英语人>词典>汉英 : 法律的实施 的英文翻译,例句
法律的实施 的英文翻译、例句


law enforcement · administration of law · operation of law
更多网络例句与法律的实施相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the Chinese rural community,law wants of subject identification,defensiveness,indispensability in the process of functioning.


The function of the procuratorial organ is to supervise the implementation of laws.


Application of law depends on lots of factors;internal reasonability oflaw serves as a important reason.


Inspection of the response and actions of the Los Angeles Police SWAT team will be done.


If, after the signing of this Agreement, the Chinese government either at the State, provincial, municipal or local level adopts any new law, regulation, decree or rule, amends or repeals any provision of any law, regulation, decree or rule, or adopts any different interpretation or method of implementation of any law, regulation, decree or rule, which contravenes this Agreement or which materially and adversely affects a Party's economic benefit under this Agreement, then upon written notice thereof from the affected party to the other Party, the Parties shall promptly consult and decide whether to continue to implement this Agreement in accordance with the original provisions thereof as per the relevant provisions of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China; or to effectuate necessary adjustments in order to preserve each Party's economic benefit under this Agreement on a basis no less favorable than the economic benefit it would have received if such law, regulation, decree or rule had not been adopted, amended, repealed or so interpreted or implemented.

如果, 在签署这个协议以后,中国政府或者在状态,省,市政或地方水平采取任一新法律,章程,旨令或规则,赔偿或撤销任一法律任一个供应,章程,旨令或规则,或采取任一法律的实施任一个另外解释或方法,章程,旨令或规则,哪些违反这个协议或物质哪些和有害地影响一个Party。。s 经济好处根据这个协议,然后在书面通知因此从受影响的党对另一党,党将咨询和及时地决定是否继续实施这个协议与原物符合provisions 因此正如每People。。s 中华民国的合同法律的相关的供应;或完成必要的调整为了保存各个Party。。s 经济好处根据这个协议根据依据没有较不有利比它会接受如果这样的法律的经济好处,章程,旨令或规则未被采取,修正,撤销或如此解释或实施。

If , after the signing of this Agreement, the Chinese government either at the State, provincial, municipal or local level adopts any new law, regulation, decree or rule, amends or repeals any provision of any law, regulation, decree or rule, or adopts any different interpretation or method of implementation of any law, regulation, decree or rule, which contravenes this Agreement or which materially and adversely affects a party's economic benefit under this Agreement, then upon written notice thereof from the affected party to the other Party…本例中的thereof

如果本协议签署之后,中国国家,省,市或地方政府通过任何新的法律,法规,法令或条例,修改或废除任何法律,法规,法令或条例的任何条款,或对任何法律,法规,法令或条 4 例给予不同的解释或采取不同的实施办法,导致与本协议相冲突,或对一方在本协议项下的经济利益造成实质性的不利影响,受影响的一方经书面通知另一方后……课后练习:课后练习:下面对中国合同法中的两句译得不是很到位,请尝试用古旧副词对其加以改造: 1。

The authority of the board is restricted by the articles of associations and operation of law.


Legal belief is the ideological basis for building the rule of law and the hallmark of realizing legal society.


While some Western jurists have studied the enforcement of relevant laws, there is little discussion about the moral foundation of the right to education.


Despite years of effort, law-enforcement and intelligence agencies' databases are not, by and large, linked.


更多网络解释与法律的实施相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to come into force:生效

law enforcement 法律的实施 | to come into force 生效 | decree 法令

ratification, confirmation:批准

to enact a law, to promulgate a law 颁布法律 | ratification, confirmation 批准 | law enforcement 法律的实施

ratification, confirmation:批准Wug中国学习动力网

to enact a law, to promulgate a law 颁布法律Wug中国学习动力网 | ratification, confirmation 批准Wug中国学习动力网 | law enforcement 法律的实施Wug中国学习动力网

ratification, confirmation:批准Yyx无忧研修网

to enact a law, to promulgate a law 颁布法律Yyx无忧研修网 | ratification, confirmation 批准Yyx无忧研修网 | law enforcement 法律的实施Yyx无忧研修网


knotless没有结的 | L:landless无土地的 | lawless未实施法律的


lawless未实施法律的 | leafless无叶的 | legless大醉

EG: promulgate:法律的实施(这个我还不理解啊,莫名类,可能是说社会的进步使法律实施吧

pro- 向前 | EG: promulgate 法律的实施(这个我还不理解啊,莫名类,可能是说社会的进步使法律实施吧!) | ad- 强调


(a) "继承人"(successor) 就某雇员的雇主而言,指(除(b)段另有规定外)任何在该雇员所受雇从事的企业或企业的一部分的拥有权有所变更(不论是凭藉出售、其他形式的产权处置或法律的实施所致)后已成为该企业或该部分的拥有人的人;

exempting from any liability:法律责任......获得豁免

获......给予豁免,使其不受......的实施规限-----exempted . . . from the operation ... | 法律责任......获得豁免-----exempting from any liability | 获豁免......的义务-----is exempted from the obligation to...

father complex:恋父情结

认为法律是确定的、静止的,判决完全可以预测,这种看法只能是一个"基本的法律神话"(basic legal myth)和儿童"恋父情结"(father complex)的残余. 法律的实施并非一种精确的形式化的科学流程,而必须以一种"似乎很精确的方式"来处理一些"实际上无法精确处理的问题".