英语人>词典>汉英 : 法坦 的英文翻译,例句
法坦 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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This text from 艾森斯坦 because of distinguishing the relevant conclusion between method and number theory inside gaved a few and whole coefficient polynomial can't invite of judge the method, discussed at the same time not higher than four times whole coefficient polynomial can invite sex problem, get some three times, four times whole coefficient polynomial can invite sexual and simple judging the method.


After their marriage in 1942, the couple left Iowa for a defense-related job he had been offered with Consolidated Engineering Corporation in Pasadena, California.


Well now,a little gentleman,very reverend,full of years and honors,learned in Cufic inscriptionsand cuneiform characters,wrote to The Timesstating that it was not Stanley who had discoveredLivingstone but that it was Livingstone who haddiscovered Stanley.


It is ridiculous for any one to profess himself to be a Mahometan only in his religion, but in everything else a faithful :(ct to a Christian magistrate, whilst at the same time he acknowledges himself bound to yield blind obedience to the Mufti of Constantinople, who himself is entirely obedient to the Ottoman Emperor and frames the feigned oracles of that religion according to his pleasure.


At the heart of the book are three magnificent essays, about the Hatfield train crash of 2000; the sinking of the Titanic and the film "Titanic"(a wonderful meditation on hysteria and myth-making); and the lost cinemas of Farnworth, Mr Jack's home town, which is also a circuitous epitaph for a lost brother.


Was born in Leipzig, the Leipzig University .1831 harmony and counterpoint .1833 Wurzburg, he became head of theater and opera chorus,"demons." In 1842 his opera "Leith Qi" in the performance a big success, this served as the command .1849 Dresden Royal Opera House, joined in May failed to escape the riots caused by Zurich refuge .1854 began brewing four years, in conjunction opera "Nibelung root Ring "and complete the opera" Tristan und Isolde,"the creation of .1860 years, returning in 1864 to be King Ludwig of Bavaria invited to Munich perform" Tristan und Isolde." In 1876 to build on thanks to the Opera .1877 Pruitt began work,"Parsifal," 182 years to complete because of illness drag .183 years, died of a heart attack in Venice.


Nowadays in India, the true orthodox Buddhism has been completely extinguished with only a few superficial appearances left, and the substance has been replaced by the non-Buddhist tantrism of couple-practice. About Theravada Buddhism, although it can still keep the appearance of sound-hearer Buddhism and is not defiled by the non-Buddhist tantrism, it is rare to find the saints who can personally realize the sound-hearer liberation now. As for Mahayana Buddhism, there are only Buddhist rituals and the mind-consciousness dharma now in China, which has just recovered from the ravage of the Cultural Revolution. In both Japan and Korea, only the appearance of Buddhist rituals but not practice remains and there is no even the mind-consciousness practice like in China. Therefore the practitioners in China, Japan and Korea cannot touch the real content of the practice and realization to fulfill the Buddhahood way of the great-vehicle Buddhism.


Objective To establish a method for the determination of bacterial endotoxin of cefotetan disodium for injection.

目的 对头孢替坦二钠进行凝胶法干扰试验,建立无菌原料药头孢替坦二钠细菌内毒素检查的试验方法。

Apodemus agrariuswas predominant in the field accounted for63.16%.The infectious rates of Hattanvirus in Rattus norvegicus and Suncus murinus were7.69%and25.00%,respectively.


And Jesse begat David the king; and David the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias ; And Solomon begat Roboam ; and Roboam begat Abia ; and Abia begat Asa ; And Asa begat Josaphat ; and Josaphat begat Joram ; and Joram begat Ozias ; And Ozias begat Joatham ; and Joatham begat Achaz ; and Achaz begat Ezekias ; And Ezekias begat Manasses ; and Manasses begat Amon ; and Amon begat Josias ; And Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Babylon : And after they were brought to Babylon, Jechonias begat Salathiel ; and Salathiel begat Zorobabel ; And Zorobabel begat Abiud ; and Abiud begat Eliakim ; and Eliakim begat Azor ; And Azor begat Sadoc ; and Sadoc begat Achim ; and Achim begat Eliud ; And Eliud begat Eleazar ; and Eleazar begat Matthan ; and Matthan begat Jacob; And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.


更多网络解释与法坦相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Frankenstein monster:法蘭克斯坦的怪物;科學怪人 作法自斃的人

fight like Kilkenny cats 像吉爾肯尼貓一樣打架 死拼到兩敗俱傷 | Frankenstein monster 法蘭克斯坦的怪物;科學怪人 作法自斃的人 | French leave 法國式離別 不辭而別

George ? Steck:乔治.斯泰克斯坦威贝森朵夫佩卓夫法西奥里贝希坦斯

Meister,Otto麦斯特尔 | Nordiska诺的斯卡 | George.Steck乔治.斯泰克斯坦威贝森朵夫佩卓夫法西奥里贝希坦斯


"醌-亚胺染料","quinone-imine dye" | "奎坦棉麻织物(法国产)","quintain" | "箭形花纹","quirk"

Steinway Sons:斯坦威

当今最著名的钢琴很多,我们可以听到有:斯坦威(Steinway Sons)、贝森多夫(Bosendorfer)、法奇奥里(Fazioli)和贝切斯坦 (Bechstein). 在过去的一年里,也许是我的执着感动了上苍,结果很幸运、也很意外地都能在现场认认真真听过至少一次.

Stein estimator:史坦估計量

Steepest-descent method 最陡坡度法 | Stein estimator 史坦估計量 | Stein rule 史坦法則

Stein rule:史坦法則

Stein estimator 史坦估計量 | Stein rule 史坦法則 | Stein-like estimator 史坦形式估計式

Steiner analysis:斯坦纳分析法

唐斯分析法 Downs analysis | 斯坦纳分析法 Steiner analysis | 威氏分析法 Wits analysis


泰坦鳄首科 TITANOSUCHOIDEA | 泰坦兽 titanothere | 沉淀素反应滴定法 titration of precipitins



Wendell Stanley:温德尔.斯坦利

约翰. 法伊弗 John Pfeiffer | 温德尔.斯坦利 Wendell Stanley | 温德尔.斯坦利 Wendell Stanley