap一块肥皂 | soap bubble leak detection皂泡探漏 | soap test(测定水的硬度的)石碱试验

soap test:(测定水的硬度的)石碱试验

soap bubble leak detection皂泡探漏 | soap test(测定水的硬度的)石碱试验 | cheap adj. 便宜的;廉价的