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法国作家 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Sade  ·  Zola

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Maugham is beneficially impacted by those French naturalistic writers like, Stradart, Balzac, Goncourt, Fraubert and Franze etc.; 3 the influence of Maughams personal experience.


Actually, the same day is the date of Shakespeare's birth and death, and is the birthday of authors such as William Faulkner, Maurice Druon, and Halldó Kiljan Laxness, so it is a fitting and proper choice for world reading day.


This school included other French writers such as Stendhal and Honorè Balzac, as well as English writers like George Eliot and Thomas Hardy.


Born Francoise Quoirez into a wealthy family in 1935, she wrote under the name of a character created by Marcel Proust and burst onto the literary scene with Bonjour Tristesse in 1954, a tale of spoilt children of the bourgeoisie.


Actually, the same day is the date of Shakespeare's birth and death, and is the birthday of authors such as William Faulkner, Maurice Druon, and Halldó Kiljan Laxness, so it is a fitting and proper choice for world reading day.


The story goes that when the young Tarantino was working in a Los Angeles video store his distate for fancy-pants European auteurs like, for example, Louis Malle manifested itself in an inability to pronounce the titles of their films.


The story goes that when the young Tarantino was working in a Los Angeles video store his distate for fancy-pants European auteurs like, for example, Louis Malle manifested itself in an inability to pronounce the titles of their films.

这个故事也表达了作者思想的转变过程。实际上,当塔峦堤诺在洛杉矶的录像店工作时,他就不喜欢那欧洲作家及导演所崇尚的哑剧式的幽默。接下来,我们想起了另一位法国作家及导演路易斯。迈里。毋庸置疑,他是欧洲文化的推崇和拥戴者。但是在他的电影《Au Revoir les Enfants》中,路易斯。

The widow of French writer Paul Scarron, she secretly married the king(c.1685) after the death of his first wife.


At the ARF Bookish Assembly hosted by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying on May 29, Mr. Chuang Wen-fu presented the first report on the book Boule de Suif, a masterpiece by French writer Guy de Maupassant. The book took the background of "Franco-Prussian War" in 1870. It is a story about a prostitute nicknamed Boule de Suif and other famous French refugees.


The subject of this dissertation is Andre Malraux (1901-1976), a renowned French man of letters and political figure in the 20~ century.

本文以法国20世纪著名作家、政治家安德烈·马尔罗(André Malraux,1901-1976)为研究对象,试图将这个与中国和亚洲有直接和多方面关系的法国作家放在20世纪东西方文化产生激烈碰撞、交流和融合的背景下进行考察。

更多网络解释与法国作家相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cary Elwes:加里-埃尔维斯

主演:安妮.海瑟薇 (Anne Hathaway)/休.丹西(Hugh Dancy)/加里.埃尔维斯 (Cary Elwes)/帕特里克.博金(Patrick Bergin)这部影片改编自18世纪备受争议的法国作家萨德(SADE)的小说,讲述二战末在纳粹占领的意大利北部某城,


显然这种打扮就是所谓的时髦儿(Dandy). 这股时尚潮流一扩散,更影响到对岸的法国作家和一些没落贵族,例如巴尔札克、福楼拜、波特莱尔以及孟德斯鸠伯爵等人的穿著. 到了十九世纪末,英国作家王尔德也大力宣扬这套时髦美学. 至於名牌服饰,

Milos Forman:米洛斯.福尔曼

>是把18世纪法国作家拉克洛(Choderlos de Laclos)的小说>按韩国朝鲜时代的情况改编的,之前国外包括1959年罗杰.瓦迪姆(Roger Vadim)的>,米洛斯.福尔曼 (Milos Forman)的>(Valmont,

Prix Goncourt:龚古尔文学奖

龚古尔文学奖(Prix Goncourt)是法国最重要的文学奖,由19世纪法国作家爱德蒙.德.龚古尔(Edmond de Goncourt ,1822年-1896年)為他早逝的弟弟儒勒.德.龚古尔(Jules de Goncourt,1830年-1870年)设立的,这两位作家对法国自然主义小说、社会史和艺术评论都有较大的贡献,

JULES VERNE:儒勒.凡尔纳(法国作家)

belief n.信念;信心;信仰 | Jules Verne 儒勒.凡尔纳(法国作家) | league n.里格(旧时长度单位,约为三英里或三海里);联盟;社团

Guyde Maupassant:法国作家

第四届美国总统 James Madison; | 法国作家 Guyde Maupassant; | 伊斯兰教的创始人 Mohammed;

Guy de Maupassant:法国作家

第四届美国总统 James Madison; | 法国作家 Guy de Maupassant; | 伊斯兰教的创始人 Mohammed;

Michael Pollan:美国加大伯克利的新闻学教授,作家

133. Lisa Jackson 美国环保局的头头 | 134. Michael Pollan 美国加大伯克利的新闻学教授,作家 | 135. Christine Lagarde 法国财长

James Laxer:作家,专栏作家和时事评论者,加拿大政治学教授

Paul Laurendeau-法国研究系,语言学家和语言哲学家 | James Laxer-作家,专栏作家和时事评论者,加拿大政治学教授 | Irving Layton-诗人

Jorge Luis Borges:阿根廷作家博尔赫斯

如:法国诗人保罗•瓦雷(莱)里(Paul Valery)在这里被译成保罗•瓦累利,俄罗斯思想家巴赫金(Bakhtin)被译成巴克厅,爱尔兰作家贝克特(Samuel Beckett)变成了贝凯特,阿根廷作家博尔赫斯(Jorge Luis Borges)成了伯杰斯,德国哲学家狄尔泰(Dilthey)则摇身一变为迪尔泽…