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泛生的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pangenetic  ·  panmeristic

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But this is not to say that pan-Asian ethnicity is devoid of culture and sentiment. On the contrary, while panethnic groups may be circumstantially created, they are not circumstantially sustained (see Cornell 1988b). Once established, the panethnic group – through its institutions, leaders, and networks - produces and transforms panethnic culture and consciousness.

即便如此,这并不表示泛亚族裔性这个概念不具有文化意涵和情感,相反的,当泛族裔团体在某些状况下顺势而生时,虽不见得就能从此延续(见Cornell 1988b),但一旦成立,这些泛族裔团体会透过制度、领导者和人脉来衍生与转变泛族裔的文化与意识。

In1909,Johannsen coined the word "gene", shortened from the pangene of de Vries and ultimately derived from Darwin's word pangenesis,to denote the unit of heredity.


Mendel's concept was given a name by Hugo de Vries in 1889, who, at that time probably unaware of Mendel's work, in his book Intracellular Pangenesis coined the term "pangen" for "the smallest particle one hereditary characteristic".

孟德尔的概念得到了名的雨果德弗里斯在1889年,谁,在那个时候可能不知道,孟德尔的工作,在他的书中创造的内泛生论"一词pangen "为"最小的粒子一个遗传特征"。

A hypothetical particle of heredity postulated to be the mediating factor in the production of new cells in the theory of pangenesis.


In the process, the panethnic idea becomes autonomous, capable of replenishing itself. Over time, it may even outlive the circumstances and interests that produced it, creating conditions that sustain and revivify it.


They arebirth stochastic integral functionals,death stochastic integral func-tionals and stochastic integral functionals at time t in level dependentQBD processes,respectively.


In1909,Johannsen coined the word "gene", shortened from the pangene of de Vries and ultimately derived from Darwin's word pangenesis,to denote the unit of heredity.


Early in 1995, in his "Desire" series where red and blue lines come in strong contrast with each other, Ma Yiping instinctively used his personal experience to drop a hint of the transcendence of life. From 1996 to 2001, his "Images" series established the development direction of his art, owing to its artistic expression_r_r of overloaded psychological priori images. In his works before or after 2003, dream-like symbolic images presented perplexed feeling of human beings about the universe and the physical world. In his "images" series in 2006, uncertain images stood on black cube-shaped objects and ambiguous edges pointed to various uncertain directions with the accompaniment of silver light and shadow. At this point, the intuitive perception of the essence of nature made his artistic style gradually take shape. In his later "fetish" series, in which he gradually became mature in spiritual and symbolic expression_r_rs, Ma Yiping fully grasped the eternal sense of the spiritual world.


A theory of heredity proposed by Charles Darwin in which gemmules containing hereditary information from every part of the body coalesce in the gonads and are incorporated into the reproductive cells.


Mendel's concept was given a name by Hugo de Vries in 1889, who, at that time probably unaware of Mendel's work, in his book Intracellular Pangenesis coined the term "pangen" for "the smallest particle one hereditary characteristic".

孟德尔的概念得到了名的雨果德弗里斯在1889年,谁,在那个时候可能不知道,孟德尔的工作,在他的书中创造的内泛生论&一词pangen &为&最小的粒子一个遗传特征&。

更多网络解释与泛生的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cold front:冷峰

交汇处/峰面/气团界面:气象要素差异大=*泛导~~1/0;分为冷峰(cold front),暖峰(warm front),静止峰(still front)--气象要素的泛导的泛导,二阶泛导的分类(对策巧显生),~~~类比于极值分析方法的二阶泛导的泛系量化评估.


他在后半生中用了大部分精力来构建新的遗传理论--"泛生论"(pangenesis). 他认为生物体各部分的细胞都带有某种特定的称之为"微芽"的遗传成分,这些成分可以随着环境的变化而在性质上发生改变,并可以集中于生殖细胞和遗传给子代.


泛子(假说的单位) pangen | 泛生说 pangenesis | 大风子科的一族 Pangieae

theory of pangenesis:泛生论

认为生物的生殖细胞中含有控制性状发育的遗传因子;而"基因"(gene)一词作为遗传单位的名称,则是在1909年由约翰森创造的,该词是由德.弗里斯创造的"泛生子"(pangene)一词缩短而成的,而"泛生子"一词则衍生于达尔文提出的"泛生论"(theory of pangenesis).

calcium pantothenate:泛酸鈣(維生素B群),豐富柔嫩和潤絲

Butylene glycol:有效的頭髮潤滑劑 | Calcium pantothenate:泛酸鈣(維生素B群),豐富柔嫩和潤絲 | Calendula:金盞花,舒緩、柔軟和療癒

warm front:暖峰

交汇处/峰面/气团界面:气象要素差异大=*泛导~~1/0;分为冷峰(cold front),暖峰(warm front),静止峰(still front)--气象要素的泛导的泛导,二阶泛导的分类(对策巧显生),~~~类比于极值分析方法的二阶泛导的泛系量化评估.


tropic of Capricorn 南回歸線 | tropicopolitan 熱帶遍生的;泛熱帶的 | tropicopolitan species 熱帶遍生種;泛熱帶種

tropicopolitan species:熱帶遍生種;泛熱帶種

tropicopolitan 熱帶遍生的;泛熱帶的 | tropicopolitan species 熱帶遍生種;泛熱帶種 | tropics 熱帶地方


和峰面泛极相伴有气旋、云系/雨层云(nimbostratus)、峰面雨/气旋雨,它们都是峰面泛极的现实显生. 峰面泛极的活动或者再次的泛导往往容易引起人们生理功能的紊乱,是再再次的泛导,而生理功能的紊乱的内部又有一系列的泛系变分原理,

life instinct:生的本能

弗洛伊德认为人类最基本的本能有两类:一类是生的本能(life instinct);另一类是死的本能(death instinct)(即死亡本能). 生的本能包括性欲本能(Eros)与个体生存本能,其目的是保持种族的繁衍与个体的生存. 弗洛伊德是泛性论者,在他的眼里,